Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Into Tuesday Evening 7/21

I wouldn't mind being able to wear black spandex like Lydia. I wouldn't mind so much having a Hello Kitty tattoo. But ... um ... no.

Here's what's been going on in that Big Brother House of Geeks, Freaks, and Those Who Deserve to be Mocked:
  • Jessie told Natalie that they'd just have to ride the Ronnie thing out and see what happens. He won't bring up a possible eviction, but he won't fight it either.
  • They think they'd still have the numbers as they have Lydia. Kevin seems to come with her.
  • I'm actually a bit disappointed that Kevin tends to stay under the radar a lot.
  • Jeff thinks it's all making sense now. He couldn't get why everyone hated him so and now he knows it was Ronnie's lies.
  • Lydia told him that she needs to tell him something about Russell later.
  • If I were Jeff, I think I'd be as leery about Lydia as I am now about Ronnie.
  • Casey and Jeff talked about how Ronnie said that Jeff called Kevin a derogatory slur for homosexual. (Like how I scooted around that one?)
  • Everyone in the house wishes Ronnie could go home this week and both Jordan and Laura stay.
  • It ain't gonna happen.
  • They hashed and rehashed all of Ronnie's lies and how he pitted them against each other for fun and profit.
  • Ronnie hid out.
  • BB gave 'em wine tonight.
  • Cooking was a mutual effort on the part of Michele and Natalie.
  • "Let him starve," said Jeff about Ronnie.
  • As all of the others had a pleasant time, Ronnie came out of the HOH and laid down on the couch in the upstairs hallway.
  • He eventually went back to his lair.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone's gameplay blow up so badly in all the years of the show. Ronnie was right. He's going to make BB history ... most hated by almost everybody.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Big Brother 11 7/21 Show Blog Party Post

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages!

Russell blew up at Lydia and made her cry. This happens just after he decided he needed to be friends with everyone. Natalie thinks Russell should be backdoored.

They chose the veto players from the bag. Ron chose Russ, Laura chose Natalie, Jeff chose Casey.

Jeff wins the veto!

To backdoor Russell or to not backdoor Russell, that is the question.

In the veto meeting, Jeff saved himself. Ronnie put Jordan on the block without any of the background from the feeds. Ronnie tells us Jessie was right, didn't have the numbers. Laura is the target.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Daytime Tuesday 7/21

Russell takes some time off from his day of being Ronnie's worst nightmare.

As I mentioned in my previous report, the entire house has Ronnie's number ... even his bestest friend Jessie. True, in this game you have to occasionally lie. But you don't needlessly lie to everyone in the house. You know, they kind of talk to each other. The smug shall fall. Here's the latest skinny:
  • Jessie thinks that the show production must be involved in the Ronnie fiasco because one person couldn't have done that much to the house!
  • Maybe he's a PLANT ... like Dan last year. (Yeah, right.)
  • Jordan and Jeff are getting closer.
  • Is Ronnie's conscience bothering him? He had a lot of trouble getting to sleep. Maybe he was just repeating to himself ... "what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive."
  • Russell kicked in his Pick On Ronnie (Who Deserves It) campaign first thing this morning by greeting Ronnie with, "Good morning, rat."
  • Russell started following Ronnie around telling him he must suck as a gamer.
  • Michele said she felt weird being happy about other people's pain -- Russell picking on Ronnie. I do, too. But Ronnie is so a little weasly slime-bucket.
  • After Ronnie retreated to the HOH room, Russell set himself up right outside the HOH door.
  • When the others got up, they wondered if Russell was in cahoots with Ronnie as both were missing.
  • I like the expression "in cahoots." I have so few opportunities to use it in a sentence.
  • Jessie told Ronnie even though he (Ronnie) can't compete for HOH next, he could still win POV.
  • When Ronnie left the HOH room, Russell Pit Bull Terrier was right on his heels.
  • They made a slip and slide out of garbage bags. Lydia managed to cut the tops of her feet and shins.
  • Russ continued to follow and mock Ronnie wherever he went.
  • Then Ronnie cried. In the HOH room where no one could see him, of course. Now, it's sad. But he wanted to put on those big boy pants and be King.
  • Jessie told Natalie that someone else would have to go to bat to save Ronnie -- he won't do it.
  • And that's pretty much it.
Please remember to stop by the show's blog party post tonight. It will be up at 9 PM ET and beware west coast ... there will be spoilers. But you knew that.

Lydia looks at her slip and slide wounds.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Dawn Tuesday 7/21

This is the latest staying up yet being sober group I've ever seen in the Big Brother house. Jessie, Casey, and Laura are still up in the kitchen talking the evils of Ronnie. Casey and Laura have seen through Ronnie for some time. Whether Jessie is actually realizing that Ronnie will play him as quickly as he's played others, I just don't know.

Here's what's been happening in the late night hours:
  • Laura told Ronnie that she would have been a better ally for him than Jordan.
  • Ronnie told others that Laura's spreading lies.
  • Jordan thinks they want her and Laura against each other.
  • The HOH bunch is adamant about voting Laura out.
  • Lydia wants the NBK (Natural Born Killers) to be only herself, Chima, and Kevin because the others talk too much.
  • The HOH group is falling apart trust-wise.
  • That one segment really wanted Russell backdoored.
  • Natalie says Russell wants Jordan out.
  • Despite personal differences, everyone is agreeing that Ronnie is a liar.
  • Russell confronted Ronnie about his lies and called for witnesses.
  • Ronnie got shouted at a lot as he stood on the balcony.
  • Ronnie retreated to his HOH room.
  • Every hamster in the house wants Ronnie out next week.
  • Since the confrontation, Ronnie's been hiding out while everyone talks about him and his lies.
  • It's all good, eh?

Maybe if she showered more than every three days, she wouldn't have to pop pimples on the live feeds.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds: Into the Evening Monday 7/20

I know I've mentioned this during previous years, but I'm going to say it again. The house has too much down time. As it stands right now since the POV ceremony is done and over with, there's nothing other than the HOH camera between tonight and the live eviction show on Thursday.

Throw in nominees like Laura and Jordan and we've got ourselves a snoozefest. Laura knows she's the target. She likes Jordan. She's not going to campaign against Jordan. Laura has accepted her fate and is more about trying to give Jordan game advice than trying to flip the vote.

Here are a few interesting tidbits from the Big Brother House of Restless Rodents:
  • Jessie and Casey talked about Ronnie's deals. Casey reminded Jessie that his own deal with Ronnie went sour.
  • Russell wants Ronnie out next.
  • I might have to like Russell a wee little bit even though it makes me feel cheap.
  • Russell told Casey that he doesn't like how everyone is acting a bit starstruck when it comes to Jessie.
  • Lydia told Jessie that Russell said Natalie and Jessie need to be split up. If I'm not mistaken, that was something she said to Russell first and he basically agreed.
  • Laura cried. She's on slop, she's tired, she knows she's going home and she wants to go home.
  • Jeff tried to tell her that she doesn't know for sure that she's going home, but that didn't console her. She knows she's going home.
  • A new but bound to be short-lived odd couple has come into being -- Russell and Laura. They both mocked Jessie (not to his face, of course), talked about Ronnie being the next to go.
  • Ronnie and Jessie talked. Jessie told Ronnie that Russell is using their conversations to get in with the other side.
Yawn. Laters!