Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Big Brother 11 Show Blog Party Post 8/25

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages! Later tonight my show review will be posted on TV Squad.

Finally the PoV -- a fun one with Casey as the voice of Otev the ape. Jordan out first. Natalie out. Russell out. Kevin out. Jeff beats Michele and wins the power of veto!

The back door has opened. Jeff took Kevin off, put Russell up. Target Russell.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Daytime Tuesday 8/25

Tonight's show should be more interesting than the live feeds today. I want to see the look on Russell's face and the Jeff/Russell testosterone battle! Here's the skinny on today in that Big Brother House of Fools and Their Money Are Soon Parted:
  • Jordan told Jeff she won't feel that they're safe next week unless she wins HOH.
  • She doesn't really trust Michele, Natalie or Kevin.
  • She shouldn't.
  • Jordan told Natalie that she told Michele that she "better not" vote for Russell to stay.
  • Gee, what if she does?
  • When Michele talked about Russell campaigning and singling her out for derision, Jeff freaked out saying he was sick of Russell.
  • Jeff, gorgeous as he is, does have quite a temper and quite a [bleepin'] mouth on him.
  • Kevin and Natalie talked about getting Michele in an alliance with them.
  • Kevin said he doesn't like any plan which includes Michele.
  • I don't blame him. Michele has to be one of the flakiest allies I've ever seen in the house.
  • Kevin and Natalie play their roles well. They've been reporting everything Russell says to them to Jordan.
  • They think Russell will have an epic elimination speech.
  • Lots of them this season, huh?
  • Really, a lot of nothing so far today.
  • Remember to stop back for the show blog post party tonight at 9:00 PM ET -- there will be a new post and snacks. You bring the beverages!

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn 8/25

Russell, driven to the brink of insanity via the backdoor, tries to off himself by shoving a hanger up his nose.

Or not.

Here are the happenings from the Big Brother House of Foolish Follies:
  • Supposedly Michele cried after the PoV ceremony -- this was what Kevin told Jeff anyway. I didn't see tears, but wouldn't be surprised.
  • Kevin also told Jeff that Russell's going around saying he has Michele's vote and just needs one more.
  • Kevin told Jeff what a good little loyal puppy dog he can be. After all, he stayed loyal to his pals Chima and Lydia.
  • Jeff and Kevin bonded some more.
  • On a purely platonic level, of course.
  • Natalie tried to make nicey-nice with Russell, probably thinking of the jury vote. After all, her hands are clean in the latest.
  • As far as Russell knows, both her and Kevin's hands have no blood.
  • No, there's been no murder. I'm talking figurative blood.
  • They all discussed The Amazing Race. I should mention I did NOT try out for TAR yesterday when they had the casting crew around here.
  • Jordan moved all of her belongings to the HOH room because she's scared Russell will do something to them.
  • Jeff thinks Kevin is acting strange after he took him off the block. Jordan insists he's grateful.
  • Neither Jordan or Jeff trust Michele but feel they need to keep working with her.
  • Jordan is scared she will be on the block next week.
  • Russell, Natalie, and Kevin hung out together talking.
  • Natalie once again mentioned she can only go to Indian casinos because she's so young.
  • She doth protest too much -- there was no need for her to mention it again.
  • But Russell isn't bright enough to pick up on it.
  • I think Kevin's filing all of this age suspicion away in his mind, though.
  • No more brouhahas.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Monday Evening 8/24

Jeff and Jordan putting Q-tips into the bottles. Don't ask.

Natalie's all smiles.

Here are the events into the evening from inside that Big Brother House of Roads Not Taken:
  • Natalie assured Kevin that Russell "walks the walk, but doesn't talk the talk" when he's mad. He'll get into a girl's face and scream at her, but he yells at a guy from a distance.
  • Natalie thinks that Russell is going to try to convince Michele and Jordan that he should stay.
  • Aw, Russell and Natalie talked things out and hugged.
  • I'm deeply touched.
  • Russell told Natalie she should work to keep Michele in the house for her own game.
  • Russell believes he never attacked Jeff or Jordan. He and Kevin talked about Chima's terrorist comments and now all is hunky-dory between them.
  • Or, at least Kevin has stopped hiding in fear of being punched.
  • Jeff and Jordan are proud of Jeff's move. They say Russell was a yo-yo, with them one day, plotting against them the next.
  • Russell mentioned that Natalie is only 18 and she's an amateur poker player in casinos?
  • She claims she can't get into most casinos but can get into the Indian casinos where the age to enter is 18.
  • Jordan and Jeff continue to count and study the house.
  • That's what the Q-tips are all about.
  • I'm sure you were wondering.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Monday Daytime - PoV Meeting! 8/24

If looks could kill ... look at those dagger eyes on Russell! Yep, it happened. The PoV meeting was today and Jeff did what he said he was going to do. He saved Kevin and put Russell on the block with Natalie.

Here's how the day went down:
  • BB woke up the hamsters early today -- around 8 AM. Of course, most of them were up into the wee hours. They're going to be sleepy.
  • Jeff told Jordan he was going to take Kevin off the block because he'd be more likely to win (and put Michele up). He's going to tell Natalie and Kevin he drew a playing card to decide which one gets saved.
  • Kevin and Natalie are way nervous. They don't want to look desperate, but want to just confirm the deal with Jeff and Jordan one more time.
  • Natalie and Kevin have already decided that if either of them win, they'll put Jeff up. They'll tell him he's a pawn, of course.
  • Then, if/when Jeff gets voted out, they'll explain to Jordan that the opportunity came up, he's such a strong player, blah-blah.
  • Natalie thinks Ronnie was totally right about Michele.
  • Kevin thinks they should give Michele a break because she's been through so much.
  • Um, okay.
  • Natalie claimed she hasn't won anything because she hasn't had to win anything. I think I've seen her trying ... she CAN'T win comps is the issue!
  • The PoV meeting went down.
  • Michele said that this will put her loyalty to Russell on the line.
  • Jeff hadn't told Michele he was going to backdoor Russell although the thought has certainly come up in conversations.
  • Kevin and Natalie are going on about how their last minute lie saved them.
  • But they don't know their lie was actually the truth, just not witnessed by them.
  • Russell reminded Jeff about swearing on families. He's mad.
  • Jeff told him he had to know it was a smart move on his part.
  • Remember, Russell was telling US in the diary room that Jeff should put him on the block. Now that he's there, it's all about betrayal.
  • Almost violence! Russell warned Jeff that he's had it if he goes to the jury house. He'll "mop the floor with him."
  • Russell also brought up that Jeff said he'd kill the families of anyone who breaks the final four agreement. (He did, but was obviously joking when he said it.)
  • Russell shouted at Jeff.
  • Jeff shouted at Russell.
  • Macho, macho man ... oh, I want to be a macho man.
  • Kevin and Natalie just looked amazed at their handiwork.
  • Fight, fight.
  • Threaten, threaten.
  • And on.
  • And on.
  • No punches thrown.
  • No maids screamed.
  • Then it all went sort of calm.
  • Kevin is scared Russell will punch him and went in hiding.
  • Natalie is sucking up royally to Jeff and Jordan.
  • Wait until she stabs that knife in his back.