Sunday, August 31, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Sunday Morning

The top screen cap is Keesha's hands working on making a ... um ... an ... um, well, I never figured it out. It's some sort of head. Dan is painting his frog in the lower photo. I know. Painting your frog does sound like an euphemism, doesn't it? Yes, BB gave them arts, crafts, and alcohol in an activity bucket. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Paint Your Frog Solo:
  • Heh. Before they got yelled at for talking about their Diary Room sessions, Dan said his mobile question was about why he yells in the DR. That drives me crazy and I've mentioned it more than a few times in my show posts.
  • Renny is rightfully worried that she'll be leaving this week. Keesha told her she didn't know.
  • Memphis read the instructions from one of the crafts -- Safe for use by five year-old and up. He deemed they could play.
  • Jerry kept saying the show always ends on a Sunday, but he also says he's pretty sure the show is ending on September 25 (which is a Thursday). He's wrong on both counts. It has been ending on Tuesdays recent years and Survivor jumps into the Thursday slot immediately following the Tuesday finale. For some reason, the latter season premiere has been changed from 9/18 to 9/25. But the season finale of BB is set for 9/16, a Tuesday. It's Survivor which always ends on a Sunday, not BB. Jerry should know that.
  • Because BB gave the kids activities, they spent a lot of time playing games and making things instead of talking game.
  • Keesha tried to work Memphis a bit for a shot at her and Renny staying in the game.
  • Renny told Keesha that Jerry can be a "peckerhead." Heehee, so fitting!
  • Keesha told Renny that Jerry has been saying "Renny is only out for Renny." Renny wasn't surprised. She told Keesha that Jerry has been saying a lot of nasty things about her (Keesha), too.
  • Keesha and Renny think that Jerry wants a final three with the guys. They're wrong. From watching, I think Jerry wants Memphis, Keesha, and himself in the F3.
  • Except for Keesha, all want Renny out because they know if she makes the F2, she's sure to have the jury votes for the win. Keesha still has the friendship/loyalty thing going but she would definitely lose against Renny, too.
  • Jerry was monotonous, full of stories about himself and the wisdom of the ages. Now, I normally respect older folks and I sometimes enjoy tales they can tell. But Jerry's stories all seem the same old, same old, over and over again.
  • Renny thinks Dan is sucking up to Jerry in hopes that he won't vote him out.
  • Renny put a scarf around her neck and fake strangled herself for the camera. It looked like when Archie Bunker used to do the same sort of thing between strangling himself or shooting himself.
  • Renny told Keesha she thinks Jerry is boring because he tells the same stories over and over again. Phew, it's not in my mind! Keesha thinks Jerry is arrogant. Yeah, that too!
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

BB10: POV Update and My Apologies

My apologies for leading everyone astray early this morning. I could have sworn it was the veto necklace on Jerry in a quick flash after the feeds returned. But it's not Jerry who won it -- Memphis won the POV.

I've been out most of the day (yay, long time since I've done that), but here's what I've gathered upon my return:
  • Memphis won the POV.
  • Memphis promised Jerry he wouldn't use it.
  • Memphis promised Dan he will save him and made him promise not to pull any odd stunts.
  • Renny will go on the block.
  • Memphis and Dan aren't telling anyone and Memphis plans to act like it's his decision after a lot of thought just decided upon before the POV meeting on Monday.
  • Renny is the one they will vote out this week. Only Dan and Memphis will vote.

BB10: Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Comp

The feeds were blocked for hours. When they came back about 10 minutes ago, a brief shot of Jerry had the POV necklace on and no one else seems happy at all. No one is talking about it.

Hmm ... I thought it was the POV necklace on Jerry, but it was a really brief shot. Then the necklace was up in its place on the Memory Wall once again. Hmm ... I think I'm going to say I think that Jerry won, but I'm not 100% sure. I know Keesha didn't win. If either Dan or Memphis won, they would be scheming. Memphis went right to bed after the feeds returned and Dan looked glum. If Renny won, she'd be talking to Keesha about saving her. It had to be Jerry and he didn't mix with any of them before heading to bed. All are in bed now as I update this.

1:30 PM ET UPDATE: They're still asleep. I'm still uncertain on the winner (although I think it was Jerry). And I'm heading out for the afternoon with a friend. When I come back, they just better have spilled the beans!

Friday, August 29, 2008

BB10: Live Feeds Bulletin

The feeds were blocked for a little over an hour and I'm now (not so) patiently awaiting for someone to spill the beans. All five hamsters are in the kitchen and no one is talking about the noms. What they're talking about is Memphis makes sandwiches without bread by rolling up the other foodstuffs. And Renny told Keesha she needs to learn to cook. BTW - Memphis and Dan can actually cook, at least to an extent.

Waiting ... waiting ... as soon as they talk, I can nap again ... waiting ... Dan seems very subdued and has gone off to lay down by himself. I think with this reaction and Jerry's pre-nom talks with people, it's pretty safe to say he is one of the nominations. But still no clue who's up there with him or confirmation that he's on the block.

Confirmed -- Keesha and Dan are on the block.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Friday Noon

Well, I already gave you the biggest news of the period -- Jerry won HOH. But, here are the details and what's been happening since that time:
  • After the show last night, Jerry was appreciative and kind to everyone. Each person was nice back to him ... which turned out to be a good thing in light of what was to happen.
  • The HOH comp dealt with balls and points won. (The feeds were blocked for it.)
  • Jerry repeated that everyone one should be proud to have made it this far.
  • The hamsters had been locked out of the storage room because BB made it Keesha's little HOH storage room with her HOH basket of goodies. At least she got those.
  • As Jerry got his HOH room, I had bubbles (in lieu of fish cam or trivia), but I had audio. He seemed very proud of his pictures and everyone seemed to take part in the "tour."
  • Jerry told Dan if they were in the final two together, he (Jerry) couldn't win. He thinks his only votes would come from Ollie, Michelle, and April.
  • Keesha doesn't think she can win the jury vote against anyone.
  • Renny told Jerry that Memphis and Dan had an alliance within their alliance.
  • Renny wants both the guys to go up while Jerry is leaning towards a guy and a girl.
  • BB gave this group (sans Michelle) beer and wine last night. They also gave Dan a birthday cake -- his birthday isn't until Monday.
  • Memphis worked his in with Jerry despite their spats in the past. He told Jerry the only person he trusts in the house is Keesha.
  • In the Memphis/Jerry talk, it sounds like Jerry would like the final three to be Keesha, Memphis, and himself.
  • Jerry wants to test Keesha to check out how loyal she is to Dan and Renny.
  • Come morning, he hinted to Keesha that he wants to put her on the block, but he's sure she won't go home.
  • Jerry seems to have a backdoor plan in mind -- put up a guy and a girl, if POV is won, backdoor. Dan is who he wants out right now.
  • As I post this, Dan is talking to Jerry. There isn't any violence or nastiness. Jerry isn't telling him he's going on the block. Dan is pointing out that if they make it to the final three, Jerry has friends on the jury. Jerry says he's not in the final five with his own team, but they all saved him.
  • Nominations should be later today.