I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Monday, August 18, 2008
BB10: Latest Live Feeds
Memphis relaxes in the yard above while Dan has a praying mantis trapped under a plastic container below. And, my latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. With the exception of the veto meeting, today has been rather uneventful. Since my report was written, Renny had a long talk with Dan about Memphis. Dan said he could be trusted in a group, but he has concerns about him, too. Renny told Dan she trusts him more than she does Memphis. Good. I like Dan better than I do Memphis.
BB10: POV Bulletin
Dan did NOT use the POV. Both April and Jerry are still on the block. It's still looking like Dan, Keesha, and Memphis will vote for April to go while only Ollie and perhaps Michelle will vote to keep her. Michelle has gotten very close with Ollie and April as of late, but her vote still might go either way, especially if she realizes April will go no matter how she votes.
Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Into Monday, etc.
No, this isn't a current screen cap. I took it yesterday, but I know how much some of the readers like Dan in his shorts. I also forgot to mention that I had a live feeds report posted on TV Squad just about show time last night, as well as a recap/review of the show.
Here's the recent happenings from inside the Big Brother House of Insane in the Membrane:
- Ollie tried to convince Dan to use the veto to save April. He mentioned $1,000 pay off in the BB gold bars she has. When Dan asked if he'd be upset if he didn't use it, Ollie said he would.
- Ollie claims he just wants to know if April is going so they can spend quality time together.
- Michelle asked Dan if he made any deals with Jerry to use the POV to save him. (Although Jerry apologized, Dan didn't say he'd use the veto to save him.)
- Michelle told Memphis that Jerry said he didn't want to be there any longer. (Yeah, right.)
- Renny once again told Jerry he wouldn't be going home (sequester) this week.
- Dan thinks Renny screwed up this week by not putting up April and Ollie. (I think so, too.)
- Renny and Jerry agreed that Memphis is not really any friend of Keesha's. They both think he's using her.
- Ollie tried to convince April she needed to offer Dan the $1,000. (Nice of him to try to give away her money, then tell her later!)
- Michelle and April think a female producer (DR) is nicer to Jerry than to them.
- Dan and Michelle talked about going into an alliance with Ollie and April, but no firm decision was made.
- April was evasive when Dan asked her who she'd put on the block if she stayed and won HOH. She says she has nothing against anybody in the house. @@
- Keesha worked on Dan not to use the veto. I think she's more convincing than Ollie, April, and Michelle.
- Memphis doesn't want him to use it because it's likely he'd go on the block.
- Renny and Dan talked. She said she can see it in April's and Memphis' eyes how much they want the win. She thinks they'd do anything to get it.
- Dan told Renny he didn't commit to anything with April. (True.)
- All are asleep as I post this.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Big Brother 10: 8/17 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast
The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, this entry will be updated -- please forgive typos! Everyone is welcome to hang out in the comments section!
Recap, recap, Libra is evicted again, and Renny is HOH again. Libra is evicted yet again. Keesha feels good that everyone voted for her to stay (Libra to go). Michelle mentions Libra didn't hug her going out the door. It's color and Day 38. Renny is about to get HOH again.
Renny is emotional -- she misses her mother and wants to see her photo. Keesha is happy -- "I can unpack my bags for the week." April has a fake smile and tells us she knows she'll be on the block. Memphis wants to move in the room w/Keesha. Renny is leery of his game talk with her.
Ollie and April are sad, then Jerry walks in. April tells us he always shows up. They go to go lay down, leaving Jerry in the living room. Keesha tells Memphis she thinks Ollie and April are going up. Ollie and April would prefer that Jerry go on the block with one of them.
Renny looks subdued, asks Keesha what Memphis' story is. Keesha said they've made no promises. Renny is sure Memphis wouldn't take Keesha to the end. Keesha thinks Renny is the only one who would take her to the end. Renny thinks Memphis is a threat, very sly. "He's the male April."
Keesha doesn't want Renny to put Memphis up and she's worried.
HOH room time. Renny tells us if her parents were alive, they'd be thrilled she was on the show. A photo of her mother throws her into sobbing. All of the guys stay outside while the girls stay as she sobs. Then the guys come in. All look uncomfortable. Jerry sees a new side of Renny. Her letter is from husband and son. It's very nice and they're in her corner. Team Renny all the way! We've got your back.
Playing with Holly, the stuffed dog. Holly was on April's bed. They get caught playing soccer with Holly. Oops, tossing Holly, she ends up in trhe hot tub. They played keep-away. April tries to fix her.
Ollie and April cuddle. April thinks of him as a best friend. He mentions being sexually attracted to best friend. Ollie tells us he's interested in something out of the house with her. He jokingly asked if she would marry him.
Michelle and Renny talk. Renny likes her. What if she won HOH next week? Would not put Renny up, would swear on bible or parents that she wouldn't -- Renny isn't her target at all. Renny tells us she wants to reel Michelle in and get her to trust her.
