Should we confront him? Do we want to do this?
Russell! What have you been saying about us?
I haven't posted before this because the house has been so boring today. Same lies, different day. The PoV hasn't gone down and I last left you with the idea that Jeff and Jordan have doubts about Russell. Here's the day's scoop from the Big Brother House of Talking In Circles Makes Me Dizzy:
- Kevin told Natalie that if he wins veto, he'll take her off the block instead of Lydia. He claims Lydia no longer has any interest in playing or winning the game.
- Jordan got her HOH camera and fun was had by all. Okay.
- Michele went on with her stories of Russell to Jordan and Jeff. She claims he's all weird and psycho each time they enter the room.
- Michele claimed that Russell didn't want to talk to Jeff and Jordan.
- Michele told Jeff about Russell saying he wanted to work out with Jeff to wear him down going into an endurance comp.
- Jordan is considering backdooring Russell if the veto is used.
- Jeff said that it doesn't make sense to get rid of Russell if he's an ally. But if he isn't ...
- Jeff said that if they talk to Russell now, he'll deny everything and paint Michele as a liar.
- Then Michele said that Russell wants Kevin on the block next week and not Jeff.
- Are you dizzy yet?
- Michele's tales to Jeff and Jordan about Russell perfectly play in with Natalie and Kevin's made up tales about Russell.
- Michele is not in cahoots with Natalie and Kevin.
- Jordan now thinks they should keep Natalie, not Lydia. She thinks voting out Lydia will give them a new ally.
- New allies at this point? Hmm. Not sure what sense that makes.
- Jordan decided she had to confront Jeff.
- Russell told Jeff and Jordan he only voted for Jessie because he gave him his word he wouldn't put him up, nor vote him out.
- They called Michele in. As usual, when she lies (and sometimes when she's quasi-truthful), she got all flustered and nervous. She can never be pinned down on specifics or times.
- Russell denied he was gunning for Jeff.
- Jeff called in both Natalie and Kevin who backed up Michele's story of Russell targeting Jeff in the Splish Splash room.
- The both confirmed they overheard Russell plotting the demise of Jeff ... so to speak.
- Jeff wants to keep the final four intact.
- He doesn't think they can lose a member know.
- Now they're bringing up Michele's Colt 45 bit with Jeff.
- Jeff thought it was a beer, Russell thought gun. I'm confused. I ask again ... Colt 45? Is it a beer or a gun?
- Okay, all are nicey-nicey now. The final four alliance of Jordan, Jeff, Russell, and Michele all together again. They don't want the other three to think they've weakened as a team.
- I expect boredom again.
- Wait -- Michele is still fussing!
- Jeff is saying things were misconstrued and it's over.
- Okay. All hunky-dory again.
- For now.
- Now they're having a brainstorm about who should go. Russell says Natalie because Lydia can't play well at anything. Michele is iffy.