Thursday, September 04, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds and the Sumo

Nah, Jerry isn't the Sumo, nor did he do well with the Sumo. But he has sleeves! Yay! Here's what happened after the live show ended:
  • Dan was the only one really asking questions of the Sumo -- he asks if he wants something to eat and wrestling questions.
  • When the Sumo stood, Dan grabbed an envelope he had been sitting on. The note inside gave congratulations and said there will be a special luxury comp in which the winner will take a trip and it would impact the game.
  • Sumo Man left through the storage room.
  • So they're all still kind of clueless.
  • They're even up to thinking the winner might take a trip to Japan. Suuuure ...
  • Dan and Memphis did their little Renegades handshake thing.
  • Keesha was alone for a while, but then joined them. Then she said they should get together with Jerry. She felt bad that he was all alone.
  • Jerry cooked pizza and begged BB hoarsely for beer, a man's drink. He said that they had wine for the women last night.
  • Beside speculating on what the luxury comp is, they also now seem to understand the true timeline and when the show will end.
  • They're all getting along.
  • They're boring until we find out more about the luxury comp.

Big Brother 10: 9/04 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this post as I watch. Typos are expected. Oops! Everyone is welcome to join in with their thoughts in the comments! Hamsters ready?

Recap, recap. Jerry's sights are set on Dan, but the Renegades want to survivr. Memphis maes the deal with Jerry. Nominations -- Dan and Keesha. Renny is worried.

Ohh, Julie is waering an off-white khaki kinda pantsuit. Veto meeting in B&W, then we're color. Renny thinks Jerry wants to split up her and Keesha. Keesha doesn't want to lose Renny, but she doesn't want to leave either. Jerry thinks Memphis screwed him over. Betrayal should not go unpunished. I stand alone in the house again.

Dan shouts at us from the DR about being happy.

Jerry wants to talk to Keesha. They go to HOH. Jerry thinks the veto showed where the loyalties lie and Dan/Memphis are together. Jerry tells her he wants her to stay in the game -- he's her shot at the half-million. He can be a tremendous advantage to her -- Memphis has an agreement with everybody.

Renny and Keesha talk -- Renny says that Dan was taken off the block by Memohis for good reason, they're together. Jerry tells Dan that Memphis thinks he can beat him (Dan) if he goes to the finals. Jerry tells Dan he's his way to the half-million. Memphis betrayed me, everyone has.

Dan and Keesha compare Jerry notes. Memphis scares them. He says Jerry didn't approach him. Memphis denies having a deal with everyone in the house. He does have a deal with both of them, though. Dan is wary of Keesha.

Renny and Keesha are now leery of the two. Keesha thinks she was immature before. Renny gets emotional. Keesha really really thinks a lot of Renny.

Julie tells us Memphis has played a cool and calculating game, but is there more? Dan and Memphis talk. Memphis thinks he needs to be a better boyfriend. He thinks he takes the relationship for granted. His girlfriend Ashley (live together), she feel in love with the charming guy. She seems to really think a lot of him, caring and compassionate. He had father issues, now to the womanizer bit. 3 years together. He wants to go to the next level.

Ashley hopes he'll be husband material someday. Jury house and live vote/eviction coming up after commercial.

To the living room -- Julie congrats Jerry on HOH, they run the pool clip. He calls it a senior moment, but says he's fine. Dan turned 25 -- teasing Renny, why does she bring out prankster? He says she reminds him of his mother and he does it because he likes her.

Julie talks to Jerry in HOH - No love lost w/you and memphis. Why trust him? I was running out of bodies, Julie. Be like velcro and stick around a while. Who would he like to see next to him -- Keesha. Strategic, the other two are like glue, must win POV and HOH.

Jury house -- Libra wanted to see April come in and DID.Then Michelle comes in. Both April and Michelle are dead set5 against Keesha. They're watching Dan's veto meeting. Michelle can't stand to look at Dan. Ollie comes. April agrees to be his girlfriend. @@

Live vte time -- chat to two nominees -- Renny gives Keesha accolades, fighter, proud to make it this far, journey will change your life, that kind of money take the person you feel you can win against. Keesha -- loves Renny, doesn't know what she would have done without her, amazing person. Outstanding group, best of luck.

