Thursday, July 31, 2008

Big Brother 10 - 7/31 Live Eviction Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area. Recap, recap ... and more recap.

Eek. The live audience frightened me. Julie has a beige dress on. I don't know It looks Star Trek-y to me. More recap material. Why is Jessie wearing a Notre Dame shirt? I'm sure he wouldn't make the grade there. Keesha is confident the house will follow her plan and Jessie is safe. Michelle cries to us. Aw, like family, aw-bawl. Angie remains cool talking to her. Aw, Michelle's two closest friends are on the block. Go cry some more.

Memphis is still going on about the womanizer. Recap of him going off at Jerry. Angie talks to Jerry -- tells him the people he's sucking up to may not have the power next week -- bigger fish to fry. Jerry tells her it's not his choice. Jerry tells her that Memphis, Jessie, and Michelle grew too cocky last week. He tells her we'll work it out. Memphis is suspicious.

Jessie is once again being nervous with Keesha in HOH. Memphis runs to tell them that Jerry told Angie there's a chance. Angie and Michelle talking about Jerry going where the power is at. Michelle ticked when Angie said Jerry said her name. Angie planned that!

Jerry goes to HOH group while Michelle runs to her boyz. She's going to do physical harm, so she must calm down. Jerry denies telling Angie she's still in the game.

Michelle, "You talking about me?" Scream! You were talking about me to Angie. "You're not worthy of my comments!" Her boyz come in and Jessie defends his dawg. Coming up, America's Player...

Will Jessie's ego be the straw which breaks the camel's back? The house is about to be shaken up -- EARTHQUAKE! I love that Libra has a mud mask on. Jerry thought a car or something hit the house. Memphis thinks Jerry's an idiot.

Jessie is waving bye to Libra from the lawn as she looks out the window. He gave kissy noises. Libra thinks he's trying to intimidate him. Jessie thinks she's the most "deviant" person in the house. Renny says Jessie is going down.

Jessie walked by Jerry and called him "Father Time." Keesha says she's close to switching it up -- her people will vote her way. She can't believe he's acting out. Ollie, April, and Libra are exercising as Libra clues them in on Jessie's latest immature antics. April thinks it's the perfect time to get rid of him. Will Keesha listen?

Libra is really anti-Jessie. "Some of the houseguests are definitely fed up with him." - Keesha about Jessie.

To the living room for the Julie talk --

Michelle - The banner - First thing came to mind? Excited. She's not saying what was on it.

Memphis -- Womanizer? Extreme reaction? Dedicated his life to treating women with respect. It hurts. Character attack.

Jerry -- Great bunch of kids? Still feel this way, tells us he apologized to Memphis. Yes, Memphis accepted it, but might not forget it. He doesn't recall his "words" with Michelle. He said four of them after him.

Renny -- Birthday, best thing in the house? Being with all the people she's become friends with, they made her feel special.

Tlak to Keesha in HOH -- Why is Angie more to blame for Steven? She wouldn't take the blame at all. Pressure to put Libra up how long? All the way to end. Renny or Libra loyalty? More Renny. Others underestimated her? They know they have to be a little more fearful. - not a ditzy blond.

Talk with nominees:
Angie -- Interesting 3 weeks, friends, enemies. Only one person will win, not an alliance, need to decide who is the biggest roadblock. Mistake you don't want to regret.

Jessie -- Came in with respect. Power, did what he thought would make people happy. (He's not making sense) I'm not going to sit down when I think I was disrespected.

Voting to begin -- votes are to evict:
Memphis votes for Angie
Michelle votes to evict Angie
Jerry votes Angie
Renny votes Angie
Libra votes Angie
April votes Angie
Ollie votes Angie
Dan votes She finally tells him she's not Mrs. Chen!-- Angie

Unanimous -- Angie is voted out, those fools.

Julie gives the HG the news. Angie looks like she knows she's going home. Julie said "Jessie ... you are safe." just to annoy him. His cheeks are all red. Everyone hugs her, but it's quiet. Until the audience cheers, that is. Inside, Michelle is crying. Jessie is looking stupid. Keesha doesn't look too happy. All seem to be almost moping.

Julie compliments Angie's speech. Does she buy the Steven eviction excuse from Keesha? Angie thinks it also had to do with girls competing. She's used to hanging with the guys and likes to be outside. She's crying a bit.

Goodbye messages -- Jessie - pushing 110% for you. (Not making sense again). Jerry -- Real neat young lady, cool cat. Memphis - Been fun, nice . Michelle - I'm going to get these people back, jealousy did it.

Brian's hat ... if it bothers them, I'll wear it more.

Next -- AP and "the battle for HOH begins." -- quick shot of the HG all lined up on a ledge over water. Yep, an endurance comp. Argh ... I have to write the TV Squad review on deadline. I'll cover it the best I can.

America's Player -- One week, $20,000. And, it's Dan. He's laughing as he reads it. Keep it a secret or lose it all. He's blown away, appreciative. Who am I to deny America? He accepts it.

HOH comp -- Living on the Edge. Last one standing on ledge is HOH. They do have a bar and a fake brick facade. The facade is moving, tilting sownward. Earthquake? Aftershocks. Shaking and dust. The ledge is just short of Jerry's foot length.

Dan's first assignment == who should he try to get nominated? If the person with the most votes is HOH, next highest gets it.

Latest BB10 Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'm afraid they haven't been too exciting.

Join me later for the live-blogging of tonight's eviction and HOH show!

BB10 HG on Ferguson Last Night (7/31) - Video

Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Into Thursday

I obviously didn't take this screen cap during the overnight hours! While I did watch the latest HG appearance on Craig Ferguson, but didn't transcribe it. Jessie still came off as a goof. I'll dig around YouTube to see if I can find it. Julie Chen was a guest again and she'll be back next week, too. This might be a weekly deal from now on.

In other news from that Big Brother House of Too Touchy Young Men:
  • As I mentioned in the TVS report, Jerry apologized to Memphis for calling him a womanizer. @@
  • By playing up to Memphis, Jerry made himself a heck of a lot more suspicious to the girls. Even Renny is ticked. Libra claims they only needed him for the week anyway.
  • When confronted about the apology, Jerry told the girls he wanted to apologize all along and wanted to do it when neither he or Memphis had power.
  • Renny feels what Jerry did is a betrayal.
  • April and Libra got mad because Ollie and Dan started hanging out with Jessie, Memphis, Michelle, and Angie.
  • Uh-oh.
  • Heh. Dan told Renny she looked like the mother in Mommy Dearest and she hit him. Too bad she didn't have a hanger. Not a wire hanger, of course. We never use wire hangers.
  • Michelle got all upset and called Ollie, April, Libra, etc. losers. She then went off to cry by herself.
  • The house majority vote still seems to be for Angie to go. Libra told Dan a lot of folks would rather Jessie, but it's not their decision.
  • Memphis said that if he wins HOH, he'll put April and Libra on the block.
  • They're all asleep as I post this. Since they were on indoor lockdown since last night, it's very possible an endurance comp may be being set up in the yard.