Rachel reads the letter from her sister.
It was mostly about dogs.

Lots of fake cheers and excitement over Rachel's HOH room.
After the initial brouhaha after the live show (blocked to the feeds), things haven't been too exciting or volatile in the house. Rats. I want cat fights! I want fisticuffs! I want warnings from the Big Brother voice! Notice that the live feeds advertisements no longer say 24/7. It's because they block them too much. The blocking was weird last night -- we had audio with bubbles a lot. The bubbles are this year's chicken cam, spider cam, fish cam ... take your pick.
Here's what went down in the Big Brother House of Rachel RULZ OMG OMG!!!!!111:
- Above, of course, is my own imitation of Rachel when she won HOH.
- They ate. We're talking steak, burgers, pizza ... anything they could get their hands on.
- Enzo's probably going to have more gastronomical difficulties after chowing down.
- He is worried about fat and calories, though.
- Kristen didn't want to see Rachel's HOH room. Kathy told her not to sink to Rachel's level.
- Hayden is sure Rachel will nominate him and Kristen.
- I think so, too.
- Rachel keeps telling the floaters to grab their life vests. But I still think she'll go after Hayden and Kristen.
- Hayden told Rachel that he would put up floaters if he won HOH.
- He lied. He would definitely put Rachel and Brendon up now.
- Hayden and Kristen consoled each other. Aw, ain't that sweet!
- Ragan said the diary room told him they'll have a "game" tomorrow (today).
- It can't be food, maybe luxury.
- Kristen told Rachel to stop smirking at her.
- Rachel denied it and told Kristen to stop making up drama.
- Meow.
- Brendon told Rachel that he's going to cut her off from the alcohol if she can't control her emotions.
- Like that's going to happen, eh? Rachel loves her alcohol. She might be willing to give up the money winnings for her boytoy, but she's not going to give up her alcohol.
- HOH reveal and Kristen didn't come up. Everyone else overacted their excitement a bit.
- Ragan told Rachel that he trusts Kristen. Oh my.
- Rachel told Ragan that she already apologized to Kristen and Kristen wouldn't accept her apologies.
- Battle lines have been drawn.
- Enzo tried to tell Hayden that Kristen is bad for the Brigade.
- Brendon thinks they should stick with Matt until the end.
- So, Matt's super-genius plan worked? Only because Brendon and Rachel are looking for any friends they can find in the house and are fools about it!
- Kathy denies being a floater.
- They're all asleep as I post this.
- I stand corrected. BB just woke them up and told them to get ready.
- Ready for what, I don't know.

Who wants to bet this couple won't last outside the house?

Britney is doing so much better in the house without Monet.