Friday, July 25, 2008

Big Brother 10 - Live Feeds Into Friday Dawn 7/25

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

I don't know what graphic artist Zoetawny has against aliens, do you? I don't think the aliens really want Jessie on their side. Probably the weasels aren't too thrilled with the comparison, either. My apologies for being a bit behind on things -- here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Weaselish Aliens:

  • Apparently Michelle's key was the last in the box.
  • Keesha, Libra, and April worked to draft Jerry to their side -- this happened before the videos I posted last night.
  • Jessie is determined to win POV. He told Michelle that if he does, she'll probably end up on the block but have the votes to stay against Angie.
  • Angie, Michelle, and Memphis seem to be holding out for some sort of hope that Libra can be backdoored. I don't see that happening this week. Keesha needs her alliance people right now and Libra is part of that alliance. If she plays smart, she'll keep with Libra and let the bad light shine on Libra instead of herself as numbers dwindle.
  • Jessie told Memphis that they (him and Angie) are on the block because of Memphis -- guilt by association.
  • Unfortunately, it looks like the core group of the Keesha alliance is targeting Angie instead of Jessie this week.
  • Angie isn't sure of her standing with show fans. She doesn't think she has any sort of fan following.
  • Memphis asked Keesha if she planned to backdoor him. She told him that wasn't the plan.
  • Memphis told Keesha he wants Jerry gone. Keesha has already promised Jerry she won't nominate him. Plus, they need Jerry for numbers in their alliance right now. But she didn't mention the latter to Memphis.
  • Memphis thinks Jerry doesn't like him because he called him a womanizer.
  • Libra told Dan that Jessie threw her under the bus trying to get her on the block.
  • Libra told Dan she has his back. I don't know how that is going to work out what with Dan having Jessie's back. Oh well, baby's got back, I guess.
  • Libra thinks she's a female Dr. Will. Oh, that's SO wrong!
  • Renny told Keesha that she thinks Ollie, April, and Libra are playing her. Keesha said she's not worried -- those three will turn against each other soon enough.
  • Jessie told Memphis and Angie that he thinks Memphis will go on the block if the veto is used. What happened to him thinking it would be Michelle?
  • Michelle agreed that if she wins the veto, she will not use it. That was after Keesha told her if she didn't use it, she wouldn't be backdoored.
  • Libra rationed the chicken in the house. A mix of control issues and bad food comp results, I guess.
  • Renny and April had a minor catfight over something Jessie said. Meow.
  • Jessie approached Angie and Memphis wondering if he should approach Keesha about Operation Backdoor Libra. I don't think that will work.
  • Memphis said that if he wins POV and she doesn't put up Libra, he'll nominate her (Keesha) next week when he's HOH. @@
  • April and Ollie made out more. Yawn.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

BB10 - Jessie Talks with Jerry about the Nominations

I am really, really under the weather tonight -- I'll try to catch up with detailed happenings in the morning. I recorded Jessie's reaction to being nominated as he talked to Jerry. He's upset that somehow people think he said or did something to embarrass them all on Craig Ferguson the other night. He also took offense to being called a "ho" by Craig. :-)

BB10: Live Feeds Bulletin - Noms are IN!

The feeds just returned and it's JESSIE and Angie on the block. Keesha doesn't want to be alone with Jessie due to his temper. More later!

Big Brother 10 - Live Feeds Quickie and Screen Caps

This is just a quickie report as the feeds have been flukey, I had to go have more blood drawn for my Coumadin dosage levels, weird things have been going on in my life today ... and more.

The food comp was held. It sounds like it was a whole house effort and no one seems too thrilled with the results. It doesn't sound like slop, but we're talking pumpernickel. But the biggest news -- right now Keesha is talking to Jerry. She tells him (girl alliance at hand) that she will be putting JESSIE and Angie on the block. Woohoo! Get body boy on outta there!

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Since the Live Eviction

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

Zoetawny made a neato graphic in honor of Steven's unanimous eviction! So, how will things change with Keesha ruling the roost? Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Hooters Rule:

  • Libra and April seem to have forgotten any differences in the past and are happy with the Keesha win.
  • April is upset with how the show is portraying her. She thinks Ollie is being portrayed fine because he's a preacher's son and she's being edited to be a loose woman. (Then don't have sex on the feeds. You're lucky the show didn't air that, April!)
  • Jerry is upset with Libra's answer to Julie's question about the old people on teams. He should be upset -- she just reiterated her position and isn't acknowledging that April was the weakest link in that comp.
  • The HG think Julie asks questions to stir the pot.
  • April said she had to force herself not to throw up after eating so America wouldn't think she's bulemic. (Hmm ... is she?)
  • Keesha told Libra she's definitely going to put Angie on the block, she just isn't sure of the second nomination. They think Angie is manipulating the men.
  • When Jerry told Michelle she walks like a duck, she insisted she tries to walk like a model. @@
  • In her HOH reveal, no one stayed away. Renny stayed after everyone else consoling Keesh who cried over her letter from home.
  • Amongst other things, Keesha got a photograph of her new nephew who was born after she left for the show. Hair color, family photographs ... but no photographs of her boyfriend. Hmmm.
  • In a Renny/Keesha talk, Renny told Keesha she shouldn't worry about going back on her word because Libra has been backstabbing her. Keesha told Renny she had an original agreement with Libra.
  • Renny told Keesha she's fine with someone like her (Keesha) winning, but not Libra.
  • April wants Keesha to put up Memphis and Angie.
  • Keesha won't put Jerry on the block -- she promised him.
  • Keesha told Memphis she's putting Angie on the block. He's not a happy camper.
  • Memphis told Jessie and Michelle that Keesha wants Angie to go this week.
  • Keesha and Libra had a heart to heart talk. Ain't that sweet?
  • Then Libra and Dan had a heart to heart talk. Can't you feel the love?
  • BB gave them alcohol. Everyone but Jerry and Angie hung out in the HOH room drinking.
  • After everyone left HOH, Dan remained behind. He told Keesha he has no one in the house and generally worked for a reprieve from nomination this week.
  • Keesha is still determined to put Angie up, still uncertain of the other nominee, and wants to trust Dan. She's not thrilled with April, but I don't think she's seriously considering putting her on the block.
  • All are asleep as I post this.