Monday, September 08, 2008

Big Brother - Live Feeds Into Monday Dawn

This is a screen cap I took last night -- a close-up of Jerry's letter from home he got a while back. Here's what's been happening in the Big Brother House of Returning Prodigal Sons:
  • Dan was blindfolded for his trip which made him have motion sickness. Once he was at the helicopter, the blindfold was removed.
  • Every time he mentioned a second helicopter, the feeds got blocked.
  • Most of the times he mentioned signs or billboards, the feeds got blocked.
  • Any time he mentioned his handlers, the feeds got blocked.
  • He mentioned a second place was set at the table and he was hoping that someone would show up, but he was alone.
  • He mentioned being alone so much and so often that I'm sure Michelle did indeed take him up on the invite. A case of protesting too much, you see.
  • Memphis and Dan fed Ted.
  • Jerry started fussing about his neck hurting and put ice on it.
  • Dan and Memphis think that Jerry might be faking it hoping they'll think he's too weak to win a comp.
  • As for me, I can bet that Jerry probably has a lot of aches and pains which would disable Dan and Memphis if they had them. But, yeah ... I think he may be playing up the neck a bit.
  • BB spoke to Dan about "You are not allowed to talk about production:" when he mentioned the show staff had personalized parking spaces. @@
  • Jerry told Keesha excessively long stories about his childhood.
  • Jerry exercised while no one else did. His horribly sore neck didn't seem to affect his exercise regimen.
  • Dan said the handlers told him this was a good season.
  • Dan also said "Thank you, America!" to the cameras at one point.
  • As far as Memphis' vote, it's hard to tell. It's looking like he might go with taking Jerry to the final three instead of Keesha.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

BB10 - Live Feeds - Dan is Back

Dan just came back into the house. He's talking but not mentioning Michelle. They keep blocking the feeds. He's mentioned the helicopter ride. He came back with three beach rocks which he gave to his fellow hamsters as gifts. Every time he says something interesting, they cut the feeds. Two helicopters, feeds cut. Saw a billboard ad for Gary Unmarried, new CBS series -- feeds cut. He mentioned two places set at the lunch and how he expected someone else to show, but no one did. He hasn't slipped not a once about Michelle.

Big Brother 10: 9/07 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

I've been waiting for my latest live feeds post to go up over on TV Squad but I have no clue when an editor will get in over there. The house has been boring today -- Dan is gone for his trip and the others are napping a lot.

Meanwhile, the show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this post as it airs so you can expect typos and oddness. Everyone is welcome to chime in down in the comments!

Renny is about to be evicted once again. Waah. Renegades have to worry about Keesha, but bye-bye Renny. HOH comp again. The Sumo. Now to the black and white recaps. Sigh. Renny leaves AGAIN.

Day 59 finally. Keesha says Renny should have always been in color because she's a star. Now Dan has won HOH ... again. Argh, recapped stuff. Memphis says he'll hurt Dan if he puts him on the block again. Keesha is worried that Dan is closer to Memphis than her. Jerry is scrambling to think of a way to win the game.

Back to the Sumo. He is giving them the message about sitting on the information. Keesha looks frightened. Memphis is just confused. Dan seems the most interested. The Sumo stands up revealing a table. Dan asks him questions and seems to be the only one not backing up. An envelope is showing on the table. Dan sees it.

Dan snags the envelope when the Sumo gets up. Dan reads the message about a special luxury comp with the winner winning a trip outside the house which could impact the game. They guess a lot of things.

Keesha, Dan, and Memphis talk about getting Jerry out and how they have to win POV. Keesha looks miserable and very worried. She cries. She's missing Renny. She doesn't think the guys have her back.

Jerry tells Memphis that he couldn't play in HOH and plays for his stay in the house. Memphis tells us that he's not sure who the best person to take (with Dan and himself) to the final three -- Jerry or Keesha?

Ah, TED segment! Cool. Dan gets the others finally to see his HOH room. Now tons of Monica pictures. Memphis mentions the Ollie conspiracies. Dan's letter from his Dad mentions he can say a lot in a few words. His father mentioned the other three.

Night time and they're sleeping .. odd clues in the yard and a gorilla arrives. A femal contortionist. Spy music as the gorilla goes in. The gorilla goes to the DR and reveals he's Jessie.

They're opening the applications for BB11.

Back to the gorilla ... he's entering the rooms, jumping on the beds, going to the HOH room. He's pounding on the door and motioning for Dan to follow him. Jerry has a goofy grin on his face. They go to the yard with all the clues.

Dan reads the rules, the clues will uncover a common phrase which could be helpful in the game. Most of the clues will be covered one by one leaving only the ones needed. They have three hours and can make three guesses each.

I didn't like Jessie as a houseguest, but he's doing great as the gorilla. Oh, Jerry dings the bell -- Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil is his guess. Keesha dings the bell -- "where sleeping doings lie." Now, that's just odd. Jerry sees his guess clues being covered up so he knows his guess was wrong. He dings again -- Diamonds are a girl's best friend. What would that have to do with the show?

Keesha next guesses "blew it" due to the blueberry and the IT on the egg. The contortionist goes away. Jerry goes for his last guess. "A dog is a man's best friend." Again, nothing to do with BB. Dan says he won't go until he's sure. Jerry sees all of his clues covered up. There is a blueberry and egg with IT left. Keesha says "don't count your chickens before your eggs are hatched." Memphis isn't even trying.

