Sunday, July 27, 2008

BB10 - POV Meeting & Tonight's Show Plans

As expected, Keesha kept the nominations the same. Some are talking about Angie's "classy" speech and Jessie's dumb speech. I'm not surprised.

The show will be starting here on the East Coast soon. A new live blogging post will be up!

Big Brother 10 - Live Feeds into Sunday Dawn

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

Yep, just when we needed it most, Zoetawny created a banner plane for us! It's very unusual to see one houseguest with no fans whatsoever. But I haven't seen anyone even try to defend Jessie. His latest actions aren't helping his case. Unfortunately, he's not the target this week -- Angie is. While I'm hoping he'll sink himself, I don't think it's likely.

Here's the skinny on the Big Brother House Day of Banners and Brouhahas:
  • Jessie spent most of the day whining how he shouldn't be on the block and telling everyone they should backdoor Libra.
  • He doesn't think it's fair he went on the block because April and Libra promised him they wouldn't put him up this week.
  • Of course, they didn't. Keesha put him up.
  • Dan seems to have solidified with the Keesha, Ollie, April, Libra, Jerry, and Renny group.
  • Michelle and Jerry had a brouhaha over who supposedly said what about whom.
  • Speaking of that, Jerry thinks he's clever calling Jessie and Memphis "whats." I'm just not seeing the sparkling wit about it.
  • I don't even want to mention Ollie and April. Use your imagination.
  • But ... April is still denying to everyone that they've slept together. Let's watch to see if her nose grows.
  • A banner plane flew over -- BB must be off their guard as Michelle, Memphis, and Jessie were in the yard.
  • According to Libra, Memphis said the banner read, "Keesha, Libra is a liar! Love, Steven"
  • Later Memphis told her he was kidding and it really said, "We love you, Libra."
  • We didn't see the plane on the feeds. I had my cam on the group in the HOH room when the feeds suddenly cut out due to the banner plane.
  • Memphis is still ticked at Jerry for calling him a womanizer.
  • Jerry doesn't think it's a horrible insult and it's true about him.
  • Angie has resigned herself to going home this week. While she offered Keesha some advice, she's basically laying low and mellow.
  • There was a brief power outage after a flickering of the lights.
  • Despite all the talk from Jessie, Angie, and Michelle -- Keesha is sticking with her alliance. She promised both Jerry and Libra she wouldn't put them up this week and she won't. There is safety in numbers.
  • The HG are wondering about an empty frame with a key slot on the memory wall.
  • Memphis is wearing down. He said it's the most he's felt like going home and he won't talk ever again to Jerry.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

BB10 Live Feeds - Jessie is Freaking - Heh

Heh ... it's great watching Jessie implode. Although the target is Angie, hopefully he'll annoy enough people to get the boot.

Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Since POV

Sucking his thumb isn't a good look for Ollie.

Rub-a-dub-dub, three houseguests in a tub.

So, this week it's the mighty Keesha who is both the HOH and winner of the power of veto. Jessie must be freaking out, eh? Up on the block are Jessie and Angie and that's not likely to change since Keesha holds all of the power. Alas (for me, anyway), Angie is the target, not Jessie. Sigh.

Here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of Bubbles and Thumbs:
  • Dan hosted the POV comp. Good. I didn't want to hear Jerry screaming hoarsely again.
  • The comp sounds like it was complicated -- something about having to rest their heads on buttons and worms.
  • Jessie has a plan to tell Jerry that everyone wanted him out to win him over to his side. He also thinks if he tells Dan that Libra is the one who wanted him on the block, that will win Dan over.
  • Keesha knows the others want Libra out, but right now she needs Libra for the numbers.
  • Jerry went and told Jessie he's safe this week, Angie is the target. Argh, Jerry!
  • Shades of Nakomis, April and Keesha pinkyswore tor a final two pact.
  • April told Keesha that Libra is really getting on her nerves. Keesha has had Libra's number all along.
  • Ollie told Keesha and April he often removes himself from the group because of Libra.
  • Renny's birthday is Tuesday. She wants BB to do something for the occasion.
  • Angie tried to get Michelle more on her side.
  • MIchelle thinks that most of the house wants Libra out. She's right, but I don't see it happening right now.
  • April thinks this week is a good opportunity to get Jessie out. (YES!) Ollie agrees, saying that America will think they're stupid if they don't. (YES!)
  • Angie finally went to go have a talk with Keesha. Michelle encouraged Angie to try getting Keesha to put Libra on the block. Now, I know that won't work at this time.
  • Angie also told Keesha how she missed Steven and just didn't want to be the target.
  • I don't think the talk changed Keesha's mind.
  • Michelle and Jessie seriously thought that Angie's talk with Keesha would immediately result in Keesha agreeing to put Libra on the block. Silly hamsters.
  • Jessie told Keesha that he did what the house wanted last week and is upset that he's being used as a pawn. He wants her to put Libra on the block. Keesha told him that she won't do it -- she had given her word to Libra that she wouldn't put her on the block this week and she won't.
  • Jessie tried to pressure her -- putting him up was just wrong and based on a lie according to him.
  • He told Keesha she was mindwashed by the mob, Libra would use her for the next three days and then be done with her, on and on. It's really not helping his case. (Good.)
  • In a HOH room gathering Jerry said that if Jessie didn't go home he'd be coming after them.
  • Jerry and Ollie don't like that Dan is talking so much with Jessie and Memphis.
  • Jerry was on a Suspect Dan kick for a long time. When he talked to Dan about hanging out with "them," Dan said it didn't mean he was part of their (Memphis, Jessie, etc.) alliance.
  • Jerry's latest is that he thinks Memphis should be backdoored this week.
  • The girls with Renny nearby had a bubble bath in the HOH bathroom.
  • Oh, geez ... as I'm typing this the camera switched to Ollie and April having sex AGAIN. "Oh, I think we need to get a towel." Blech.
On that note, I'm outta here.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Bulletin - POV

The feeds were blocked for over 3 1/2 hours and when I finally heard the news, Blogger was down. Argh.

Keesha won the power of veto. Libra came in second.