Saturday, August 16, 2008

BB10: Checking In

Hey, folks ... just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten you. Above are two screen caps I took a few minutes ago as Memphis, Dan, and Michelle chat in the backyard. Oops, I forgot to get a screen cap of Michelle! Heehee.

I've had a post in pending over at TV Squad for quite some time now. I have no clue when it will go live. Thankfully, nothing really exciting has happened since the POV comp results.

P.S. - That post is up on TV Squad. It's been uneventful for the most part all day and into the evening.

Big Brother 10 Bulletin - POV

The houseguests were right -- POV played out in the middle of the night. And, the winner? DAN

Yes, Dan has won the Power of Veto.

Friday, August 15, 2008

BB10: Latest Live Feeds and Nominations

Nominations still aren't in, but they recently blocked the feeds with nothing awry ... so maybe! My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. When I know if this latest block is the noms or not, I'll let you know.

Feeds returned, It doesn't seem to be noms. Michelle, Keesha, and Ollie are talking about how they think something is going on tonight like POV as BB didn't put the exercise equipment back in the yard.

UPDATE: At 8:10 PM ET, they were put on outdoor lockdown (except for Renny and her black dress), then the feeds were blocked. So, the nominations ceremony should be in progress.

Another UPDATE: Feeds back at 9:38 PM ET. Jerry is on the block. Renny told him she doesn't want him to go home. April is the other nominee.

BB10: Food Comp Results and ...

... giant lollipops. Yes, that's what won in the CBS poll. As for the food comp, it was the icky food eating one. I think: On slop are April, Dan, Keesha, and Jerry. Memphis is also on slop, but he's toying with the idea of using his slop pass from that POV comp. I may be wrong about Keesha because I swear I saw her eat a pretzel with Renny. Those on slop can have giant lollipops.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Since Renny Became Queen of the House

Nicely done, Renny.

For me, this is the perfect HOH at the right time. Unlike others, I think Renny will be her own HOH and won't expect everyone to vote her way. But then, her nominations won't include anyone put in there as a pawn. I think she'll put up two people she wants to go home and have a back-up plan for if the veto is used. At least, I hope so. Here's the skinny since Renny Became Queen:
  • Memphis is loving the fact that Renny is HOH.
  • April and Ollie are thinking their best case scenario is if one of them is up with Jerry, then one could win veto and save the other.
  • Memphis, Dan, and Keesha already feel safe for the week. They think Renny will target April out first.
  • Michelle told Memphis and Keesha that she heard the live show go nuts when Renny won. Keesha said they always applaud -- she thinks there's "Applause" signs.
  • Ollie and April hope Jerry doesn't attach himself to them all week.
  • Dan told Keesha about Libra approaching him for the vote and how Ollie tried to feel him out as to the vote (feel OUT, mind you, not UP ... no gutter minds, please!). Dan wasn't sure that the vote would go down the way it did.
  • Memphis and Keesha think they handled their side winning with much more class than last week's win.
  • I think they did, too.
  • April told Michelle that if Renny's smart she'll put up Dan and Jerry. Um, yeah ... right, April. I think that ain't gonna happen. I don't think she has any thought of putting Dan on the block.
  • Jerry took time out of his busy day to remind Michelle and Keesha that he kept his word to them. Already side switching, eh?
  • Michelle is a bit upset that Libra didn't say goodbye to her. I didn't notice that when I watched the show.
  • April and Ollie talked about Michelle "faking it" and how they know she made a deal with "them."
  • When Jerry defended his behavior as "at least everyone knows how I feel," they both thought it might be better say nothing at all if you can't be nice. They don't practice that all the time themselves, but ...!
  • Keesha mentioned in front of Jerry that she would never call someone a "two-headed snake." He didn't defend himself.
  • April is planning on throwing Jerry under the bus to Renny. I'm not surprised, but I don't think it would be anything Renny doesn't already know.
  • April thinks the Diary Room loves her, can't wait to see what she does and that no one would want to be up against her. She thinks Renny is close with Ollie and will go after Jerry for all the problems he's caused in the house.
  • Can you say delusional? Sure, Renny might put Jerry on the block, but I think she sees right through both April and Ollie.
  • Ollie says he will throw everyone under the bus. He will let Renny know that she's mistaken if she thinks Keesha has her back.
  • You and I know that won't work.
  • Memphis and Keesha think the Libra approaching Dan for a vote might have all been Libra. Oh, no ... you foolish tools!
  • Renny talked to Keesha about Memphis. She thinks Memphis is using them to get further ahead. (And, yes, he is.)
  • Renny told Keesha she has a pretty good idea who she wants to put on the block. She also thinks that Memphis would sell both of them down the river quite quickly.
  • Renny likened Memphis to a quiet April.
  • In her new HOH room, Renny cried at the photo of her mother.
  • Not long after Renny got her room, the hamsters were stuck on an outdoor lockdown.
  • April's custom-selected designer dresses arrived.
  • Renny talked to Michelle asking her if anyone had talked about getting her (Renny) out of the house and if Michelle would put her up if she won HOH. Michelle told her she wouldn't.
  • Renny told Michelle that if it came down to the both of them in the final two, she'd rather Michelle get the win. I think she thinks Michelle needs the money more.
  • Renny is still upset about being called a floater in the game.
  • For all of the nice talk, Renny told Michelle if she sells her out, she won't forget it.
  • Renny also questioned Michelle for her opinion on Memphis. Michelle had nothing bad to say about him.
  • Renny said she's going to go with her gut for nominations -- she wants April out. (Yay, I knew I haven't misplaced my faith in her!)
  • Renny says no one will sway her in the game -- nice guys finish last and it's time she got mean.
  • Michelle told April she knows Jerry was teaming with them (Ollie and April) to change the vote. She seems to think it was Jerry's idea and you know April and Ollie ran with that!
  • April, most likely with ulterior motives, gave Michelle a pair of the earrings she received with the clothes.
  • All are asleep as I post this.