My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'm afraid they haven't been too exciting.
Join me later for the live-blogging of tonight's eviction and HOH show!
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Into Thursday
I obviously didn't take this screen cap during the overnight hours! While I did watch the latest HG appearance on Craig Ferguson, but didn't transcribe it. Jessie still came off as a goof. I'll dig around YouTube to see if I can find it. Julie Chen was a guest again and she'll be back next week, too. This might be a weekly deal from now on.
In other news from that Big Brother House of Too Touchy Young Men:
- As I mentioned in the TVS report, Jerry apologized to Memphis for calling him a womanizer. @@
- By playing up to Memphis, Jerry made himself a heck of a lot more suspicious to the girls. Even Renny is ticked. Libra claims they only needed him for the week anyway.
- When confronted about the apology, Jerry told the girls he wanted to apologize all along and wanted to do it when neither he or Memphis had power.
- Renny feels what Jerry did is a betrayal.
- April and Libra got mad because Ollie and Dan started hanging out with Jessie, Memphis, Michelle, and Angie.
- Uh-oh.
- Heh. Dan told Renny she looked like the mother in Mommy Dearest and she hit him. Too bad she didn't have a hanger. Not a wire hanger, of course. We never use wire hangers.
- Michelle got all upset and called Ollie, April, Libra, etc. losers. She then went off to cry by herself.
- The house majority vote still seems to be for Angie to go. Libra told Dan a lot of folks would rather Jessie, but it's not their decision.
- Memphis said that if he wins HOH, he'll put April and Libra on the block.
- They're all asleep as I post this. Since they were on indoor lockdown since last night, it's very possible an endurance comp may be being set up in the yard.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn
Sheesh. Every screen cap of Ollie I take ends up weird. He'll be sucking his thumb or his eyes will be closed. Go figure. My full review/recap of last night's show is up over on TV Squad. Here's the latest news from inside that Big Brother house of Womanizers and Easily Offended Boys:
- Although Libra fussed that she lost 12 pounds on slop and Jessie whined that he's lost 6 pounds on the block, Keesha thinks she's gained 10 pounds.
- Despite their alliance with Jerry, the gals (Libra, Keesha, April) still bash him behind his back. At least they don't threaten him physically because he called them womanizers. @@
- Dan and others now think that Jessie is portrayed as the "bad guy" in the house. After last night, I think it's a tie between Memphis and Jessie. Oh, and not "bad" per se. More like pathetic.
- Jerry told Keesha he's never been in a real actual fistfight in his life.
- Memphis is already showing signs of abandoning the Jessie/Michelle alliance. He told Keesha that he wants to work with her and promised her safety.
- Although they bash him behind his back -- Libra, April, and Keesha got mad when Jessie was once again namecalling and giving Jerry a rough time in the yard.
- Keesha mentioned to Renny that BB never gave her the HOH camera. They still don't know the live show is changed to Thursday.
- Renny would like to cast a vote for Jessie to leave, but Keesha's plan is still Angie.
- Renny actually worked out with Body Boy.
- Jerry told Dan when it's down to the last bunch, the girls will stick together.
- Keesha, Libra, and April went through Renny's clothes stash looking for interesting outfits for a birthday surprise.
- April made Renny a cake. BB didn't celebrate the birthday like they have in past seasons.
- Libra and April are suspicious of Dan. They think if there's a twist this season, it's Dan.
- Libra actually talked to Dan about it. He claims that he enjoys the companionship and wanted to know who questioned his game.
- And, now, even though she told him she was the one with suspicions, a new bond has formed between Libra and Dan.
- All are asleep as I post this.
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