The feeds have been so boring that I messed with a screen cap of Jerry last night as I watched the hamsters. Original screen cap above, tampered with below. Oh, I know I'm no Zoetawny. I can't make anything move.Here's the latest news from the Big Brother House of Lonesome Losers:
- Ollie thinks BB wants to bring out the ugly in people. Well, yeah ... if it didn't, the show would be a snooze!
- Michelle decided she would refrain from cussing for the day. She made a valiant effort.
- Keesha has been feeling sorry for Jerry -- she thinks the stress of the game is wearing on him. Uh-oh, will he be her next "cause"?
- They went into an indoor lockdown expecting it to be for Craig Ferguson (which indeed was a repeat last night).
- Ollie told April he was playing for himself and trusted no one after April asked him if he trusts Renny.
- Ollie thinks the HOH comp will be endurance. I'm not so sure.
- Ollie asked April to be his first girlfriend. Apparently all the others he's bragged about were just for sex, I guess. What an honorable man!
- Dan told Keesha and Memphis that he finds it interesting that Ollie is suddenly complaining about Jerry. Well, duh.
- The hamsters found out that Craig is on "hiatus" as they put it. I didn't catch April's reaction on the feeds. She had to be crestfallen ... it was her next big shot at making a fool of herself ... er, gaining Hollywood stardom.
- Dan made everyone squeamish talking about slaughterhouses and how animals are killed for food. In its own way, BB is a bit of an abattoir.
- Memphis said "they" (DR, I assume) ask him a lot of questions about Renny. Hmm ... the DR knows that Renny doesn't trust Memphis ... are they planting seeds for him?
- Ollie zipped April in her suitcase and wheeled it around shocking Keesha and Jerry. Now, that was funny. I hope it makes the show!
- Renny told Keesha the DR asked her about her (Keesha's) laugh. Heck, just ask ME, BB! Every time she starts laughing, I have to jump to turn down my speakers before the neighbors call the cops!
- April said the DR told her that she's a "new revised Janelle." Blech! So not true from everything I've seen! I was never a huge Janelle fan, but April is nowhere near the player and more like ... um, I don't know. Just not Janelle.
- BB told them they aren't allowed to talk about production.
- Ollie told April he wants her to call him Brian when he leaves the house. I know that his real name isn't Ollie, but I forgot it's Brian.
- Dan continues his antics -- scaring people and general goofiness -- making the others laugh and Renny to comment that she doesn't know what's wrong with that boy.
- April and Ollie had sex ... again.
- They're all asleep as I post this.
Random off topic note: I'm all hyped for a new show tonight! You know I'm a cop show buff kind of person. Tonight is the premiere of Jacked: Auto Theft Task Force on A&E. Normally, I wouldn't be all this psyched about the show, but it's my county's car theft task force featured for the entire season. I've been hearing of their work for years and saw them in action once. There's a write-up in the Star Ledger today about the show. Since Hopkins ended, my slot is open. Yay!
Great minds think alike added note: Heehee. I just opened my email and found this in it from Zoetawny!
My latest BB live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. Also, if you click on my name in that post, you'll find my post on the new TAR teams. I must watch dogs now.
I took screen caps of Ollie and April in the hot tub, but I refused to take screen caps of them in bed later. Renny is playing Murder with everyone else in the house except for April and Ollie. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Wayward Street Fighters:
- Jerry worried about the vote and Keesha told him he had nothing to worry about.
- Renny, with her Michelle/Memphis conspiracy theory, voiced her suspicions to a new audience -- Jerry.
- Of course he agreed with her.
- Renny is even more ticked off about Memphis because he didn't talk to her when she wanted to talk to him.
- Dan read out loud from the bible.
- Keesha is developing a soft spot for Jerry. She told Dan she really felt sorry for him when he thanked her for taking the time to talk with him earlier.
- Jerry and Dan talked about dogs, cars, politics, and Jerry's bypass.
- BB gave them alcohol.
- They wanted to play hide and seek, but April was irked that they even asked her to join in.
- April and Ollie want couple time, y'see.
- Jerry told April and Ollie that he didn't want to lose his two friends (them) in the house over this week. I'm sure they were touched. Jerry is surely working everyone.
- April cried.
- After hide and seek, it turned to Murder in the kitchen. The game, not actual murders, mind you.
- Jerry told Keesha that Dan said she had a good heart.
- Ollie is still trying to convince April that she has a shot to stay.
- April and Ollie had sex ... again.
- Eventually, all went to bed. Ollie got up early, exercised a bit and is now just sitting alone on the couch as I post this.
The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this post as it airs. Please forgive any typos as I'm typing on the fly here. Well, on the keyboard, but ...! Everyone is welcome to have fun in the comments area!
Recaps - Ollie works Renny to get Jerry on the block. And, sure enough, it happens! Nominations once again. Renny's nom speech again. In color for Day 39. Jerry tells us how tough he is with Marines at 17, kill or be killed. Renny tells us April is the target this week. April thinks the whole game is personal and she'd be a liar if this didn't work. Ollie is grateful he's not on the block.
