It's the wee hours of the morning. It's in the vicinity of 3:00 AM there in the Big Brother house. And, once again, they're still up and not drunk.
- Natalie took a shower. I know. I'm in shock, too.
- Russell bashed Michele to Lydia, told her about the PhD. Now, there's a big bash, eh?
- Chima, Lydia, and Russell got into another brouhaha rehashing the previous brouhaha.
- Ronnie said he'll bash Michele in his speech on the live eviction show.
- Natalie, in particular, is coming up with scheme after scheme to save Ronnie. Most are off in left field.
- Everyone thinks their dire enemy in the house has the "wizard power." I've seen nothing which indicates anyone in particular has it.
- Ah, interesting. Ronnie, Jessie, his pit bull, and Russell are talking. Ronnie said if he makes it through and wins HOH, he'll nominate Jeff and they'd vote him out.
- "I can't do that," Russell told them. The man has some scruples although he's allowing the bunch to use him.
- I wonder if Natalie would ever use her harebrained schemes to save her own butt. Some of them are outright ludicrous.
- I expect today to be rather uneventful in the house as we gear for the live eviction and coup d'etat reveal.
- But Natalie will surely keep scheming for Ronnie.
- Ronnie is walking around in his underwear waking people up.