Saturday, July 31, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV July 31

The feeds were here briefly, now bubbles again. Kristen did NOT win POV. More as soon as I know ...

Enzo didn't win as he told Britney two people he likes are on the block and he can't do anything about it. Rachel herself doesn't look happy. Will update this post soon. Britney won the POV.

A full report on the day's events will be posted a bit later tonight.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Saturday Dawn - July 31

Brendon deserves an award for his patience. Either that or a kick in the butt for going all sappy over a woman who definitely has enough issues to have her own magazine. After the nominations, he spent HOURS trying to calm her down and get her to discuss things with him before she does them, tell him what she's planning to say. She doesn't seem to get that he's right -- her game affects his game at this point.

Here's what happened in that Big Brother House of Fool in Love:
  • As Brendon and Rachel had their never-ending talk, the mood was lighter elsewhere.
  • At one point, Britney balked because Matt and Enzo called her "Casper."
  • Enzo claimed it's because she's so friendly, as did Matt.
  • Enzo, proving he actually does have a vocabulary, said that she must be thinking of another connotation -- perhaps skin pigmentation.
  • Nah, that wasn't it, the guys said. It's friendly ... why, it's even part of Casper's name ... the friendly ghost!
  • Maybe you had to be there. But it was better than the Brendon/Rachel soap opera.
  • Kristen told Hayden that they need to play up to Rachel and Brendon, then stab 'em in the back. One needs to get off the block, with Kathy going up.
  • Rachel, at the request of Brendon, gave Hayden and Kristen a half-hearted apology claiming it wasn't personal.
  • Hayden wouldn't even look at her, "Okay. Whatever."
  • So that didn't work too well, did it?
  • After a lockdown, they went out to the yard to find a giant crudely-built pinball kind of thing sans any lights and buzzers.
  • It's apparently so they can practice for PoV.
  • It's Matt's 30th birthday today (Saturday).
  • They all spent time practicing the game.
  • Kathy cleaned the kitchen.
  • Britney complained about how cold it is there. Where is that hot California weather?
  • Obviously, it dispersed to the East Coast.
  • Britney is still disappointed that her red team didn't win in the luxury comp.
  • Enzo is still looking forward to seeing the movie. They don't know what the movie is yet. I just keep thinking how BB tends towards the Will Ferrell genre of stupidity.
  • No offense to Will Ferrell fans, of course. Just sayin'
  • Kristen and Hayden talked about being put up on the block for just cuddling and kissing.
  • That is about as far as they have seemed to have gone.
  • Not as innocent as Jeff and Jordan, yet not as sordid as Brendon and Rachel.
  • Brendon thinks Matt is only really loyal to Ragan.
  • Surprisingly, the Brigade is still a secret.
  • Now, if they could up their performance in comps, they might have something.
  • Hayden and Kristen decided to chill their relationship in the house for the good of both of their games.
  • Kathy told Hayden and Kristen that she's willing to leave the house because she can't stand being in it with Brendon and Rachel.
  • Kathy pulled the Good People Card talking to the Internet about how Rachel deserves nothing because she slept with men on "dates."
  • I say Rachel deserves nothing outside of good psychiatric care because she's such a needy-manic so-and-so.
  • Rachel and Brendon made out, had sex, whatever. I'm so tired of them hogging the feeds!
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations

Brendon is upset that Rachel is challenging people to come after them. He says she's made herself the villain and he feels he's fighting a losing side with her.

Kristen and Hayden are on the block, not unexpected.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Friday Daytime, July 30

There's a new sheriff in town. Suspecting that cop Kathy was getting between her and her man, Rachel kidnapped Kathy and stashed her in Howie's old jack shack. That will teach the evil cougar for going after her boy toy!

Okay, I lie. I'm sorry.

