Adam still holds the power this week
No, I haven't forgotten y'all ... there just isn't all that much new to report. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Fools:
- The PoV meeting hasn't gone down yet. I expect it later today.
- Doesn't matter; Adam will NOT be using the Power of Veto.
- Not only has he told Rachel and Jordan he won't (and, when the dude actually commits like that, he sticks to it), but he told US ... the live feed watchers.
- I wish Adam was more interesting when he talks to the feeds watchers. He's no Dick at Nite show.
- But, at least he DOES talk to us when he's alone.
- They continue to all get along when together, no brouhahas.
- They continue to play cards made out of tea bags.
- Except Jordan, that is. She doesn't really like (know how?) to play cards.
- Porsche is now sporting a new puke green velour sweat suit. @@
- They all seem to be dressing up in their new clothes for PoV this morning.
- Porsche is now wearing a floor-length dress with a hoodie over it. @@
- Kalia and Porsche still work on Adam whenever they're separately alone with him, often throwing each other under the reality TV bus.
- But it ain't gonna happen. He won't use it.
- It still looks like Kalia will go this week.
- Despite Kalia's extremely annoying personal habits and voice, I'd still prefer Porsche go.
- Now that Porsche is actually shown doing stuff other than sleeping on the feeds, I'm not impressed.
- Rachel continues to be normal-acting sans Brendon.
- She might want to think about that when she gets out of the house.
- That's all she wrote ...
Hanging out with Adam ... love the gown and hoodie, not!
Tea bag card game in action.