Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Finale Day

The end is nigh ... finally. Tonight is the big season finale of Big Brother with the final HoH round between Rachel and Porsche. As usual, it should have ended more than a couple of days ago. Three hamsters in the house is always tedious. These particular three hamsters, even more so. I've had a few people ask why I haven't posted updates the past few days. Well, honestly ... I tend to post updates when something actually happens. After all, how many times can I post:
  • The girls have agreed to take each other to the final two.
  • Adam keeps pleading his case with each nonetheless.
  • Adam begged America to vote him as favorite player.
  • They played cards.
  • They talked in funny accents.
  • Not funny ha-ha, mind you. Funny annoying.
  • They napped.
  • They worked out.
  • They cooked.
  • They ate.
  • Then they played more cards.
  • They reminisced.
  • They tried to figure jury votes.
  • They tie-died shirts.
  • They ate some more.
  • You get the drift.
  • Now, had I caught some actual news -- say something like one of the girls said they'd take Adam to the F2 -- I would have broken in with a post.
  • However, it does look like the girls will definitely take each other.
  • I guess we'll see tonight!

Stop back tonight for the Survivor premiere party at 8 PM ET followed the Big Brother 13 season finale party at 9:30!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - September 11, 2011

If you're looking for my latest Big Brother post, this ain't it. It's here.

It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

This isn't just any Sunday morning -- it's the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Our lives around here were forever changed on that day. The skyline of my favorite city isn't the same, but the lives lost and the loss of a sense of a secure homeland will be with us forever. The images are ingrained in our minds. We will never forget.

The Scotch Plains (NJ) 9/11 Memorial

This won't be truly unveiled until today, but I took some photos of it Thursday.

The covered piece is part of one of the towers.

Onto the more trivial things of the week gone by. Of course, it rained some more. We needed that, right? On the day I trekked to both my orthopedic surgeon's office in Bound Brook and then to physical therapy in Scotch Plains it was periodic monsoons. I needed that ... right?

The doctor and the PT are pleased with the way my patella subluxation (kneecap dislocation) is coming along. Now, it still has put the knee replacement recovery a bit on hold. My surgeon suggested buying a brace for it. Sigh. I didn't get a knee replacement so I could wear a brace! I'm holding off on a brace for now. I want to build up the quad muscle and pray the kneecap never again dislocates.

Oh well, onto the photos ...

Did another business move in?

The restaurant for rent signs have vanished, but no new signs are in place. I didn't go over there and peek in because I was waiting for a bus ... in the rain. Watchung Avenue, Plainfield. I edited this one to leave just the restaurant in color.


At least Luigi's is a constant. Watchung Avenue, Plainfield. Why is this happening? The rent is just too damn high!

Underside of a HUGE mushroom

No, I didn't do this. Irene probably did. While I love to take photos of them and I am curious, I won't damage nature ... not even a mushroom. My grandfather told me when I was young that I need to put every rock and stick I moved back as everything in nature is someone's home. Maple Avenue, Bound Brook.

Another mushroom fatality on Maple Avenue

Rainy day flower

The flower garden on Maple Street is no longer in its heyday, but there still are some blooms. It was only raining lightly on my walk from the bus to the surgeon's office. So I could take photos, but no bee shots!

Same flower garden

And again ...

And again ...

One more Maple Avenue flower garden shot!

Torrential rains after my surgeon visit

This is Mountain Avenue near the intersection of West Union Avenue. My un-sheltered bus stop is across that street on the right. Thankfully I waited out the worst of the downpour under the eaves of a church.

Happy Halloween!

Alfonso's Pizza in Scotch Plains has decorated their back door. Yes, it's raining.

Fall flowers are coming in!

A planter on Park Avenue in Scotch Plains ... in SUNSHINE on Friday.

Keep your eyes on the prize, Vincent

Yes, it's catnip ya little feline catnip freak!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Bulletin - HoH Round Two

It sounds like a rough one -- Porsche and Adam are all beat up, scraped and bleeding. They apparently were underwater bringing up hamster names to solve a puzzle, then filling in the puzzle underwater.


And Porsche won.

Adam is telling both of them he'll sacrifice the $500,000 if one of them will take him to the final two. He'll tell the jury to give it to whomever takes him.

Survivor South Pacific - Meet the Cast

Survivor South Pacific premieres this Wednesday night, just before the Big Brother finale. I guess we'll have a busy TV night, eh? It's time to take a gander at the cast through Jeff Probst's eyes --

Of course, he left out the two returning castaways -- Coach and Ozzy. I'm of two minds about this. I do NOT like returning reality folks in the games. I really don't. While I won't necessarily mind watching Ozzy once again as he's a cutie patootie, Coach just outright annoys me. Sigh. We'll see.

Once again, they'll be using the Redemption Island concept, too. Hmm.

Here are my quick takes on the other castaways:

Upolo Tribe:

Albert Destrade, age 26, currently residing in Plantation, FL. He's a baseball and dating coach, not the both at the same time I don't think. I don't know ... in reading his online bio he's coming off as way full of himself. Usually, if that's how they act on the show, I want them gone quickly. He ain't all that!

