Well, since I'm running behind today, I'll start with the big news -- Jeff won the power of veto. I like to think this is karma for the folks who thought he's been dead wood and was given the coup d'etat for doing nothing. He's got game!
Here are the happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Regional Accents:
- Jeff made the best breakfast sandwich ever this morning. He's still talking about it going into the evening.
- Michele asked Jeff who he wanted voted out this week (Natalie or Kevin). He told her it depends on the PoV, but Kevin is stronger player than Natalie.
- In other words, Kevin.
- Jeff and Michele discussed the blow-up ball of confusion spool of lies between Russell and Michele.
- I'm the one calling it a ball of confusion spool of lies, not Jeff.
- Michele's latest is that she's a bit deaf in one ear and doesn't always hear right.
- Yeah, sure.
- Thankfully, Jeff is still talking of getting Natalie out next week if someone from their own side wins HOH.
- Russell is paranoid, nothing new.
- Natalie is all of a sudden a social butterfly ... sort of a street gang oriented one, but one nonetheless.
- Then the feeds got blocked for the POV. We're talking more than a couple of hours.
- From what they said, Jordan was the first one out.
- Russell is not a happy man between losing POV and his paranoia demon.
- The comp had a taped Casey and something to do with bananas, a slippery banana peel lined track, and done in rounds.
- I guess you have to see it.
- Which I haven't.
- Natalie said the track was hot.
- BB swapped out for a smaller kitchen table.
- Russell is laying around moping. And Kevin is ... well, look at the screencap below.