Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Big Brother 11: Chima Blow Out Show Blog Party

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated with major events as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

Are you ready for the Chima meltdown?

Mic thrown in pool, refusing commands. Allison Grodner herself called her to the DR and told her there was no need to sit ... "go out this way." Um, I call she got the boot even though she was saying she wanted to quit.

It's scary that Lydia is being the voice of reason with Natalie over it.

Since Michele's nominee Chima left, they're playing for HOH. It was a comp in which they could take prizes won by those eliminated before them. Jordan won and snagged the HOH key from Lydia -- Jordan is the new HOH. And Lydia is one mad little so-and-so.

Jordan nominated Lydia and Natalie.

It sounds like Thursday might be an endurance ... they said POV, eviction and "start of another HOH." We'll see!

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Tuesday Daytime 8/18

OMG, I made my bed, now I must lie in it.

As I get this posted, we still have no POV comp. I don't know what's up with that, neither do the hamsters. Here are the non-events from today in the Big Brother House of Bored Bimbos and Manly Mimbos:
  • Lydia complained about there being no music for the wake-up call.
  • Michele talked with her re-buddy (kind of like re-gifting) Russell. She's very upset that people were talking about her as she slept and that Jeff actually played cards with Lydia.
  • Russell told her they're still partners and that Kevin, Lydia, and Natalie are just buttering up Jeff and Jordan as they expected.
  • Both Michele and Russell feel like they're on the fringes of Jeff and Jordan, nowhere near solid with them.
  • As they should feel.
  • Russell told Michele that she's the strongest woman in the house this season, not Chima or Natalie.
  • Michele and Russell agreed to keep apart for most of the day as they don't want to look like they're together.
  • But they are.
  • Natalie got her phone call from her father (won last Friday). She told Lydia both she and her father cried.
  • But she told Jeff she never cries. She told Jeff she didn't cry about Jessie at the "wake," either.
  • But she did cry then.
  • She cried as she told Kevin and Lydia about the call.
  • But I'm sure she'll deny it.
  • Natalie, Lydia, and Kevin decided they won't mention Jessie's name anymore as it just causes problems between them.
  • So they keep mentioning his name.
  • Natalie told Jeff he's hot.
  • But she has indeed said that before ... just not to Jeff.
  • Hopefully POV will be sometime soon. But chances are we won't know the results for hours.
  • Please stop back for the show blog party starting at 9 PM ET -- there will be a new post up and everyone can party in comments!

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn 8/18

Here's the scoop from inside that Big Brother House of Tall Tales and Blocked Stories:
  • I know they can't get releases from everyone, past and present, in the lives of the hamsters. But sheesh ... about 90% of personal stories they tell end up getting blocked on the feeds.
  • Jordan is expecting her period.
  • Russell and Jeff look so uncomfortable whenever she mentions it.
  • Natalie will be getting her phone call from her father sometime today.
  • The Russell, Michele, Jeff, and Jordan contingent talked about their first impressions of everyone in the house.
  • Natalie, Lydia, and Kevin were off playing cards or sleeping.
  • Natalie told Lydia that she (Lydia) is wasting all her time away sleeping.
  • Natalie has a short memory -- she and Jessie slept 3/4 of the day just two weeks ago.
  • Natalie told Jordan that Chima thought if she left, Jessie would come back.
  • Ew! I'm glad that didn't happen!
  • Although Natalie is with Kevin and Lydia all the time, she says she's alone in the game and specifically denies any friendship with Lydia.
  • Natalie said that Jessie wanted a relationship with her and "poured his heart out to her." @@
  • Russell isn't buying any of the Jessie/Natalie relationship tales. He knows Jessie wasn't interested in Natalie except for gameplay.
  • Jordan can't HOH Twitter yet because it hasn't been revealed on TV that she's the HOH.
  • Lydia whined and fussed to Kevin. She can't tan in the unitard! Worlds are collapsing all about her private little universe!
  • Sigh ... more card playing. I want BB to take those cards right back. Give 'em a Twister game instead ... heck, even Scrabble.
  • Lydia and Natalie are still calling Michele psycho-sleeper (amongst other things). That's because of her night terrors and screaming out during the night.
  • Barring any POV changes, the Kevin/Lydia/Natalie group is sure Lydia will be going off to the jury with Jessie.
  • Little do they know, the Michele/Jordan/Jeff/Russell group (if everyone cooperates) will be targeting Natalie.
  • POV should be sometime today.
  • With my luck it will be while I'm at work or while we're all watching the show.

Big brother 11 Live Feeds Into Monday Evening 8/17

Yawn. The hamsters are feasting because at 9 PM they could go off slop.

Here are the events from the evening in that Big Brother House of Dubious Superheroes:
  • Natalie denied crying about Jessie at the wake (this was to Jeff).
  • You know, she never cries and she didn't care that much that he's gone. She was only staying with him for her game.
  • If Jessie could hear her, he'd turn over in his grave.
  • Oh wait. After the wake, I forgot he actually lives.
  • Natalie also told Jeff that neither he or Russell have ever been her targets. She wanted Michele and Lydia out.
  • Jeff told her that he felt he had to get Jessie out because he needed to get the king of the house out.
  • Natalie feels guilty because she told Chima to go to the Diary Room to confront the producers.
  • At least she says that.
  • She also said that Chima was deliberately pushing the limits and wanted out.
  • Jeff told Jordan that the others seem to be gunning for Michele and now Russell isn't in their sights.
  • Jordan thinks that Russell and Michele might be working together. She thinks they should get the remaining two from the other side to target one of them.
  • Jeff told her not to get too far ahead in planning. They haven't played POV yet.
  • Jeff still has some suspicion about Michele "playing a Ronnie" on them. But he also wants the four to look solid to the other side.
  • The playing cards they now have show why they don't usually get playing cards. They sit around playing cards half the day.
  • Russell got a massage from a massage therapist. Lydia told him that now all the toxins have been released and he won't feel well.
  • Lydia fussed that the Diary Room told her to get a scarf or hoodie because they didn't want her pink hair showing.
  • They must be planning on some sort of continuity, eh?
  • I keep expecting them to show the margarita party.
  • At one point Lydia misplaced her cape. She was bereft.
  • Yawn.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Monday Daytime 8/17

Who's on the receiving end of Michele's big smile? Russell. These folks are totally bonkers. I love you! I hate you! I never lie! I lie all the time!

Here are the happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Contrary Marys and Nervous Nancies:
  • Jordan thinks they should get Natalie out this week since Lydia's pretty much a waste (ditzy, doesn't win comps, doesn't really have any oomph in her game). She thinks that Kevin might actually listen to them a bit.
  • Michele thinks their side must win every comp from now on in.
  • I don't think so.
  • They can't tell Kevin anything as they know he'll run to Natalie and Lydia.
  • Jordan doesn't think they can count on Russell's vote as he votes according to his own mind, not with the group.
  • Lydia and Natalie said that Jeff is running Jordan's HOH -- they're not "her" nominations.
  • I say, "Did Jessie ever run his own HOH?"
  • America voted for jalapeno and pepperoni. They're loving the pepperoni.
  • Russell mentioned that Kevin has been almost winning a lot of comps. Michele agreed he's a smart player.
  • Natalie and Lydia talked about doing things to bug Jeff and Jordan.
  • Kevin advised them to just play the game instead.
  • Jeff can't figure out Michele.
  • Neither can I.
  • As expected, Jordan nominated Natalie and Lydia for eviction. She wants Natalie to go.
  • I'm not sure when POV will be, but I'll be posting a report later tonight.