The gorilla challenges Memphis. Dan finally goes with his guess on the two clues left - Bury the hatchet. Memphis says "fruitless eggsit." He did it for soemthing to say.

As the gorilla leaves, it makes the Jessie Voooot noise. Dan thinks it's him and they find the gorilla glove on Jessie's Memory Wall picture. They see on the plasma screen that one of them guessed the phrase right and won the trip ... then commercial. (But WE know Dan won.)

Yep, Dan with Bury the Hatchet. He goes to the DR. Can take one other person -- current housemates or a jury member of his choice to go on a private beach helicopter trip. He is considering a jury member. He thinks Michelle. Then he decides Michelle. He's not telling the others he's taking a jury member. He tells them the private beach for a day, tells them he can pick one of them or go by himself. He said he doesn't want to create anomosity in the house, so he'll go alone.

Jerry is surprised Dan isn't taking Memphis. Dan knows Jerry is suspicious and yells to us from the DR about it. Memphis and Dan discuss nominations. They need an exit plan if Keesha or Jerry win the veto. Memphis himself thinks the safest bet is if he himself goes on the block.

Nominations -- Jerry is sure he'll be nominated. Keesha is worried. The sole key removed belongs to Keesha. Sure enough, Memphis and Jerry are on the block. Dan tells them that it's tough to nominate anyone, but this POV will be the battle of the ages. Jerry actually thinks Memphis is upset and he can use Memphis to go to the end. Keesha thinks that Dan might actually keep her instead of Memphis.

Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Into Sunday Dawn

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB!0

Graphic arteest Zoetawny has Dan making his own platinum Power of Veto.

Yes, I weathered the storm fine here. Across the street and down a few buildings a tree fell down on someone's parked car. She didn't fare all that well, but at least the tree didn't hit an occupied car driving by. This morning is sunny and a bit leaf and twig littered. And I had no need for the oil lamp. My elevator is still working, too! Even a flicker of the power shuts that down until someone with a key to the Magic Kingdom in the basement (across from the laundry room) can come to flick a switch. We had a lot of rain. But it's been pretty dry here, so the ground absorbed it well. The wind was so-so. I have an old-fashioned chrome exhaust fan in my kitchen. When the winds are really bad, the flap to the fan vent slams open and shut. That didn't happen a lot last night here.

But the houseguests continued to be boring last night, so I decided to gather stuff for an update. Here's the skinny:
  • Dan and Memphis continued to list the pros and cons of taking either Jerry or Keesha into the final three. I think they're really underestimating Jerry's sometimes strength in comps and the possibility he might get odd votes from the jury just based on his age and making it through to the end (if he gets that far). Of course, I'd prefer they stay loyal to Keesha, but they aren't asking me. She's been freezing on comps lately -- I don't think she'd be much more of a threat than Jerry.
  • Without Renny, Jerry is the main cook. Ew. A man who doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom. Ew.
  • Keesha is very nervous. She asked Dan if he would tell her if Memphis wasn't going to keep her.
  • Dan later mocked Keesha's question to Memphis. I should make note that Memphis said earlier that if he decides to vote her out, he wants to tell her ahead of time.
  • Dan found out that he would be taken by a private helicopter for his day at the beach.
  • The BB voice randomly announced that 7-inch records were played at 45 revolutions per minute. Jackie announces that she still has her collection of 45 RPM records (and technology to play them).
  • Dan fed Ted the spider more moths.
  • They talked about how bored they are -- and so am I with them.
  • Keesha told Dan and Memphis that Jerry told her he's ready to go home. (He did say it.)
  • Dan talked about the HOH room always having condoms in it. They then wondered about April and Ollie. (Not that they ever used the condoms!)
  • Memphis wants to take Jerry's $4,000 to keep him this week.
  • Keesha and Dan felt sorry for Jerry as he's all alone so much and really tries to help, as in his cooking dinner, etc.
  • Memphis thinks Jerry brags too much. He's 75, you know. Oh, and he has three refrigerators at home.
  • When Keesha told Dan and Memphis they leave her out of things a lot, they said it was because she hangs out with Jerry too much.
  • Memphis said that April is the Crypt Keeper in the Jury House.
  • Keesha outright asked Memphis if he was going to vote her out and he told her no.
  • All are still asleep as I post this and Dan hasn't been whisked away yet.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

BB10 and Hanna

This is a quadcam screen shot I took moments ago. Dan and Memphis are playing chess on all four cameras and not talking at all. BORING. I have had an update sitting in Pending awaiting an editor to come along at TV Squad for some time now, but I'm not sure when it will go up. There isn't a huge amount of news anyway. Memphis and Dan are still uncertain who they will vote out this week.

In Hanna news, I'm under a tropical storm warning and flood warnings here. The coast is getting rough, but since I'm about ten or twelve miles from the nearest shore point, it's not going to do erosion here! It's been raining steady, some trees down, and lots of street flooding so far and we haven't had the brunt with the heavier winds yet. I don't have to go anywhere and as long as my power stays on, I'm content to sit here with the rain coming down outside. I enjoy storms. The nearest stream (Green Brook) is a couple of blocks away -- it would take a lot more rain than expected to get that to come my way. So, I'm in for a cozy rainy evening. Heck, if the power goes out, my stove is gas and I have an oil lamp and flashlights. :-)