Yeah, Ollie is sitting pretty through the nominations. Even if Keesha or Libra are saved by the veto, his name isn't in the mix. It would most likely be Dan going up as a replacement. Here's what's happened since my last update:
- Amongst other things, they did win a feast during their food comp.
- Michelle is getting tired of being popular just because she's HOH, but thinks she would be on the block had she not won it.
- Michelle is still ticked off about the "two-headed snake" remark regarding her and Jessie.
- Everyone is on slop until their Saturday feast.
- Dan's key was the last drawn from the box during nominations.
- Michelle told him she did it for a reason. He has never won a comp, acts suspiciously, Jerry thinks he's America's Player, and he betrayed them by voting Jessie out.
- Dan tried to defend his actions by saying he was told that April and company wanted to go after floaters next and he thought he was in danger of being nominated.
- Apparently April's key was the first one pulled. Keesha thinks it odd that the person who put Jessie on the block was safe first.
- Keesha told Dan that Memphis promised to save her with the veto if he wins it, but she's not sure if that promise is still good.
- Dan said in the "celeb" food comp, Brian gave him hints by being overly fake to April and saluting Jerry.
- Jerry told Ollie and April that Jen and Ryan had sex in the house. Oh, no ... he doesn't realize that Ollie and April are at it! @@
- April, Ollie, and Jerry think the vote will be unanimous to evict Libra.
- Renny is angry that she's considered a floater with Dan. She thinks a lot of people will go home from the house to find their actions have been looked upon as bad even though it is all a game.
- Everyone ... well, Ollie, April, Libra, Keesha ... have all said that if the POV comp is a luxury one, they'll take the prizes over the POV. I doubt it will be a luxury one as they just had one last week. But it's interesting that the two on the block are saying it, eh?
- Renny complained to Dan about Jerry's bad behavior -- grabbing boobs, bad manners, the way he plays the game so obviously playing up to the power each week, and acting all so high and mighty.
- Michelle said she didn't put April on the block because her goal is to get Libra out. Too many people might vote for an April eviction over Libra -- it's more sure that out of Libra and Keesha, Libra would be voted out.
- Keesha told Michelle that she's never been her target -- she wants others out of the house before Michelle.
- Renny got ticked because when Dan said goodnight to Jerry, Jerry didn't even answer. She thinks Jerry is beyond rude.
- Jerry is acting like Dan is a leper or something.
- April told Ollie she wants Keesha and Libra to apologize to her. He told her not to bother -- they won't apologize because they have no morals. @@ -- like he's one to talk!
- Michelle told Dan that if she had put up Jerry and Libra on the block, Jerry would go. She really, really wants Libra gone.
- Dan says he wants the feed watchers to create a website -- Heh. Actually, I don't think he has any reason to worry about his job.
- Dan once again said goodnight to Jerry upon going to bed. After a long pause, Jerry said goodnight to him.
- Is all well in hamster land? I think not.