Monday, July 27, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Bullein - PoV Used 7/27

Michele saved herself and, true to my dread, Casey went up on the block in her place. I don't like Jessie.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Overnight Into Monday 7/27

With the PoV meeting expected tonight, several of the hamsters are all wondering if Jessie will put up Ronnie as he told them he would. The others know that he won't. It's a recipe for a brouhaha!
  • Jeff told Casey that he suspects that he will go on the block when Michele saves herself.
  • He said that Jessie won't put Chima on the block.
  • Russell and Lydia trashtalked about Casey. This was in front of Jordan (who didn't really take part in the conversation).
  • Jordan told Jeff she thought the plan remained the same -- that is, to backdoor Ronnie.
  • Casey went to talk to Jessie.
  • Jessie tried his best to avoid saying outright that he's putting Casey on the block.
  • Casey reminded Jessie of the deal they made in the beginning.
  • Michele thinks it makes no sense not to put Ronnie on the block.
  • The Casey/Jessie talk ended with a handshake and Jessie telling him when you're HOH, you have to do the best thing for yourself.
  • Now Jordan and Jeff know that the Ronnie Backdoor plan has been squashed.
  • Casey wishes he tried harder for PoV and Jeff regrets losing HoH.
  • Michele and Jessie had a brief blow-up, but then got all hunky-dory again.
  • The sides have solidified more -- it's Natalie, Jessie, Ronnie, Chima, and sometimes Russell and Michele against Lydia, Kevin, Jeff, and Jordan.
  • The latter four pinky-swore not to put each other on the block.
  • Jessie and crew don't know so much that Lydia is "over there."
Unless Jessie is hoodwinking all of us, tonight it will be Casey on the block with Jordan. And, in the house, Jordan definitely has the edge to stay over Casey.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds - Margarita Party

Tonight was the big margarita party in the house. Jeff commented that he liked his outfit, it was too bad no one was really having fun. Natalie claimed BB told not to drink because she's underage. The have not brains couldn't participate. It was a very subdued party until pinata breaking started. Oh, Dots!

Big Brother 11 Nominations Show Blog Party 7/26

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

So far recaps and scheming. Athletes have Ronnie's back. Wah.

Have/Have Not comp is starting. Chima, Kevin, and Jordan play. Brains are the Have Nots. Cabbage and cocktail wieners!

America has new foods for voting - squash and squid, Brussel sprouts and borscht, liverwurst and black licorice. Hmm ...

Nomination time -- the decision is always about Jessie
Key order - Chima, Kevin, Casey, Lydia, Ronnie

Said he nominated Jordan and Michele, but gave no reason. Jessie tells us that neither will win POV, he will and will backdoor someone he wants out of the house.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Daytime Sunday 7/26

It's Chima Queen's birthday!

The hamsters decorated her picture on the Memory Wall

A good time was had by all

Except Banana Man
(He's actually yawning.)

Other than the party, it's been a relatively quiet day so far. Here are my observations:
  • Casey needs to stop picking his nose and eating the proceeds at the kitchen table.
  • They had cupcakes and cake which were made by the hamsters, all were allowed to eat them for one hour. Chima didn't know it was going down.
  • Singing "Happy Birthday" isn't allowed due to royalties issues on the song.
  • Ronnie told Chima that being a Christian is about being the best person you can and treating people well.
  • He also lied and told Chima he never lied to her.
  • I doubt any Christian wants Ronnie representing them.
  • Jessie told Chima that Casey's been lying since he came into the house.
  • It still looks like Jessie is going to nominate Casey when Michele saves herself. Jessie says so (to some) and it must be.
  • Jordan and Jeff are still sweet on each other.
  • Evidently, the Ronnie/Chima/Natalie/Jessie bond is growing. No, Russell and Lydia are not in there.