Thursday, August 06, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Dawn Thursday 8/06

It's the wee hours of the morning. It's in the vicinity of 3:00 AM there in the Big Brother house. And, once again, they're still up and not drunk.
  • Natalie took a shower. I know. I'm in shock, too.
  • Russell bashed Michele to Lydia, told her about the PhD. Now, there's a big bash, eh?
  • Chima, Lydia, and Russell got into another brouhaha rehashing the previous brouhaha.
  • Ronnie said he'll bash Michele in his speech on the live eviction show.
  • Natalie, in particular, is coming up with scheme after scheme to save Ronnie. Most are off in left field.
  • Everyone thinks their dire enemy in the house has the "wizard power." I've seen nothing which indicates anyone in particular has it.
  • Ah, interesting. Ronnie, Jessie, his pit bull, and Russell are talking. Ronnie said if he makes it through and wins HOH, he'll nominate Jeff and they'd vote him out.
  • "I can't do that," Russell told them. The man has some scruples although he's allowing the bunch to use him.
  • I wonder if Natalie would ever use her harebrained schemes to save her own butt. Some of them are outright ludicrous.
  • I expect today to be rather uneventful in the house as we gear for the live eviction and coup d'etat reveal.
  • But Natalie will surely keep scheming for Ronnie.
  • Ronnie is walking around in his underwear waking people up.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Evening Wed. 8/05

Well, I last posted about the brouhaha. We haven't had another major one yet, just some skirmishes. But that's not saying than nothing has been going down in that Big Brother House of Deceptive DIngbats.
  • Lydia is all down, wants to hurt herself, and had to pack. Earlier she mentioned that she was told in the DR that if she does anything to hurt herself, they'll remove her from the house.
  • Again, I say better psychological testing is needed.
  • Chima and Michele blame Russell for all the stress in the house.
  • I blame the pit bull and buddies.
  • Lydia screamed at Natalie.
  • What else is new?
  • Chima tried telling Lydia that Kevin through her under the bus.
  • Lydia had Kevin write the word "perspective" on her forearm with make-up.
  • I recall the first season, there was no make-up other than Jamie's infamous lip gloss. She'd hide behind the sink to apply it.
  • Ronnie is still trying to work Jordan and Jeff. It ain't working. They blatantly told him they don't trust him and never will.
  • Natalie claims to not know how to use a tampon.
  • Maybe she doesn't know the mechanics of a washcloth, either.
  • They were all in and out of the Diary Room recording goodbye messages.
  • There have been no hints on the coup d'etat. I keep hoping someone will look up at the cameras while alone and thank America.
  • Natalie told Jordan and Jeff that she will be the sole vote to evict Ronnie, just a sympathy vote, just wanted them to know.
  • That's part of the scheme she hatched with Jessie.
  • The annoying phone calls started coming in and they're running every fifteen minutes as I type this report.
  • I know a song that really gets on your nerves. Yes, yes it does. Make it stop.
  • Lydia thinks Jessie is behind trying to destroy her relationship with Kevin.
  • She loves him, she hates him. He hurt her, she wants to hurt herself. Lydia talked a long time with Jessie.
  • He claims that he hasn't cast his vote yet, so she has no case to complain that he's voting against her.
  • A common theme to the calls is calling for Natalie to bathe. Heh.
  • They think they have to memorize the calls.
  • Right now it's not looking like a solid exit for Ronnie.
  • I'm irked. But if Lydia is so unstable that she's talking about cutting herself and stuff ... it might be in her best interest to get her out of there.
  • I'd still rather Ronnie leave.
  • Now Michele is crying to Jordan and Jeff about Russell.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Daytime Wednesday 8/05

Jessie pulling his pit bull off during the confrontation they organized.

Jordan in shock during the confrontation Jessie, Natalie, and Ronnie instigated between Russell and Michele.

Wash your hair pit bull. Now. Not tomorrow.

Today was relatively boring in the house until ... brouhaha! They took HOH photographs and everything was going kind of hunky-dory. But then Natalie (the main instigator), Jessie, and Ronnie filled Russell's head with lies and exaggerations about things Michele may or may not have said.

The Russell/Chima rift, the Michele supposed lies ... it all came to a screaming match mainly between Natalie and Michele. Gee, how did that happen? Ronnie sat silently, at times picking his nose, throughout. Jeff tried to stay totally out of it although he knew that Michele had made a comment about sexual dysfunction and Russell to Chima. She claims she said it jokingly and then Russell was called to the DR so she never explained it. I agree with Jeff that it was a stupid thing for her to say and not funny.

