It's time for reflection and some photographs I've taken of the week gone by. If you're looking for Big Brother show stuff, wait for the next post or check back on the previous one. Or, just use this Big Brother blog tag!
It's been humid and stormy most of the past week here in New Jersey. The state even had a tornado which did quite a bit of damage on Wednesday. I'm nowhere near where that was (or I would have taken some cool photos!).
I've had a rather subdued week -- some issues at the workplace nagging at me, an empty apartment without my cat, Verizon FIOS irking me to no end coming in while I wasn't home making a mess installing their junk I don't want in my apartment (I refuse to get FIOS and wish I could have barred them from coming into my home), fighting a $50 late rent fee when the check posted on June 2 (I have until the 5th each month, usually mail it before the 1st). Argh. Maybe I'd be better off in the BB11 house! Oh! And Verizon FIOS idiots also left my apartment not secure by not re-locking my deadbolt! The regular door lock is flimsy -- anyone could have forced the door open. Grr.
Let's see ... there had to be some plus points for the week. Um. Um. Well, the elevator in my building is finally working. It's only been out of order since January. I felt like I was living in The Big Bang Theory. The slumlord landlord also installed a new intercom system, but it's not functional yet. Gee, maybe he'll get those fire extinguishers tagged 2005 attended to next, as well as get the fire alarm for the building operating again. That would be nice.
I also received word that I'll be getting nearly a year's worth of retroactive pay on a raise which never came at my workplace. That I can use. But it will be in a lump sum, so taxes are going to whack it. Yeah, I know in these economic times I should be thankful to have a job. But I've never not had a job (or two or three) and have nearly thirty years invested in the company. All I ask is to be treated fairly when it comes to benefits and salary reviews. I shouldn't have to fight for what's supposed to come my way on schedule.
Oh, well ... onto this week's photos. I don't think I had any really fantastic images this week although I came across a few good local finds. Clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window. 
No Loitering
I've been trying to get a picture of this public bench near the Plainfield (NJ) courthouse for weeks, but people are always loitering on it. Um ... what other purpose is there for a bench other than loitering? It's actually a bench for the bus stop. However, the issue is street people doing their thing loitering which seems to be the problem.

Street Art in Plainfield, New Jersey
I took a walk down a street I don't normally travel and came across this find in the parking lot for the YMCA buses. I couldn't get real close as I was photographing it through a fence. Now, I'm not an advocate for plain old graffiti, but I do like the more artistic doings. This was tagged by the NYC X-Men who hit the train station with tags a while back but no real art.

Plainfield Street Art Continued
It looks like they first painted their canvas black, then went to work. I wonder how long this took them to do?

More Plainfield Street Art and the fence between us
See! I told you there's a fence! I guess I could have walked around the block to get better shots.

This little office (?) is part of an abandoned garage on a lot owned by the city of Plainfield, NJ.

Flowers never bend with the rainfall
"So, I'll continue to continue to pretend that my life will never end and flowers never bend with the rainfall" - Simon and Garfunkel. Photo taken on East Front Street in Plainfield, NJ.

Goldfinch (?) on a dead tree
I spotted this bird on the same dead tree where I previously photographed a woodpecker. I believe it's the New Jersey State Bird -- the goldfinch. I could be wrong, though. Birds aren't quite my area of expertise. Bridgewater, NJ.

Plainfield NJ Train Station in sepia tones
I'm in a Simon and Garfunkel mood right now ... "Sitting in the railway station, got ticket for my destination...."

Living in America
This group of (possibly) homeless (probably) undocumented guys were enjoying a patch of shade in yesterday's one day of sunshine. The one guy obviously wanted his picture taken when he saw the camera, but two others scooted away fearing their images being captured. Plainfield has a large number of men like this -- day laborers who tend to live in apartments by the dozen, abandoned buildings, some handmade shelters along the railroad tracks. I know there are a lot of social ramifications, but their presence doesn't really bother me. And, I'm taller than all of them!