Here are today's happenings from that Big Brother House of a Shrewd Shrew:
  • BB woke up the hamsters early, approximately 7:30 AM their time. They were told to get ready for a game.
  • A game which didn't start for hours and hours. Heehee.
  • While waiting, Rachel and Brendon had another tiff. I just don't understand her. All he was doing was to try to give her the advice to calm down and make more of an attempt to be friendly to others.
  • She cut him off at every sentence accusing him of not being on her side.
  • @@
  • Afterwards, Ragan had practically the same talk with her and she bought it from him.
  • Apparently any instance in which Brendon doesn't think she was 100% right or perfect, he's not caring about her and being mean to her.
  • That gal has problems.
  • Kathy told the others that she's been shot, but not in the line of duty. She said she can't talk about it. Hmm ...
  • After she calmed down some, Rachel decided she should call people to the HOH room to discuss things before she makes the nominations.
  • Hayden was first. Now, this kid seems really worried. He distanced himself, his decisions, and his votes from Kristen's in the talk.
  • Hayden, unlike Rachel, said he's more concerned with his own safety in the house.
  • He also said he can't speak for Kristen.
  • Hayden told Brendon and Rachel that "someone" -- later decided by Brendon to be Matt -- told him that Brendon said a "strong couple" dropped out of the surfing comp early and should go on the block.
  • Hayden never admitted who said it.
  • And I don't remember.
  • Rachel told Hayden that she likes him and really doesn't want to put him up on the block.
  • But she doesn't say she WON'T put him up.
  • Then the comp/game/whatever started and the feeds were blocked.
  • When the feeds returned, they had on striped prison pants, orange shirts with numbers and Brendon had a green skinny headband. Hayden had the same headband doohickey. Teams, I assume. Rachel had a badge.
  • Enzo won a movie, Britney and Matt lost that by five seconds.
  • Brendon and Enzo were on the same team in the comp.
  • Enzo buttered up both Brendon (saying he always wanted to be on his team in comps) and Rachel (saying that Kristen is going about things all wrong and should take it upon herself to go talk to Rachel to clear the air).
  • Who says he's dumb?
  • Rachel isn't telling anyone she talks to that they are or aren't going on the block. Ragan, her confidant when Brendon is so mean to her, is surely safe.
  • In her talk with Rachel, Kathy denied being a floater but admitted to having continual problems with the comps.
  • Kathy told Brendon and Rachel she loves them.
  • Gag.
  • Lane also sucked up to them in his talk with them.
  • Don't they realize that everyone, except perhaps Kristen, is just going to tell them what they want to hear?
  • Rachel told Britney that she has no idea who she'll be putting on the block.
  • I think Kristen is still a sure bet and she's just undecided on the second one.
  • Kristen told Kathy that she finds it hard to pretend to like someone when she doesn't.
  • Obviously, Kristen doesn't work in the corporate world, huh?
  • Kristen talked with Rachel. She told her that Rachel was never her target until she rubbed the HOH in her face.
  • Rachel told her she gets feisty when someone tries to mess with her and her man. Oh geez.
  • Kristen said she never had any intentions to come between them.
  • Super @@
  • Although fairly calm, they both went back and forth (and back and forth again) saying the same things and neither is really giving in and accepting the other as their long lost friend from Toledo.
  • They do both agree that they don't want to fight anymore.
  • Rats. I like a good cat fight screaming match. Meow.
  • Sometime tonight, Rachel needs to make her nominations.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into the Dawn, Friday July 30

Rachel reads the letter from her sister.
It was mostly about dogs.

Lots of fake cheers and excitement over Rachel's HOH room.

After the initial brouhaha after the live show (blocked to the feeds), things haven't been too exciting or volatile in the house. Rats. I want cat fights! I want fisticuffs! I want warnings from the Big Brother voice! Notice that the live feeds advertisements no longer say 24/7. It's because they block them too much. The blocking was weird last night -- we had audio with bubbles a lot. The bubbles are this year's chicken cam, spider cam, fish cam ... take your pick.

Here's what went down in the Big Brother House of Rachel RULZ OMG OMG!!!!!111:
  • Above, of course, is my own imitation of Rachel when she won HOH.
  • They ate. We're talking steak, burgers, pizza ... anything they could get their hands on.
  • Enzo's probably going to have more gastronomical difficulties after chowing down.
  • He is worried about fat and calories, though.
  • Kristen didn't want to see Rachel's HOH room. Kathy told her not to sink to Rachel's level.
  • Hayden is sure Rachel will nominate him and Kristen.
  • I think so, too.
  • Rachel keeps telling the floaters to grab their life vests. But I still think she'll go after Hayden and Kristen.
  • Hayden told Rachel that he would put up floaters if he won HOH.
  • He lied. He would definitely put Rachel and Brendon up now.
  • Hayden and Kristen consoled each other. Aw, ain't that sweet!
  • Ragan said the diary room told him they'll have a "game" tomorrow (today).
  • It can't be food, maybe luxury.
  • Kristen told Rachel to stop smirking at her.
  • Rachel denied it and told Kristen to stop making up drama.
  • Meow.
  • Brendon told Rachel that he's going to cut her off from the alcohol if she can't control her emotions.
  • Like that's going to happen, eh? Rachel loves her alcohol. She might be willing to give up the money winnings for her boytoy, but she's not going to give up her alcohol.
  • HOH reveal and Kristen didn't come up. Everyone else overacted their excitement a bit.
  • Ragan told Rachel that he trusts Kristen. Oh my.
  • Rachel told Ragan that she already apologized to Kristen and Kristen wouldn't accept her apologies.
  • Battle lines have been drawn.
  • Enzo tried to tell Hayden that Kristen is bad for the Brigade.
  • Brendon thinks they should stick with Matt until the end.
  • So, Matt's super-genius plan worked? Only because Brendon and Rachel are looking for any friends they can find in the house and are fools about it!
  • Kathy denies being a floater.
  • They're all asleep as I post this.
  • I stand corrected. BB just woke them up and told them to get ready.
  • Ready for what, I don't know.

Who wants to bet this couple won't last outside the house?

Britney is doing so much better in the house without Monet.