Thursday, August 20, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Eviction Show Blog Party Post 8/20

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

Lots of filler -- 8:25 PM POV starts. Russell sits out. It's down to Jordan and Michele. JORDAN has won the Power of Veto! She did not use it. The live eviction is next.

The voting to evict:
Russell --> Lydia
Michele --> Lydia
Jeff --> Lydia
Kevin --> Natalie

Lydia is evicted.

HOH is on ... NOT an extensive endurance as many expected. They're dropping cans in tubes. The first to 24 or the one with the most at the end of the hour wins. I'll be updating with a new post from the live feeds when they go on.

Project Runway Blog Discussion Post

You asked for it, you got it! This is your place to discuss Project Runway. I don't watch the show myself. However, a lot of the commenters do. The show airs on the Lifetime network Thursday nights at 10 PM ET/PT. The official show website is right here.


Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Dawn Thursday 8/20

While tonight's show should be interesting (although it can't top Tuesday's Chima Blow Out), the house itself has been relatively quiet. Here's the news from inside that Big Brother House of Feisty Fibbers:
  • Before BB could block him, Jeff sang a line from "Jessie's Girl" to the amusement of Natalie and Kevin. Lydia didn't think it was funny.
  • Natalie accidentally broke her microphone. "Uh-oh, I'm going to get sent home!"
  • They got the materials for tie-dyed t-shirts, a BB standard diversion.
  • The instructions were no dye fights, shout-outs, or messages.
  • The shirts can't be worn on the live show.
  • Lydia acted like a fussy child who thinks she's an expert with the shirts.
  • But she was good at it.
  • But it's supposed to be fun, not art!
  • Natalie is still harping on the Russell problems.
  • Michele is, too.
  • So much for the big happy family.
  • They talked over scenarios if someone uses the veto to save either Lydia or Natalie. It seems to be Russell in the glare of the headlights.
  • Jordan has a hankering to backdoor Russell because Natalie told her if she wins HOH, she'd nominate Lydia or Michele.
  • Um ... what's wrong with Jordan's logic?
  • Well, chances are that Lydia won't be around if Natalie's around.
  • Jeff said he doesn't trust Russell.
  • Once again, I think Jordan and Jeff can only really trust each other. I don't know why they don't get that yet.
  • Jeff thinks they need to keep Russell even though he doesn't trust him.
  • I think he's right there.
  • Jordan has developed a soft spot for Natalie. Argh!
  • Kevin and Natalie studied for comps.
  • Everyone to bed rather early for them.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Through the Daytime Wednesday 8/19

Should we confront him? Do we want to do this?

Russell! What have you been saying about us?

I haven't posted before this because the house has been so boring today. Same lies, different day. The PoV hasn't gone down and I last left you with the idea that Jeff and Jordan have doubts about Russell. Here's the day's scoop from the Big Brother House of Talking In Circles Makes Me Dizzy:
  • Kevin told Natalie that if he wins veto, he'll take her off the block instead of Lydia. He claims Lydia no longer has any interest in playing or winning the game.
  • Jordan got her HOH camera and fun was had by all. Okay.
  • Michele went on with her stories of Russell to Jordan and Jeff. She claims he's all weird and psycho each time they enter the room.
  • Michele claimed that Russell didn't want to talk to Jeff and Jordan.
  • Michele told Jeff about Russell saying he wanted to work out with Jeff to wear him down going into an endurance comp.
  • Jordan is considering backdooring Russell if the veto is used.
  • Jeff said that it doesn't make sense to get rid of Russell if he's an ally. But if he isn't ...
  • Jeff said that if they talk to Russell now, he'll deny everything and paint Michele as a liar.
  • Then Michele said that Russell wants Kevin on the block next week and not Jeff.
  • Are you dizzy yet?
  • Michele's tales to Jeff and Jordan about Russell perfectly play in with Natalie and Kevin's made up tales about Russell.
  • Michele is not in cahoots with Natalie and Kevin.
  • Jordan now thinks they should keep Natalie, not Lydia. She thinks voting out Lydia will give them a new ally.
  • New allies at this point? Hmm. Not sure what sense that makes.
  • Jordan decided she had to confront Jeff.
  • Russell told Jeff and Jordan he only voted for Jessie because he gave him his word he wouldn't put him up, nor vote him out.
  • They called Michele in. As usual, when she lies (and sometimes when she's quasi-truthful), she got all flustered and nervous. She can never be pinned down on specifics or times.
  • Russell denied he was gunning for Jeff.
  • Jeff called in both Natalie and Kevin who backed up Michele's story of Russell targeting Jeff in the Splish Splash room.
  • The both confirmed they overheard Russell plotting the demise of Jeff ... so to speak.
  • Jeff wants to keep the final four intact.
  • He doesn't think they can lose a member know.
  • Now they're bringing up Michele's Colt 45 bit with Jeff.
  • Jeff thought it was a beer, Russell thought gun. I'm confused. I ask again ... Colt 45? Is it a beer or a gun?
  • Okay, all are nicey-nicey now. The final four alliance of Jordan, Jeff, Russell, and Michele all together again. They don't want the other three to think they've weakened as a team.
  • I expect boredom again.
  • Wait -- Michele is still fussing!
  • Jeff is saying things were misconstrued and it's over.
  • Okay. All hunky-dory again.
  • For now.
  • Now they're having a brainstorm about who should go. Russell says Natalie because Lydia can't play well at anything. Michele is iffy.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Overnight Into Wednesday 8/19

