The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.
Kevin won PoV. He chose not to use it so he can stay in Chima's good graces.
I'm going to start this off with a gripe. Y'see it's hot here and I'm cranky. Now, the flashback function on the RealPlayer live feeds is indeed a cool function. But in the house itself where they boast four feeds ... it's still just two different views of the same happenings and, a lot of time, all four feeds are on the same thing at different angles. Not once in the history of BB have I seen all four feeds on entirely different rooms. What's up with that?
Anyway ... here's what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Pitiable Pigs in a Poke:
- Lydia and Jordan went on a cleaning spree. There's some excitement, eh?
- They also talked about how boring the house is this week.
- You don't say.
- Chima told Natalie and Jessie they're boring after they awakened from yet another nap.
- 'Tis true.
- When Jessie told the story of being pulled over by the police while in a Cadillac, Chima told him they must have thought he was black because he was "in a black man's car."
- Oh my.
- Jeff gave Jordan grief about eating (because he can't).
- Russell asked Jordan to save him with her "wizard powers."
- Chima still wants Russell out, claiming she doesn't like being terrorized by him.
- I don't know. I think the chia pet bit was funny. I know. I'm mean.
- Chima told Michele that if she (Michele) is the worst human being Ronnie has ever met, he needs to get out more.
- She has a point there. Michele is odd, but not a horrible human being.
- Ohhh ... you know the house is in the doldrums when BB gives them modeling clay. Next up will be the dollar store toys!
- Michele says Lydia got together with Jessie to lie, so Chima suggested that maybe Lydia should leave next (after Russell).
- Hey! What happened to the all powerful girls alliance?
- Jeff, the best chef, thinks everyone has gone to town cooking this week while he can't eat. Why, even Jordan who doesn't cook prepared a banquet.
- But Jeff can have fresh basil. Go to town with it, Jeff.
- Russell worked on Jessie for the vote, telling him if he gets evicted, no way can Jessie win the game.
- Jessie fussed on about Russell picking Jeff to play for PoV and not himself.
- Russell told Natalie he didn't think the midwest would vote for Kevin, a gay guy, to get the "wizard power."
- It's possible that a mouse has gotten into their bread.
- They played with the clay, they're still talking small talk.
- They need to go to bed.
- And I need to go to work.
Finger-lickin' good slop!This house needs some shaking up. I want a brouhaha! I want a cat fight! Fisticuffs would be a welcome respite from the doldrums. Hey, throw in a unicorn and I'm so there.
Here are the day's happenings from that Big Brother House of Acrimonious Anti-Allies:
- After getting up, Kevin was directed to the diary room where there was a brief audio leak. He was receiving instructions on how to do the PoV. Not whether to use it or not, mind you.
- Then, when the time came (blocked feeds and all) ... he did NOT use the veto to save Lydia. He's going on the promises that she's definitely safe.
- Lydia isn't a happy camper. Nor would I be if my best friend in the house won the veto and didn't save me with it.
- Ah, something new and different -- Michele trash-talked Russell to Kevin. Russell's a terrorist, y'know.
- Chima told Kevin she's angry that Natalie never follows the direction of BB and thinks she can do whatever she wants. I'm paraphrasing there, but you get the general idea. BB tells Natalie to get up, she doesn't -- that kind of thing.
- Natalie apparently didn't cooperate when BB told her to "look alive" just before the PoV meeting.
- Chima thinks that Jeff has the "wizard power" because he's always getting called to the diary room and hasn't started any drama.
- Huh? Jeff has never been one to start drama in the house. He tries to avoid drama.
- Jeff made a slop concoction; Jordan made a fruit salad.
- And life goes on.
Today's song lyrics:There was green alligators and long-necked geese, Some humpty-backed camels and some chimpanzees. Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born, The loveliest of all was the unicorn. -- As sung by The Irish Rovers
Yep! Open that champagne and celebrate! At 2:48 AM this blog had its 2,000,000th visitor. Someone using Comcast and Mac out of Atlanta, Georgia. Whoohoo! Unfortunately, Russell is opening wine and it's just because BB is letting them drink alcohol once again last night. Here are the happenings from that Big Brother House of Whirling Dervishes:
- Russell polished off that bottle and some beers, too.
- Russell teased Jeff because Jeff is a have not this week and couldn't have any.
- Jeff is probably the lucky one.
- Russell told Jeff that if Lydia gets removed from the block and he (Jeff) goes up, he won't trash talk him.
- Russell says he plans to redeem Braden's name and call out people when he's evicted.
- The secret of the wizard remains safe. Although Jessie, Chima, and Natalie think Jeff has it, Russell thinks it's either Kevin or Michele.
- Russell thinks his father's letter to him during his HOH reign had secret code telling him to befriend Jeff.
- Those letters are written at the start of the season.
- Russell admitted to Jordan that he was the vote for Casey to stay.
- Chima is still going around calling Russell a terrorist. Y'know, she really should stop that. These days that's akin to calling someone a murderer or rapist.
- Jessie is sure that Jeff must have the wizard power. He thinks that Jeff will take Lydia and Russell off the block and he and Natalie will go up. Then that unicorn will come gore him ... er, cart him off on Thursday.
- Russell apologized to his father for losing the game. Well, he spoke into the cameras. I don't know if his father actually heard it.
- Michele told Jeff she's worried about herself or Jeff going up as replacements.
- Jeff told her he can't be a sheep any longer and needs to play the game.
- There ya go. Nothing earthshaking and Russell will probably have a hangover later.