Dan thinks that Renny has a secret deal with Ollie. Dan talks to Memphis and they're worried one of them will go up if the veto is used. Ollie comforts April. April tells Ollie she has to look vulnerable to those people right now. She wants his support.
Renny in HOH room, Keesha arrives. She asks if Jerry is okay. Renny says it's two from the trio and I did what I wanted to do. She likes Ollie and wanted to put Jerry up. Keesha tells us that she doesn't think Renny will put Ollie up if the veto is used. Renny says no one should feel safe. Renny tells her certain people are targeted and they must go.
Jerry in bed talking to himself. Ollie thinks the Colonel is losing his head. He is indeed talking to himself, no religion, no politics, but he misses his family.
POV players pick time -- Dan doesn't want Ollie to play because he would take April down if he won. Renny picks Dan's name, April chose Keesha's name, Jerry chose Ollie's name. Renny names Michelle as the host
Ollie and April are ecstatic that he's playing. Dan, Keesha and Memphis are not happy with the Ollie pick. Keesha tells the guys that Renny likes Ollie and won't put him on the block. Memphis thinks Renny is a loose cannon and has gone off the deep end. He's really upset that Renny would put one of them on the block and not Ollie.
Time for veto comp -- spooky backyard, mummies, graves, python, bones ..."freaky and outright evel" -- Ollie. There's a crow there. There are voodoo dolls representing the HG. They have five minutes to examine the items. Dan figures it's a memory. Five roaches, Keesha is squeamish as Dan is concentrating. Jerry tells us he's like a little streetfighter. Object is to earn three points. BB will ask a question, always an amount for the answer. They write the answer down, look at others and can stay or fold. Closest to actual answer gets point. If you stay and are furthest, out.
Length of serpent: Jerry stays w/216, Ollie folds, ERenny stays w/540, all others fold. 260 inches, Jerry won the point on the snake. Renny is out.
50 pins stuck in a voodoo doll example - pins in all 8 - Big range in answers. Jerry stays w/1200, April stay 705, Keesha stays w 900... Jerry gets a point for the item, needs one more to win POV. April eliminated.
How many cockroaches in tank -- Dan tells us he can't afford to throw the comp. Keesha stays w/20, etc. Dan's 68 is closest to the 195. Keesha is out.
Ounces of blood in containers on table - Ollie and Jerry fold, Dan gets the point.
Nails on bed of nails -- All stay. Dan is closest, wins POV with his third point.
Jerry is upset he was so close and lost. Ollie is upset he let April down. Dan tells us he might have to use the veto to get Ollie and April both on the block. April will do whatever she can to get Dan to take her off.
April and Ollie suggest using gold bars rto bribe Dan. Dan is upset and might use the veto on Jerry so Renny will put up Ollie. Jerry and Dan meet in the storage room. Jerry tells Dan he knows he took a nasty shot at him last week. He apologizes for the Judas comment. Jerry tells him that his loyalty will be to those who help him stay if he stays this week. Dan shakes hands and accepts the apology. Dan tells us he'd have zero enemies in the house if he takes Jerry off.
Dan and Memphis -- Dan thinks Ollie could put either of them up. He thinks Ollie will go after them. Memphis isn't so sure.
Dan gets a Renny haircut. He tells us he's putting his prize possession in her hands, then prays. She tells him she'll cut it the way she wants. He ends up liking it.
The table is smaller. Ollie thinks nothing easy will happen from now out.
April is talking to Dan. He asks if she feels safe, she says no. April says she always tries to be nice. April wonders if Jerry offered him anything, he says no. Dan said he doesn't know if he'll use it or not. April offers her word, Ollie's word and cash. Dan asks if Renny and Ollie made a deal -- she thinks Renny did it on her own because she has nothing against Ollie. Dan says he has to think about it.
Dan and Memphis -- Dan wants to talk to Renny. He wants Ollie going up. One thing I don't like is how loud he is in DR. He says he doesn't want to disrupt her plans, asks if she and Ollie made a deal. She says no, she likes Ollie. Dan throws out scenarios -- Jerry off, she gets stuck on that ... would look at him as a traitor. She tells him she trusts him and thinks he'll keep the noms the same.
Dan considers the veto -- use or not. He wants what's best for himself. April is worried that Dan will take Jerry off, Renny will put Ollie up and she goes home. Jerry doesn't think he'll use it on April and would like if he used it on him.
Speeches -- Jerry: I'm 75, grew up hard, set in ways, don't sugarcoat, stretfighter's mentality, Judas apology again, use as see fit.
April: Congrats, honor Renny's wishes, don't expect you to use it, but would love it.
Dan: Respect both for coming to talk to him. One brought interesting $ proposition for him, gave him a tough decision ... decided to ... pause ... not use the power of veto. Dan tells us he mentioned the money to put doubt in the game and stir things. Ollie says they have to get votes to keep April. April is going to be a total bitch (she says) if it looks like she's leaving this week.
My latest BB10 live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I also have a post pending there with the new cast for The Amazing Race, but I don't know when that's going up. CBS put up the official new TAR website today.
At 9 PM ET, I'll get the live-blogging post up for tonight's Big Brother here. I hope to see you there!