My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. Right now the feeds have been blocked for a few hours -- I believe the second part of the HOH comp is going on. I'll let you know when I know.
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
BB10: Live Feeds Itsy Bit and Keesha on Early Show Video
Oh my gosh ... there is almost nothing happening outside of eating and napping in the house today. They're on indoor lockdown. Memphis and Dan briefly teamed up to talk HOH comp questions while Jerry was in the shower. In lieu of any real news, I'm going to give you the video of Keesha with Julie Chen on The Early Show.
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Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn
Aw, a boy and his balsa wood airplane. Ain't it just too adorable? Here's the latest from the Big Brother House of Marine Renegades:
- Memphis and Jerry talked about the problems they had hanging onto the ropes the way they had to in the comp.
- Jerry thinks they should have had handles. @@
- Dan and Memphis briefly talked -- they don't want Jerry to see them talking together until after the second part of the HOH comp.
- Dan talked to Jerry about how much he likes and misses Keesha.
- Having heard Julie say the finale is Tuesday, Jerry doesn't know why they'd drag the show out with the final two alone in the house so long. He's got a point there.
- Dan played with two ping pong balls and his wooden airplane.
- Jerry sucked up to Memphis telling him how much he admired how he was playing the game although they got off to a rough start.
- Memphis told him he respected him, too. Sure.
- Dan wants Memphis to convince Jerry to throw the second part of the HOH. Memphis isn't sure Jerry will do it.
- As Jerry and Memphis drilled each other on practice questions, the BB voice told them that kerosene lanterns are good to have when you're camping.
- All are asleep as I post this.
BB10 TV Squad Doings
My show review post is up at TV Squad and there will be a special live feeds HOH comp update up there soon. The latter isn't much more informative than what you had here, but I had to get it up there, too.
Multi-tasking is so much fun! Thankfully, the BB house will be quiet tonight. But now you know why I've been quiet in comments.
Multi-tasking is so much fun! Thankfully, the BB house will be quiet tonight. But now you know why I've been quiet in comments.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Big Brother 10: Final HOH Part One Comp Update Post
9:45 PM ET - Memphis is out - Dan wins part one.
9:30 PM ET - Dan and Memphis still up.
Dan and Memphis still up at 9:20 PM ET, Jerry was out and already sitting when the feeds came back on at 9:07 PM ET.
Feeds came on at 9:07 PM ET -- Quad cam shows Jerry already out of it.
Okay, I have my feeds on, but they're still on trivia and theme music as I get this post up. I'll update it on a fairly regular basis or as we lose a hamster.
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