Kevin tries to make nicey-nice with Michele.
Natalie and Jeff mend those burnt bridges ... or something like that.
Lots of happenings, lots and lots. Here's the latest news from inside that Big Brother House of Hamsters Doing Their Own Fast Forwards:
- Almost immediately on wake-up call this morning, they were summoned to the Diary Room one by one.
- Hmm.
- Lydia denied messing with the belongings of others and said it must have been Chima.
- Lydia claimed that if she is evicted, she won't scream. She'll just say goodbye to the people she likes and walk out the door.
- But I bet she'll put a lot of effort into her look for the night!
- We began the beginning of several feeds blockages for the day.
- Even the hamsters are confused.
- "Aren't we supposed to pick the veto players today?"
- No! It's a new HOH comp in the making!
- Michele loses all of her stuff early and cannot compete for HOH.
- Chima's photo on the Memory Wall didn't go black and white until afternoon.
- Lots of tension going into the comp.
- Jordan won HOH! How's that for karma working overtime?
- Um ... one of you is paying that Karma Dude, right? He earned his money this week.
- Lydia got the unitard, but thus far is refusing to wear it.
- Natalie won a call from home (which she's fussing about wanting it in private and soon as she says she'll be going home Thursday).
- Lydia claims that she'll give everyone enough grief so they vote her out and she will wear the unitard then.
- Michele hurt her arm in the comp.
- I'm sure she'll live.
- The miniature golf practice for POV ended up being the theme of the HOH comp.
- The final two in the comp were Jeff and Jordan. It sounds like he threw it to her.
- He claimed he wanted the Hawaii trip instead of the HOH key.
- Nah, I think he's smitten and Jordan in HOH is pretty much the same as Jeff there.
- Michele got into a brouhaha (I use the word so much this season!) with Lydia about wearing the unitard. Actually, Michele was out of line with her vulgar language. I would have just tattletaled to the DR and fussed about it.
- Lydia dumped all of Michele's HOH beers.
- Jeff tried to calm Lydia down.
- But she's a woman possessed. Perhaps with the spirit of the man, the myth, the legend.
- Michele hit with the most vulgar word for female anatomy (one in no way do I want on this blog).
- Well, now I'm getting a bit ticked at Michele.
- True, Lydia dumped her champagne, but geez ... get her for breaking rules, don't sink to her level.
- Then as the fires built up, we had feed blockage after feed blockage.
- On for 20 seconds ... then blocked.
- Now they've been back a while.
- Kevin is trying distance himself from Lydia without really distancing himself.
- Jeff told him they have no hard feelings against him but advised him to try to keep Lydia calm.
- It was almost the same talk with Jeff and Natalie.
- Michele and Kevin talked, too.
- It's all one big happy yet totally dysfunctional family!
- Well, except for the pink sheep of the family.
- Lydia is still refusing to wear her unitard and has dyed her hair bright pink.
- Kevin looks outright miserable.
- I don't know when the nominations will be. But I did notice CBS is already touting a huge happening which shook up the house.
- Jordan told Jeff and Michele that she wants to put Natalie and Lydia on the block.
- However, Natalie and Lydia have both pretty much figured out they're going up.
- From watching, I think Natalie will let Lydia play the crazy card and try to float on through.