Saturday, August 15, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Saturday Daytime 8/15

These two photos below are an update (10:30 PM ET) -- Lydia has put on her red unitard. Hers comes with night vision goggles and a cape, plus the words "Captain Unitard" across the front.

Kevin tries to make nicey-nice with Michele.

Natalie and Jeff mend those burnt bridges ... or something like that.

Lots of happenings, lots and lots. Here's the latest news from inside that Big Brother House of Hamsters Doing Their Own Fast Forwards:
  • Almost immediately on wake-up call this morning, they were summoned to the Diary Room one by one.
  • Hmm.
  • Lydia denied messing with the belongings of others and said it must have been Chima.
  • Lydia claimed that if she is evicted, she won't scream. She'll just say goodbye to the people she likes and walk out the door.
  • But I bet she'll put a lot of effort into her look for the night!
  • We began the beginning of several feeds blockages for the day.
  • Even the hamsters are confused.
  • "Aren't we supposed to pick the veto players today?"
  • No! It's a new HOH comp in the making!
  • Michele loses all of her stuff early and cannot compete for HOH.
  • Chima's photo on the Memory Wall didn't go black and white until afternoon.
  • Lots of tension going into the comp.
  • Jordan won HOH! How's that for karma working overtime?
  • Um ... one of you is paying that Karma Dude, right? He earned his money this week.
  • Lydia got the unitard, but thus far is refusing to wear it.
  • Natalie won a call from home (which she's fussing about wanting it in private and soon as she says she'll be going home Thursday).
  • Lydia claims that she'll give everyone enough grief so they vote her out and she will wear the unitard then.
  • Michele hurt her arm in the comp.
  • I'm sure she'll live.
  • The miniature golf practice for POV ended up being the theme of the HOH comp.
  • The final two in the comp were Jeff and Jordan. It sounds like he threw it to her.
  • He claimed he wanted the Hawaii trip instead of the HOH key.
  • Nah, I think he's smitten and Jordan in HOH is pretty much the same as Jeff there.
  • Michele got into a brouhaha (I use the word so much this season!) with Lydia about wearing the unitard. Actually, Michele was out of line with her vulgar language. I would have just tattletaled to the DR and fussed about it.
  • Lydia dumped all of Michele's HOH beers.
  • Jeff tried to calm Lydia down.
  • But she's a woman possessed. Perhaps with the spirit of the man, the myth, the legend.
  • Michele hit with the most vulgar word for female anatomy (one in no way do I want on this blog).
  • Well, now I'm getting a bit ticked at Michele.
  • True, Lydia dumped her champagne, but geez ... get her for breaking rules, don't sink to her level.
  • Then as the fires built up, we had feed blockage after feed blockage.
  • On for 20 seconds ... then blocked.
  • Now they've been back a while.
  • Kevin is trying distance himself from Lydia without really distancing himself.
  • Jeff told him they have no hard feelings against him but advised him to try to keep Lydia calm.
  • It was almost the same talk with Jeff and Natalie.
  • Michele and Kevin talked, too.
  • It's all one big happy yet totally dysfunctional family!
  • Well, except for the pink sheep of the family.
  • Lydia is still refusing to wear her unitard and has dyed her hair bright pink.
  • Kevin looks outright miserable.
  • I don't know when the nominations will be. But I did notice CBS is already touting a huge happening which shook up the house.
  • Jordan told Jeff and Michele that she wants to put Natalie and Lydia on the block.
  • However, Natalie and Lydia have both pretty much figured out they're going up.
  • From watching, I think Natalie will let Lydia play the crazy card and try to float on through.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds - Friday Into Saturday 8/15 or Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch

Russell, the plain old non-terrorist yet perhaps imperfect dude, is pining over the loss of Chima from the Big Brother house. (Sure he is!)

Before it all went down, the mood of the house was obviously bothering Jordan.

All of Jeff's clothes were removed from the drawers and tossed around. He put them back and was more ticked each minute.

But the big news of the house from the overnight hours is ...


You heard me. She's gone, outta there, never to darken my live feeds again. She couldn't take the heat, so she's out of that kitchen!

