Friday, September 02, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds - Nominations 9/02

Rachel nominated Kalia and Porsche for eviction.

Surprised? No? I didn't think so.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Friday Afternoon 9/02

Rachel reads her HoH letter and DOES NOT CRY.

At least after the live show, we have some action for a couple of days before the doldrums set in again. I'm dreading when it's down to two of these hamsters for the last bunch of days. But, that's not now and now actually has stuff going on! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Krazy Koi:
  • Last night, after the HoH comp ended, Adam lamented that it hadn't been a donut EATING contest. He's sure he would have won that!
  • I don't know. I think Kalia could give him a run for the money when it comes to eating!
  • The new newbie alliance already has a crack in it because Porsche, smart gal she is, realized that Kalia voted to keep Shelly.
  • Kalia told her it was because Rachel and Jordan told her they were voting for Adam to go and she didn't want to vote against the house.
  • Yeah, right. She actually had less to fear from Shelly staying. Adam is a Porsche buddy and would knock Kalia out before Porsche.
  • Well, that is if he could ever win anything!
  • Kalia thinks shes her own worst critic.
  • Wait until she reads internet sites!
  • Porsche, who's barely talked game all season, has latched onto Adam and strategy talk. Is she deserting Kalia? Hmmm ...
  • In the HoH comp, at the 13 minute time limit, Rachel had 20 donuts while Jordan and Adam came in second with 15 donuts each. Kalia was far behind.
  • In her HoH room, Rachel got photos of herself and Brendon.
  • Kalia is worried that Rachel and Jordan are after her because they led her to believe Adam was being voted out just five minutes before the vote.
  • Jordan tried to point out to Adam that Porsche will dump him whenever as she was more concerned about going along with the house than saving him.
  • Rachel and Jordan have decided that Kalia needs to be their target for the week as she's more "dangerous" than Porsche and Adam is just a waffler.
  • They're right about Kalia. But, I for one, despite my annoyance at her various annoying habits on the feeds and even her voice ... would rather see her in the finals over either Adam or Porsche. She has played a better game, methinks.
  • Don't take that for me liking her, though!
  • Rachel doesn't like being in the HoH room without Brendon.
  • I prefer she's there without Brendon. She's like a different person without him in the house (well, after the second time he left, that is).
  • They got booze last night. Without Brendon, Rachel behaves okay with booze.
  • Kalia was the first one to run to Rachel's HoH room to try to save her butt.
  • Although she is the target, Rachel seems to agree with me that, of the bunch, Kalia is the one trying the hardest in the game.
  • But I had to switch cams then. Kalia's never-ending circular conversation was driving me nutso!
  • If they have a talking comp, Kalia would knock it out of the park!
  • Rachel thinks the upcoming week will be a shortened one. She's right.
  • Then came ... Pandora's Box! Well, trivia for us, excitement for them.
  • Rachel opened it because it said something bad for her, good for the house.
  • The house got one of those clothes sprees and Tori Spelling.
  • Adam is in love.
  • Rachel, once again, got Jessie.
  • Sigh. What the hell is wrong with Allison Grodner that she thinks anyone ever wants to see that jerk again?!? STOP BRINGING HIM BACK! LET HIM VANISH!
  • The others grabbed clothes for Rachel, too.
  • Adam got a couple of dresses for his girlfriend.
  • Rachel could see them shopping and Tori Spelling-ing while she suffered with Jessie.
  • Nominations are later today. When I know, you'll know!

What being a hamster will do to you ...

Jordan, however, always maintains her cuteness.

Maybe now Porsche will burn that pink velour sweat suit!

Adam looks better in a good hat.

The spree results!

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Big Brother 13 HoH Comp Update - 9/01

As I get this posted, the feeds are still blocked. I want to thank Joe and Eviction Updates for their tremendous show updates on the blog party post.

When I know who won, you'll know. Keep checking back!

10:17 PM ET -- Feeds still blocked.

10:25 PM ET -- Feeds return, still waiting for confirmation on winner. They're all coughing a lot and clearing their throats.

Adam said "Good job" to Rachel, but it doesn't necessarily mean she won. I'm pretty sure she did, but I want more before I declare Rachel the winner.

Confirmation: Rachel is the new HoH.

Big Brother 13 Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party 9/01


Here in the NYC area, tonight's live eviction show won't be airing until 1:37 AM due to a Jets game. I'll be watching an East Coast feed online. But, since it's hard to watch the show on the computer and update the post on same said computer at the same time, I ask that commenters fill in updates!

If you're in the same delay boat as I am, just Google the term "Big Brother east coast feed" and you'll find several sites to watch it on time on line. Or, of course, CBS posts the show on the website the next day.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Thursday Pre-Show 9/01

As exciting as it gets ...
all sleep during the HoH lockdown

This group is really not entertaining. A hecka lotta nuthin' been goin' down in the house. Thus, I don't have much to say and I'm handing off screen caps from the feeds instead.

Shelly is resigned that she'll be leaving tonight and blames it on the one big move she made in the house. Now, her actual early game had been very good in the beginning. It's a shame she overplayed her strategy and then self-imploded with her Jeff vote.

Rachel is still more "normal" when playing with Jordan than she has been in either season. Perhaps Brendon is good for her love life outside of the house, but it's obvious she is much more stable and "normal" without him in the house.

Stop on back for the show post at 9 PM ET!

When in doubt, EAT!

The new Dynamic Duo?

A solo Adam gives a long boring tribute to hamsters gone by.

Rachel tries to communicate with Brendon's photo.

What? No pink velour sweat suit?

Kalia stays quiet for just a bit.

Shelly sans a cigarette while outside.
Probably my last screen cap of her.