Renny is leery of April and the guys. Michelle tells her she respects her, shots of Keesha, April, and Memphis looking scared. Hmm... Survivor premieres 9/18. Wonder if BB ends 9/16?
Food comp -- Red and blue teams, keesha is server. Fancy domed dishes. Interesting twist to game this year. Going for four points. Pigs ears silence crickets, crickets hop slop, slop drowns pig ears.
Red - Dan, Michelle, April, Keesha
Blue - Ollie, Memphis, Jerry,
Red - Dan eats crickets and says grace for them.
Then Michelle eats crickets for red. and they're ahead
Jerry eats slop for the blue. It's been in the sun. He did it, blue has a point in the game.
Memphis goes for pig ears against Dan and does it. Score is tied.
Michelle has to eat pig ears, not a problem.
April has to eat pig ears -- she's a vegetarian. But she does it.
Jerry, Memphis, Ollie are on slop.
Michelle, Dan, April, and Keesha (server) eat this week. Now come the lollipops. The table is full of lollipops. "Ollie loves his lollies." Jerry gets defensive saying they're only for the slop eaters.
Crow in yard with Ollie. He's scared of them, blames Hitchcock. He thinks they're former dinosaurs. (This is old footage). Ollie ran for his life when he saw a crow and cowers on the couch, easing himself out of the yard and into the house.
Renny talks to Dan. She says he's not in danger but she might need him to go up as a pawn. She says she's after the trio without making too many enemies. Dan reminds her that if he, Keesha, and Memphis vote, they'll do what she wants. Memphis arrives. "How about being a pawn, Memphis?" "Get the hell out of here." He tells her it's a mistake -- pawn always goes home.
Memphis and Dan tell her that Jerry would put them up if he won HOH. Keesha and Michelle arrive. "Do either of you want to be pawns?" They almost choke. Memphis thinks that all four would do what she wants.
Renny wants to know where Ollie is in the game. They all say he hardly ever talks game. Ollie tells her in front of the crowd, he's in to win. Then he stays with her. If April left, how would he be. He says he won't throw the towel in. Renny tells her she wants him to stay. He asks why April is target -- she says fierce competitor. Ollie tries to badmouth Memphis and the Colonel. He tells her to do what she wants to do.
Nominations today -- Renny is dressed up with a black one-shoulder dress. Dan is worried that one from their side will be put up as a pawn. April epects to be put up -- it's hard to swallow because I'm such a nice person. Ollie knows April is the number one target. Keesha thinks Renny's thinking is sometimes off the wall. Memphis doesn't want to be put up as a pawn -- he will be her enemy. Renny wants her noms to shake up the house.
Ceremony -- Key order: Dan, Keesha, Ollie, Memphis, Michelle. April and Jerry are on the block.
April -- most tough cookie woman ever met, big threat. Jerry -- day one put me on the block, have to do same to you.
Keesha thinks she should have put up Ollie and April. April hopes to reveal Jerry as a floater. Jerry says big boys don't cry.
TV Snippets
Off from the Big Brother topic, I want to talk about some of my TV observations, as well as a few TV pet peeves.
- Tying in with the photo I took above in North Plainfield, NJ -- I've been watching The Sopranos on A&E. The theme song caught my attention and I looked it up. It's not about the mob. It's actually about a woman who woke up one morning twenty years in an abusive relationship and shot her husband. Interesting how well if fits in with the mob scene although it stems from an actual news story. I can see why the series is a hit. They have a lot of clever bits. They're showing the last season now and I loved when The Theme from Peter Gunn kept playing as the feds tried to set up surveillance on Tony. Knowing Jersey as I do these days, I find it hard to believe folks from North Caldwell hang out so much in Elizabeth. BTW, Elizabeth is the county seat for my county.
- On another New Jersey note: Attention, weathermen (and women) -- STOP standing in front of NJ when doing the weather! Sheesh, please stand on the right side over the ocean or far end of Long Island! Why do you stand on the left blocking where half of your audience lives? Also, the weather usually travels west to east.
- I've noticed the Baskin Robbins ad has toned down. Originally, the adult woman kicked the soccer ball and screamed "In your face!" at a little girl. I personally thought that was in poor taste. Then, lo and behold, they're not showing that version anymore. Now she kicks the ball and high-fives a shocked coach.
- I received and have managed a first watch of The Wire: Season Five. I really should write up a few posts about what I think is the best drama series ever to air. You go, Slim Charles. Cheese needed to be got.
- Too many crime/autopsy-based shows are using Coumadin or Warfarin to poison or kill people. Stop that, please. Just have the victims drink mercury or something. You're making me worry about my dosages.
- Why do people confess on The First 48? Man, if I were a murderer, I would say "Lawyer, please." That said, when there was a huge embezzlement at my workplace years back and I was a suspect due to access, I voluntarily took a lie detector test with the State Police. I knew I was innocent and thought it would be an interesting life experience. Oh, I was indeed innocent.
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