Here's how the night went down in that Big Brother House of Parting Princesses:
  • Oh, it was so boring for so long. Natalie was reading the BB rules book, others were talking small talk.
  • Chima was in hiding under her blankets.
  • I really don't understand why the ex-Jessie crew was in such turmoil. They had their days at the top of the heap, didn't they know that tables can turn? I guess it's time they all learned a life lesson, eh?
  • Jeff finally got to eat. It's a wonder he hasn't lost his appetite with all of the hate going around in the house.
  • Natalie and Lydia, obviously over past differences and united in their blind worship of Jessie the Magnificent, bonded.
  • Chima hid from life.
  • When Jeff got called to the Diary Room, Natalie made a comment to the effect of "yeah, go find out how to #@$# with Chima, Natalie, and Lydia some more."
  • It's a GAME, gals! Sheesh! When they were on the top, the others didn't make snide comments all the time! What is up with these people?
  • Natalie said she's going to dump water all over their beds.
  • When their indoor lockdown was done, they went to the back yard to find a miniature golf type set-up.
  • Jeff wanted to keep on eating. He's one hungry guy after a week on slop!
  • Kevin went to Jeff and said he had nothing to do with messing with his belongings. He said he saw the girls move his own stuff into Jeff's drawers, so he took it out as he didn't want to get involved.
  • I think Kevin, who's remained alone most of the evening, is regretting his allegiance to Chima and the gals. He could have declared the other side long ago.
  • Chima finally emerged at Kevin's request.
  • Production told Chima to put on her microphone.
  • She flipped them off and ignored them.
  • Chima decided that she wouldn't let the others practice -- the golf game is obviously some sort of practice for the POV.
  • Chima threw her microphone into the hot tub.
  • Russell talked about his family coming here from Lebanon.
  • I don't think that makes him a terrorist.
  • Jeff got irked by the Goony Gals because they were deliberately hogging the washer/dryer when he wanted to do his clothes.
  • As Michele tried waiting her turn to practice golf, Natalie said they could hog it all night.
  • Didn't Cappy and Crew do something like that before one of the big brouhahas in that season? Try to intimidate the others during a comp practice scenario?
  • Of the two nominated, Jordan told Michele she'd like Natalie to go because Natalie wants to go after Jeff.
  • Little did she know ...
  • Chima gathered laundry, then went to go sit on the washing machine so she could put hers in before Jeff (who was already not so patiently waiting for the machine).
  • Chima and Natalie talked -- Natalie admitted she was the one who messed with Jeff's clothes. No surprises there for me as Chima was in hiding under covers and feeling sorry for herself.
  • Jordan told her men (Russell and Jeff) that she heard the others were going to pour hot sauce on all of their clothes. She thinks everyone should put their stuff up in the HOH room to keep it safe.
  • Chima kept making nasty comments to the camera. She's either being nasty to us (America's fault she's in the predicament she is) or to production (it's their fault, too!).
  • Lydia brought up that Russell hit her with a ball (a few weeks ago) and BB "let it go and didn't do anything."
  • BB once again told Chima to put her microphone on.
  • Jeff told Jordan he didn't want to have to hide his clothes and act like he's scared.
  • Jeff said, "This is the most miserable cast ever with the biggest bitch on reality TV ever."
  • He said it, not me. But I must agree. Not the whole cast, but ...!
  • Chima told Natalie that even though she hates Russell, she would vote for him to win over Michele, Jordan, or Jeff.
  • I guess she just can't understand why people aren't in love with the princess?
  • Every time they talked about production (unfair, picking on them, taking Jeff's side, etc.), we got blocked feeds.
  • The Battle of the Laundry continued.
  • Chima took Russell's hat and hid it.
  • Lydia said that Jordan is "dumb as a box of hair."
  • Chima said that she shouldn't be called the 5th HOH, just call her the 6th nominee to be evicted thanks to production. Then she gave the finger to said production. Or to me.
  • @@
  • Kevin told Michele that the three girls (Lydia, Natalie, Chima) are acting like they're a cult and their beloved leader (Jessie) died.
  • I think it's too little too late for ya, Kevin. You chose your gal Chima. It's going to be hard to switch sides now, don't you think?
  • Then came a loooong feeds blockage.
  • What? The feeds are back and Chima is nowhere to be seen? Could she be hiding under the covers again?
  • What? They're talking about possibly no eviction this week? They're talking about replacing a houseguest?
  • Oh my. Whatever in the world can be going on? Where's Waldo Chima?
  • Russell said her first meeting will be with the legal department.
  • Ohhhh!
  • Jeff said, "And then there were seven. They're going to black that out!"
  • Ohhhh!
  • Then they worried that Chima may have taken some of their belongings.
  • Russell told Michele that Chima was trying to bait him in the morning, almost like she wanted him to go after her with the knife he was using in the kitchen.
  • It wouldn't surprise me. She wanted to get him mad enough to hit her before so he could get the boot.
  • Meanwhile, there seems to be a loose cannon (okay, maybe a firecracker in perspective) in the Jeff, Michele, Jordan, and Russell faction.
  • Russell seems to be trying to work Michele against Jeff a bit.
  • It's not working. Michele said that she never had any intention to vote Jeff out.
  • Jordan, Jeff, Russell, and Michele talked about Chima's anger issues. Jordan hadn't heard the rape story.
  • They all agree she needs professional help.
  • Natalie is now not only in worship of Jessie, she's agog with Chima, too.
  • "That was HUGE! She threw her microphone in the hot tub!"
  • False idols, I say.
  • Apparently Allison Grodner herself came out during whatever the final straw was.
  • We don't know for sure if Chima got the boot or if she DOR'd (voluntary exit).
  • But we know that ...