But this is all blown out of proportion and all orchestrated by the Jessie Contingent. Russell fell for it, Kevin's stuck in the middle, but the Chima and Michele faction seems to be healing as I get this written up.

Michele thinks Russell was behind the meeting. But that's not the case at all. He was duped. It won't affect the eviction this week, but it casts a really horrible suspicion on Michele right now. True, she's fumbled her moves and has played both sides ... but no more than Russell.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Through the Night Into Wed. 8/05

Oh, I just love hearing tales of terror under night vision cameras with a group that includes RONNIE. Ack. Here are the events of the evening and the night behind us:
  • Chima has joined Lydia in trashtalking Jessie and Natalie. Oh, not to their faces, of course.
  • Natalie wants Jessie to stop talking to Lydia. She claims others are after her because of him.
  • Natalie told Jessie she's going to vote for Ronnie to stay and he should, too. That way, if Chima comes aboard and if there's a mysterious vote, Ronnie might stay. I call that an iffy plan, don't you?
  • Chima is appalled that Russell thought she was trying to seduce him.
  • I saw her and Russell. It was no Lydia blatant, but she WAS fluttering her eyes, petting his head (and other places), etc.
  • Ronnie told Lydia and Chima they shouldn't ever trust Michele as she will flip each week. Um, wouldn't Lydia herself be the flipper? Sometimes she looks like a flapper, but she's really a flipper.
  • Ronnie thinks the votes might be 4-3 in his favor.
  • Jessie told his crew (Natalie, Chima, Ronnie) that he thinks Michele set Russell up, telling him lies about them targeting him. (They DID discuss backdooring Russell, that was no lie!)
  • Heh. Chima made a comment to Natalie about her bathing/showering ... or lack thereof.
  • BB gave them alcohol, but just about enough to blitz a single person.
  • Michele told Kevin that Russell is being fed lies and believes them.
  • They discussed how the wizard voting would go. Chima said America wouldn't be voting for Russell based on his Memory Wall picture. Natalie said she'd vote for the cutest guy. Chima said the cutest one would be Jeff.
  • Aw, I'm glad she sees that. But she better not flirt with him and get Jordan on her case!
  • Chima continued to knock Russell every chance she could get. Is this all real? Previously Russell and Chima talked about staging a rift between them. This might all be an act or ...?
  • Shades of Wahmber! Lydia got all hysterical and crying because Jessie rebuffed her and crushed her heart!
  • Now, this is a girl who went from bed with the guy to trashing him and then back to bed. I don't give Jessie the Powerless Tool much credit for brains, but he knows when he's being used.
  • Lydia told Kevin she wants to cut herself. This goes back to my own doubts about the psychological testing for this show. I know I'd be a nutcase stuck in that house. I personally think when they go for the strong personalities and people who are a bit out there, they're setting up baskets for basket cases!
  • Poor Kevin had to be the one to console his best bud Lydia. He even got a bit emotional.
  • Jordan told the others she hated studying and is computer illiterate. I'm not really surprised. But, to her credit, I think Jordan has great people skills -- she could fit into almost any crowd and folks would like her. Someone like Michele, who obviously has brains, is a bit socially inept and nervous with people.
  • I always wanted to be a Jordan, but with my own brain. Alas, I'm more like a Michele -- not quite fitting in with the masses.
  • But I don't have my PhD. If someone wants to support me, I'd be happy to go earn one! I am computer literate, actually enjoy studying and learning new things. Well, things I want to learn about, anyway.
  • At least I'm not a Ronnie.
  • Chima once again said Russell is a terrorist and implied that he will do the next Amtrak bombing. I think her comments really cross the line. Say he's ugly or stupid, but don't cast aspersions that he's some sort of mad bomber!
  • A bunch, including just about everyone but Russell gathered in one room and told stories of robberies and scary things. Amazing ... no one fought or talked game with the exception of a few Kevin/Lydia knocks after those two split from the group.
  • Lydia and Kevin are still up and in the yard as I post this. They boxed for a while, now Lydia is in the pool.
  • There have been no indications on the "wizard power."
And ... how about that Paula Abdul leaving American Idol? Who will we mock for seemingly drunken behavior now?

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Big Brother 11 Aug. 4 Show Blog Party Post

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

Jessie, Michele, Russell, Ronnie, Lydia, and Kevin played for PoV. Michele won.

The veto was not used, Ronnie and Lydia remain on the block.