Gosh, this is the most wrapped-up and clothed Big Brother ever. Has California been having a record cold wave or what? I'm just as happy not to see nearly naked people all the time, but these folks act like it's November in New Jersey.

And here is little lying mastermind. I don't care for her. But if she successfully convinces everyone and stays in the game, she just might win it all. And, if it gets to that point, I'd have to give her kudos for playing everyone.

Yes, I feel that Jordan and Jeff just could be falling under the spell of Natalie. Scary, eh? I can't understand how anyone thinks a woman who calls other women "dude" is an upstanding ally. Yeah, I'm nitpicking, dudes. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of All the Young Dudes:
  • Michele has become increasingly paranoid and was crying on and off.
  • She finally talked to Jeff, bringing up odd things like she thought he said "Colt 45" when he actually said, "Good night, talk to you in the morning."
  • He consoled her and reaffirmed that she's in with him and Jordan.
  • Jeff claimed he has no clue what Colt 45 is and wouldn't have said it.
  • I'm trying to remember if it's a beer or a gun myself.
  • Jeff and Russell talked. Russell said if the noms remain the same, the strategical choice to to home would be Natalie. Jeff agreed.
  • They both know that if Kevin wins the veto and takes Lydia off, either Russell or Michele will go up.
  • They're all trying to figure out the show and comps schedule.
  • So are we, the viewers.
  • Jeff thinks that Russell isn't being 100% honest with them (himself and Jordan).
  • Michele keeps planting more anti-Russell seeds once again.
  • So much for their final two plan (Russell and Michele) ... or, is it all to throw folks off?
  • Natalie apologized to Lydia for fighting with her but reminded her that Jessie is an ass if she goes to the jury house.
  • Jordan's in a quandary. She knows either Michele or Russell is lying about things like targeting them, but can't figure out which one.
  • The Kevin and Natalie lies about Russell targeting Jeff have really taken seed and sprouted.
  • Russell mocked a man who will go around wearing a shirt with his own picture on it.
  • Well, he does have a point there!
  • They talked of Chima disposing of Little Jeff (the clay figure) in the storage room trash.
  • Jeff thinks Little Jeff had an escape plan out of the house.
  • Michele and Russell are still together (or are they?) -- they talked about how Russell is worried because Jordan is acting like she's having second thoughts. They think Russell will have the edge in an endurance comp if they can get Jeff to keep exercising and wear himself down some beforehand.
  • Jeff told Jordan everyone is lying and she shouldn't be so nice to the other side because they haven't had their backs for the entire game so far.
  • Jeff wants to confront Russell and Michele, yet he doesn't want to as he doesn't want a blow-up. They have conflicting stories. Who's lying?
  • They played cards forever. And a day. Take those cards away, BB!
  • Natalie came across as quite the pro for her tender years. She talked of playing in tournaments.
  • Isn't the age 21 for tournaments? Danger, Will Robinson, danger!
  • Jordan told Michele that she might trust Kevin more than Russell.
  • Michele says that Russell might want Kevin gone because he could easily replace him in the final four scenario.
  • Jordan and Michele confirmed their final three deal -- Jeff, Jordan, and Michele.
  • But what of the final two pact between Russell and Michele?
  • Meanwhile, Jeff and Natalie bonded. Oh, make it be just for show! Make it be not real! Jeff, DANGER! DANGER!
  • Uh-oh. My warnings aren't working.
  • Natalie is working her way into the Michele, Jeff, and Jordan circle.
  • Say it ain't so!
  • I'd rather Kevin work himself in there than Natalie!
  • Natalie gave them her word that if they save her this week, she will be with them all the way.
  • OMG, it's ridonculous (as Kevin would say).
  • Maybe Natalie will usurp the position of the true puppetmaster from Dr. Will.
  • Jordan and Jeff are totally buying into her act.
  • I feel a bit ill.
  • My show review was posted at TV Squad in the wee hours. Give it a gander if you wish!