Without much scheduled drama until tomorrow's PoV meeting, things are a bit quiet in the house. Nonetheless, there are a few things worth mentioning:
- Renny has clamped down on other people using the HOH bathroom. She says she doesn't even let her husband use her personal bathroom at home.
- April got paranoid thinking everyone had been called into the Diary Room except for her.
- They experimented with slop cooking.
- Michelle and Ollie trashtalked the departed Libra.
- April thinks Michelle will vote to keep her. Ollie also thinks Dan owes them the vote.
- More got into trashtalking Libra. Keesha said that Libra was the one who told her "they" were coming after her. (Wasn't it Renny?)
- Keesha told the others that production told Dan to wear the POV necklace when he went upstairs to talk to Renny.
- They all think it's quieter and less drama with Libra gone.
- April spent various periods of time throughout the day and evening crying by herself.
- April thinks the reason she's on the block is because others are jealous that she's won prizes. @@
- April is upset because people are saying bad things about her. (It must be because they're jealous, right?)
- Ollie comforted her. When Michelle asked what was wrong, April told her everyone has forgotten that she has feelings, too.
- Dan told Memphis that Renny wouldn't tell him who she plans to put on the block if he uses the veto. (They're worried it's Memphis.)
- All are asleep as I post this.
Hey, folks ... just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten you. Above are two screen caps I took a few minutes ago as Memphis, Dan, and Michelle chat in the backyard. Oops, I forgot to get a screen cap of Michelle! Heehee.
I've had a post in pending over at TV Squad for quite some time now. I have no clue when it will go live. Thankfully, nothing really exciting has happened since the POV comp results.
P.S. - That post is up on TV Squad. It's been uneventful for the most part all day and into the evening.
The houseguests were right -- POV played out in the middle of the night. And, the winner? DAN
Yes, Dan has won the Power of Veto.
Nominations still aren't in, but they recently blocked the feeds with nothing awry ... so maybe! My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. When I know if this latest block is the noms or not, I'll let you know.
Feeds returned, It doesn't seem to be noms. Michelle, Keesha, and Ollie are talking about how they think something is going on tonight like POV as BB didn't put the exercise equipment back in the yard.
UPDATE: At 8:10 PM ET, they were put on outdoor lockdown (except for Renny and her black dress), then the feeds were blocked. So, the nominations ceremony should be in progress.
Another UPDATE: Feeds back at 9:38 PM ET. Jerry is on the block. Renny told him she doesn't want him to go home. April is the other nominee.
... giant lollipops. Yes, that's what won in the CBS poll. As for the food comp, it was the icky food eating one. I think: On slop are April, Dan, Keesha, and Jerry. Memphis is also on slop, but he's toying with the idea of using his slop pass from that POV comp. I may be wrong about Keesha because I swear I saw her eat a pretzel with Renny. Those on slop can have giant lollipops.