Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 - We'll Never Forget

Words cannot express the thoughts in our minds. It's the day that changed our way of life forever.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Saturday Morning, September 11

Yesterday was a whole lotta nuthin' in that Big Brother House of the Boredom Brigade:
  • It's like they're in a suspension of time and space in the house. Nothing can or will be done until they know the outcome of the third part of the HOH comp.
  • Unless something is really on the lowdown, it's Enzo who will get the boot.
  • And he knows it.
  • Enzo exiled himself, napping and wanting to go home, for most of the day.
  • Lane and Hayden worked out, played with their Nerf football and did all kinds of teenage boy stuff.
  • Enzo finally came out of his total slump.
  • They played cards.
  • Then they played Jenga.
  • Enzo was the one who knocked over the stack, the loser.
  • As it will probably be on Wednesday, too.
  • They set up the Jenga pieces like dominoes in a trail and set them off.
  • They are bored.
  • They should dance. That would be entertaining.
  • But they won't.
  • Perhaps they should stand on their heads.
  • But they won't.
  • We're doomed to boredom for four more days.
  • It's not even like they have either intelligent or interesting conversations.
  • Sigh.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Friday Morning, Sept. 10

We're in slim pickings days on the live feeds. Instead of being bored by the final two, we're being bored by the final three. Here's the skinny from inside that Big Brother House of Deranged Doofuses:
  • Enzo is definitely feeling every bit of the third wheel.
  • While he isn't crying, he's been kicking himself for his time in the comp round.
  • BB treated them to a long steak and lobster dinner, blocking the feeds with the "secret game" message and theme music.
  • They got champagne.
  • Enzo didn't feel much like celebrating.
  • Hayden, who has been sitting around looking pensive a lot, once again told Lane that if either of them brought Enzo to the final two, he would win.
  • I doubt Enzo would win against Hayden.
  • He might have a chance against Lane.
  • But I doubt he has a chance to get the chance.
  • The steak and lobster must not have been enough for them -- they grilled hot dogs in the yard.
  • Enzo jogged the yard and lifted weights muttering to himself that the other two already had a deal.
  • Lane said it was the "funnest day" ever in the house.
  • Lane and Hayden talked Steamboat and dating celebrities.
  • For some reason they brought up Troy, New York (someone Lane knows moved there?).
  • I was born in Troy, New York. Yes, it's a real place, Lane.
  • Enzo, much like Ragan and Britney before him, is segregating himself away from them.
  • Not that he has much of a chance, but this will make for a miserable week for him if he doesn't snap out of it.
  • They're all asleep as I post this.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Round 2 Final HoH Show Blog Party Post

big brother,jackiestvblog

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

On the vines Enzo lasted 19 minutes, Lane 2 hours and 35 minutes. Hayden won.

Lane wins part two!

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Thursday, September 9

I look like [bleeping] Sonic the Hedgehog!

The feeds, which should have never been blocked, returned at midnight last night. We found out that Hayden won the first part of the HoH competition -- not a shocker at all. Here's the skinny from inside that Big Brother House of Brigade Buddies:
  • Hayden cut Enzo's hair. It's a bit lopsided and the neck hairline in the back was all werewolfy.
  • Lane trimmed the back of his neck.
  • Enzo delicately trimmed the top and then freaked out because it was uneven.
  • Now, the man just has bad hair (or lack thereof) up on top. A small pair of scissors just isn't going to help it.
  • Enzo also trimmed his nose hairs and shaved twice in a row.
  • Is he planning on kissing someone?
  • Won't he have to do it all over again in the morning since they're talking about going to bed?
  • Lane studied house events using playing cards. Hayden helped him.
  • Enzo thinks the finale is tomorrow (today).
  • He's wrong, but then again, he's Enzo. He's usually wrong.
  • Both Lane and Hayden said that the diary room has been telling them to weigh their options and that taking Enzo to the final two might be the right decision.
  • Damage control for the Britney "don't take Enzo" bit? I don't know.
  • They napped for a few hours, but it looks like they just can't sleep with all the excitement ahead.
  • Lane thinks no matter who he goes to the final two with, he'll only get second place.
  • He's probably right.
  • Enzo asked Lane if there are Italians and pizzerias in Texas.
  • Both Hayden and Enzo are convinced the finale is tonight, but Lane doesn't think so now.
  • For once, Lane's right.
  • After snacking and talking how far they've made it, a bit of back patting ... they're off to bed again.

Lane looks at the Memory Wall, either reminiscing or studying.