Friday, August 14, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations 8/14

The feeds have been blocked for a long time. They came on briefly ... Jeff was saying "they" better not ruin his things. Then it flashed to Natalie saying she read the rule book and Michele can't do that -- "tell her she's going to put her on the block."

It's sure that Natalie is on the block. I think, from what Jeff said, Chima's up there with her.

Feeds back on ... Natalie is reading the rules book, Jeff and Russell are talking about food. Natalie just read out loud that you can't cover up cameras, feeds blocked again.

Natalie says that "she" is going to get karma or some kind of disease for what she did to Chima. Natalie expected it for herself because she never got along with Michele. Hmmm ... it's Natalie and Chima on the block. Chima is hiding under the Jessie covers.

You go with your bad BB-playing self, Michele!

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Through Friday Daytime 8/14

It's so sticky humid here that I don't want to think of leather pants. I don't even want to think of pleather pants. And, if they're latex, that's just kinky.

Here are the happenings from inside that Big Brother House I'm a Teensy Woman, But Hear Me Roar:
  • Chima about Russell, "He's not even Catholic. He's some extreme Muslim terrorist."
  • Love how those kind of comments got edited so nicely for the show, don't you?
  • For some reason, I would think the BB house is way low on the priority list for terrorists.
  • With feeds blocked, they held the Have/Have Not comp. Jeff remains a Have Not for another day due to a penalty. Lydia is a fresh Have Not as is Kevin.
  • Russell thinks Chima and Kevin should go on the block. It just dawned on him that Kevin isn't on his side.
  • As Jeff walked by Chima, she commented on how it's been proven time and time again that America votes for [bleep].
  • Michele asked Russell why he voted to keep Jessie. He told her that he had given Jessie his word he wouldn't vote him out. He kept his word.
  • Russell gave Michele his word that he won't put her on the block.
  • Despite his quick trigger temper, I've noticed that he does keep his word in this kind of situation -- he kept it to Jeff, to Jessie.
  • Michele has pretty much made it known to everyone that she will not be putting Russell on the block.
  • Chima and Natalie keep working on her -- they know people from their little group will go on the block.
  • I say ... didn't they say last night they missed Jessie? They could think of it as alone time with the man, the myth, the legend.
  • Chima reminded Michele that Russell recently did and said awful things to her.
  • Michele told Natalie other people in the house have treated her worse.
  • Michele said she's running out of people to nominate -- she likes everyone.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Chima is sure that Russell and Jeff had some kind of deal with the mystery power.
  • No, Chima. Your side had a huge advantage in the start of the game and now the tables have turned.
  • Jordan and Jegg think Michele could very well put Natalie and Chima on the block.
  • Now, that could be fun.
  • Nominations should be later tonight!
  • They called Michele to the Diary Room and there's now trivia on the feeds ... so noms may be in motion.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Friday Morning 8/14

Maybe I'm just too old or something. I just can't get with the profound feeling of loss that Natalie, Chima, and Lydia have for Jessie. It's not even like he was their exalted leader -- usually people told Jessie what he should do rather than he leading his minions. These girls seem willing to risk their own game acted like spoiled toddlers because they lost their Jessie. Very odd.

Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Bereft Babes:
  • As The Three Lost Ladies sipped wine and spoke eulogies of a Jessie gone by (accompanied by Kevin and Michele), Jeff and Russell talked about how foolish they're acting.
  • He didn't get a proper goodbye!
  • He didn't get a chance to fight to stay!
  • Even Jordan thinks they're being silly.
  • Jeff and Russell both spoke of being calm in the house. Russell said he'll try to keep Jeff from losing his temper.
  • I think it should be the other way around!
  • Russell is still denying being the second vote for Natalie.
  • People are messing with other people's property. I blame Chima who started it all by dumping Russell's suitcase earlier in the evening.
  • Natalie claims that production doesn't care about them or their goodbye messages.
  • Natalie and Lydia talked of plans to mess with Jeff's stuff after nominations.
  • Lydia thinks that Michele didn't like Jessie because he didn't flirt with her.
  • Russell, Jeff, Jordan, and Michele talked of winning next week and being the final four.
  • Michele is actually playing well right now -- Chima thinks she's listening to her and Jordan thinks she's on her side.
  • I think Michele is leaning towards the Jeff/Jordan side, but it's hard to tell. She doesn't really trust Russell.
  • Lydia said she won't be happy until Jeff and Russell are evicted.
  • So much for being appreciative that Jeff saved her, huh?
  • When Jeff told Michele to enjoy her HoH week she corrected him -- "OUR week."
  • Hmmm. Good acting or ...?
  • Natalie thinks that Chima should have gotten to name the replacement noms. Well, that would ruin the idea behind the coup d'etat, methinks.
  • Natalie and Lydia are sure that Michele will put Russell on the block.
  • But will she? He was horrible to her, but if she sticks with the Jeff/Jordan bunch, he's a number.
  • Natalie pledges to sleep all the time.
  • Jeff commented that Natalie was drinking and she's 18? Food for thought, Jeff.
  • Michele said BB said to drink all her HoH liquor before the end of the week.
  • Michele also said that BB told her not to let boys in her bed and to talk about her husband more.
  • She invited Jordan to sleep in the HoH room with her.
  • Jordan is better off there than with Chima and her Chumps. Although ... Jordan gets along with everyone.
  • It's a slumber party! Jeff and Russell talk of sleeping on the floor in the HOH room with Jordan and Michele.
  • That may be more comfortable than being with the others.
  • And, it also keeps Michele to themselves. But it's not to be ... Jeff still has one day more of being a Have Not due to the evil Gatorade.
  • Lydia talked of causing trouble and doing things to get BB mad. Chima warned her against it as they would take damages out of her stipend.
  • Michele kind of hinted to Kevin that Chima may be going on the block. Hmm ...
  • Michele told Kevin she has no intention of putting him on the block, but she can't make any promises about the rest of his alliance.
  • Jordan told Jeff that winning the coup d'etat is great because it means America likes him. Well, yeah.
  • The Michele/Russell relationship seems to have turned a new page. They talked of final two and hugged.
  • Russell wanted to sleep in the Have Not room with Jeff, but BB said no.
  • He has to be in with the wolves.
  • Michele and Jordan talked about Russell. Jordan thinks it's odd that Russell doesn't want Michele to put Natalie on the block.
  • From all of the conversations, it seems that Michele is leaning towards putting Chima and either Natalie/Lydia on the block.
  • But it's hard to tell.
  • For all I know, she could be playing Jeff and Jordan. But she does seem more sincere when she's with them.
  • Jeff is way uncomfortable in his Have Not room as the Chima Chumps stole most of the bedding.
  • Later!