Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn 7/14

It's going for 3 AM their time and the hamsters are still up. In the backyard, we have Jessie, Natalie, Kevin, Casey, and Lydia talking about Braden. Not good things, mind you. They're talking about him being a pathological liar. They say they're tired of his stories. Casey thinks he's been telling them so long that he believes them himself.

Here's what's been going on in the BB11 House of Restless Rodents:
  • They're calling Braden a "one-upper." Apparently whatever someone has done, he has a better story.
  • BB gave them alcohol, but this group doesn't seem to have the over-imbibers of past seasons.
  • They talked graphically about sex.
  • They're irked that Braden said "congratulations" instead of "thank you" when they offered him a place at the dinner earlier in the evening.
  • This season has no particular cook -- they all pitch in. Except for a selected few, that is.
  • Russell and Laura think that Captain LurksALot (Ronnie) talks game way too much.
  • The Brains could finally eat real food at midnight.
  • Ronnie claims he feels human once again.
  • No one is drunk. Most are awake and talking about whomever isn't in their little group. I don't mean clique ... except the Brains.
  • Neither Chima or Braden seem to really fit in with the majority of the house. But the overall feeling is that they want Braden out more.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Into Monday Evening 7/13

Lydia naps in the hammock.

Gee, since the brouhaha earlier today, nothing much is going on. As I post this, Braden and Jeff are playing pool, Lydia is in the hammock, and the rest of the hamsters are gathered in the kitchen all talking at once ... which makes conversation hard to follow! Here's the way skinny skinny on happenings in the house since my last update:
  • Chima likened the Have Not sleeping conditions to waterboarding. She said if she knew she'd be sleeping on metal, she wouldn't have come on the show.
  • I have no sympathy for her. I'd never go on the show because hamsters have to do such stupid things, eat slop, humiliate themselves in public, and be torn apart by snarky bloggers.
  • All of the girls except Natalie dressed up for dinner. She wore her standard sweats.
  • And, that's about it.
  • We need a bigger and better brouhaha!

Jeff seems to have a Jason Bateman thing going on in this screen cap.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Monday Into the Afternoon 7/13

Can't you see the excitement on Jordan's face? It's another exciting and fun day in the Big Brother 11 house. Or not. They really should do something to liven the place up a bit. Every year it's off to a slow start, so I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt ... for now.

Here's what's happened since my last report:
  • First, remember that Russell won the PoV, used it to save Lydia. It's now Chima and Braden on the block.
  • Braden gave up his job and apartment to go on the show. He has $1000 in the bank. (Well, if he gets the boot this week, I believe he'll receive a few weeks stipend at $750 a week for his time in sequester and in the house.)
  • Jessie continues to talk trash about Jeff.
  • Jeff continues to talk trash about Jessie.
  • Lydia is getting chummy with Jessie. I have lost any respect I had for her.
  • She told him that she feels she can't talk to anyone.
  • Russell likes to look at himself in mirrors. Surprise, surprise! Who woulda thunk it?
  • They exercised ... well, most of them did.
  • It's the last day for the Brainy Bunch to be Have Nots.
  • Jordan asked Ronnie and Casey if her chest looked like "big fake boobs." They said no. She proceeded to tell them she was a 32A before her surgery. Why do people feel compelled to tell these kind of details?
  • They think the next comp will be mental, probably a true or false game.
  • Jordan wishes the season wasn't high school cliques and that there was more diversity in ages.
  • Now I like Jordan again. I'll forgive her boob talk.
  • Braden and Jeff think that Lydia's been telling lies to the HOH crew and that's why she was taken off the block.
  • Jeff is a true outsider in his clique.
  • Braden accused Lydia of lying and it was brouhaha time! Yay!
  • Kevin got involved, Braden called him a "beaner." Then Lydia screamed that Braden is a racist.
  • Then there were fisticuffs. A shot rang out. The maid screamed!
  • Jeff tried to calm things down and told Braden his "beaner" comment was out of line.
  • But then Lydia and Jordan started screaming at each other. Lydia and Jordan had been close. But when Jordan cried at Braden going on the block when she hadn't cried about her (Lydia) going up ... well, that got under her skin.
  • Jordan said she didn't cry because she knew that Lydia would be safe.
  • Lydia is also upset that Jeff didn't defend her. Jordan told her to take that up with Jeff.
  • In cursing about Jeff, she referred to him as a "gringo." Um.
  • Kevin got in the brouhaha yelling at Jeff that he never talks to him.
  • Jeff said he thought they were cool.
  • Jeff yelled at Lydia, though. He yelled that she sold them all out.
  • Lydia stomped off to the HOH room claiming that "Lydia was closed for the day."
  • Braden tried to apologize to Kevin for the "beaner" comment.
  • Kevin refused to accept the apology.
  • Kevin told Jordan if she hangs out with Braden, they (Kevin and Jordan) are no longer cool.
  • Yes, I tell you ... it's high school all over again!
  • Jordan cried.
  • Kevin apologized to Jeff.
  • Jordan told Russell that everyone is scared of his group and no one wants to stand up against them.
  • Now they're all in either the yard or house hanging out in cliques within and without cliques.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Monday Dawn 7/13

Yes, hamsters are still up in the Habitrail. This is a group of night owls, albeit not really drinking to excess as some in previous years. Before I get on with the report, I need to mention the horror that is Jessie's HOH Twitter page. Sigh. Some people shouldn't Twitter.

Here's the skinny from the Big Brother House of Special Snowflakes:
  • Chima thinks that if she goes home, Jeff gets to switch to the Brainy Bunch. I don't know for sure if it works that way, but it would even the playing field and Jeff would be happier.
  • They said Braden was "chill" during the POV ceremony.
  • Natalie defended Chima to Russell, saying she could see herself hanging out with her and she was no threat to their alliance.
  • Not sure why she felt the need to defend Chima, though. Russell was originally on the "get rid of Lydia" train.
  • Lydia and Kevin think Natalie is falling for Jessie, but that Jessie isn't falling for Natalie.
  • Jessie said that Jordan's butt isn't big enough for his liking. @@ As if!
  • Lots of small talk in the backyard and it's still going on as I get this posted.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Evening Sunday 7/12

The bosom body buddies discuss their well-muscled futures. However, the expression on Michele's face below better portrays how I feel about the feeds tonight.

Yep, that's how I feel! Here's what's happened since the POV ceremony in that Big Brother House of High School Nightmares:
  • Jessie wants his own action figure. I have no words to describe how I feel about that.
  • Braden doesn't think they'll stay in cliques very long. He has a point. I'm shocked. I didn't expect it from him.
  • The cliques are messing with the hamsters voting the way they would under normal circumstances.
  • They CAN vote out a member of their own clique, but many have promised not to do so.
  • Braden tried a rather mellow laidback campaign to save himself.
  • Kevin says he's going to vote out Braden because he thinks Braden hasn't approached him as a friend because he's gay.
  • I don't think that's Braden's issue with him.
  • These gals, for the most part, are wearing too much make-up.
  • Eh, they're cooking dinner.
  • They're being boring. They need to quit that.