Live voting -- votes are to evict --
Memphis - Renny
Dan - Renny

She holds her head high, hugs all. Big cheers from the audience for her, more than I've seen. In the house, Keesha is upset -- hardest person to watch go. Subdued mood. This time no one looks happy.

Julie -- First time since week one, why you and not Keesha. Didn't win POV to save myself, Colonel didn't protect her. Goodbye messages. -- Dan -- You're the caretaker, admirable, lot of life in house, loving and caring. Jerry - Wonders w/food. Memphis - thumbs down from Renny as he says noce things. Keesha cries and says she's amazingly funny and will always be in her heart.

HG get shown the images from previous comps they saw earlier today. They head to the yard where they're on a round platform with partitions for each of them.

Freeze frame - Dan and Memphis right.
They step back for false, forward for true. Dan takes lead by one. Dan is leading, Memphis one behind. Dan 5, Memphis, 4, Keesha doing horrible. Dan still in lead, last question. Dan is sure he has it and wins HOH! 7 points, Keesha 1, Memphis 5.

Hmmm ... there seems to be a Sumo wrestler or Samurai in the living room waiting for the HG. And we're in commercial.

Holds clue to luxury comp with a twist which could change the game. Tuesday live show final HOH comp, Thursday live too.

The sumo wrestler is sitting on a gold box and the clue (in Japanese with English subtitle for us) is "I am sitting on the information you want."

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB!0

While Zoetawny treats us to Jerry falling in the pool, my latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad.

I'll be back at 8 PM ET to post the live-blog entry for tonight's show! I hope to see you there. I made cupcakes.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Thursday Dawn

See, when there isn't much to report, I can fill the space in with screen caps I took last night! Here's the latest from the Big Brother House of Bad Wardrobes:
  • Memphis, Keesha, and Renny talked about how Dan never changes his clothes ... and never washes them, either. Ew.
  • Memphis wants to destroy Jerry's t-shirts with the cut-off sleeves.
  • Renny walked in on Jerry as he was urinating, then mimicked him one hand on the hip off and on.
  • Jerry screamed for beer even though BB gave them wine.
  • Jerry said that he wrote nice things about them all in his HOH blog. I guess we'll see about that!
  • Renny told Keesha she shouldn't worry about packing because she (Keesha) won't be going home. Keesha packed anyway. Renny packed earlier.
  • The Diary Room called them in one by one.
  • Jerry keeps scaring Keesha by reminding her there could be a tie vote.
  • Keesha feels guilty that she didn't win POV -- if she had, she could have saved herself and Renny with her vote. If it were Dan and Renny or Memphis on the block, Jerry would definitely vote Dan out in a tiebreaker.
  • But it wasn't meant to be.
  • Memphis told Keesha he likes the lose-lose situation for Jerry this week. He can't play for HOH and they can't let him win POV.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening

How's this for excitement? For the longest time, Dan and Memphis played chess barely speaking on two feeds and Jerry napped on the other two. The big news of the evening is that they did another Craig Ferguson spot tonight. Craig's probably going to be confused where everyone went during his two weeks of vacation. Here are some other noteworthy (or not) happenings in the house this evening:
  • Both Keesha and Memphis are creeped out by the way Jerry stares at them. I think I would be, too.
  • Jerry spied on them some more with the spycam in the HOH room. I wonder if they could feel his eyes watching them.
  • Renny read the bible, Jerry napped, and the guys played chess. I think Keesha was napping off camera at the time. It all made me want to nap!
  • Renny gave Dan a few cooking tips.
  • Jerry droned on about investing money and his own investments.
  • Renny packed.
  • Memphis picked. His nose, that is.
  • They did the Ferguson spot and apparently all just wanted it over with and were irritable by the end of it.
  • Yawn.
  • Ferguson wil be a bit delayed here because the Republican National Convention ran over. I love it -- Palin's speech ended a few minutes ago and now they're replaying it on the local news. Well, duh ... do they think they're Big Brother with the recaps or something?