Brandon Hantz, age 19, currently residing in Katy, Texas. Surprise, surprise. He's Russell Hantz's nephew and he's an oil tanker crewman. He's very young for the game. He seems to want to redeem the Hantz name and let people know it's not a synonym for mean and nasty. Having his last name tattooed in two places on his body isn't going to help his case.

Christine Shields Markoski, age 39, currently residing in Merrick, NY. She's a teacher, a good thing of course. But, in reading her bio, she's coming off a bit too idealistic for me -- sort of like the world is full of sunshine and puppy dogs and winning Survivor isn't a case of deceit and backstabbing. Oh. And she says she "needs" the money. For me, in reality shows, that's a turn off. People who "need" money can't be wasting time being on reality television shows. I know I can't!

Mikayla Wingle, age 22, currently residing in Tampa, FL. She lists her occupation as a lingerie football player. Oh my. I didn't know you could make a living at that! She has also graced the cover of Playboy already at a young age. I'll try to keep an open mind about her until she does herself in with me. Oh. Did I say that?

Rick Nelson, age 51, currently residing in Aurora, Utah. He's a rancher and not to be confused with Ricky Nelson, son of Ozzie and Harriet. He compares himself with JT, but an older and better version. I think his physical game is going to be a good one. But how will he do with the younger folks? He's tried to get on the show 14 times before. Hopefully he won't disappoint me like Adam on BB.

Sophie Clarke
, age 22, currently residing in Willsboro, NY. Okay, we're talking a real small town gal. Her graduating class had 28 students? Sheesh, I had more than that in each high school class! She's a smart one and would like the winnings to pay for medical school. (Now, that might be worth the risk of going on a reality TV show!). I kind of like her bio. Let's see how tough yet likable she can be both physically and mentally.

Stacey Powell
, age 44, currently residing in Grand Prairie, Texas. She's a mortician. Well, that's different. Now, I want to like her just because she's an over 40 player. I know. I'm biased. But I feel I always have to cheer on those closer to my own age over the kids! What I don't like about her is that she compares herself to Vecepia. Oh geez, another Bible quoter on the show? Nothing against the religious folks, but I feel religion has no place on the show.

Edna Ma, age 36, currently residing in Los Angeles, CA. She's an anesthesiologist. (Score 1 for me for spelling that right the first shot!). Oprah is her inspiration and her pet peeves are idleness, liars and deception. Um. Um. What is she doing on the show?

Savaii Tribe:

Dawn Meehan, age 41, currently residing in South Jordan, Utah. Huh. Two castaways from Utah this year? She's an English professor with six adopted children. Survivor might be easier than raising six kids! Y'know ... I think I like this woman. She's a show fan and seems to understand the ropes.

Elyse Umemoto, age 27, currently residing in Las Vegas where she's a dance team manager. She was once the second runner-up for Miss America, too. Okay, guys ... here's your eye-candy. One of her pet peeves is "pretty girls wearing ugly shoes." Now, that attitude is going to crash and burn on the show!

Jim Rice, age 35, currently residing in Denver, CO. A medical marijuana dispenser? Well, that's new and different! He thinks he's the most unique person to ever apply to be on the show. Yeah, right. I get the impression he's going to think he's the alpha male when he ain't nuthin' but the puppy dog.

John Cochran, age 24, currently residing in Washington, D.C. He's a Harvard Law Student although definitely not to be confused with Johnnie Cochran. "Call me Cochran." Being the geeky sort I tend to be, I'd like to see this kid do well. I bet his confessional segments are going to be good! Can he win it all? I don't know. But I think he's going to be entertaining while he's there.

Keith Tollefson, age 26, currently residing in Edna, Minnesota. He's a water treatment tech. Hey, he could be MY pool boy anyday! Hummahumma! Er, ahem. I got carried away for a moment. Jeff Probst didn't seem too keen on him for the win. I just hope he sticks around for my own personal eye-candy entertainment.

Mark Caruso, age 48, currently residing in Forest Hills, NY. He's a retired NYPD detective. That alone makes me want him to go far -- add in the age and I'd like to see a winner! He seems like he's going to be very likable, but I don't know if being a "morgue detective" for 20 years and being from Forest Hills is going to translate to roughing it on the show.

Semhar Tadesse, age 24, currently residing in Los Angeles, CA. She's a "spoken word artist." @@ She's already reminding me of that past castaway who frittered all about some seasons back. She's an Oprah fanatic who's likely to find out she's no Oprah. I don't think I want to check out her poetry on YouTube. Next!

Whitney Duncan, age 27, currently residing in Nashville, Tennessee. She's a country music singer inspired by Elvis and Jesus. Huh. Did the latter have a record contract? Oh, wait. Elvis inspired her to sing and Jesus saved her. Will he have to save her from the lows in Survivor?

So, there's the cast. Do you have any early favorites going in? What do you think of Ozzy and Coach coming back?

If you want to be in on the blog pool, please reply in comments or email
igorsant at aol dot com. Margo is kind enough to be running the pool once again. Let's give her a round of applause!

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Saturday 9/10

Final three dinner not what they thought it would be.

Cards, cards and more cards. Here's what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Dwindling Days:
  • They played Disney trivia.
  • Hot tub.
  • Cards.
  • Did laundry. After several washings, they still have paint on the comp clothes from the other night.
  • Tanned.
  • Adam smoked and stood around a lot.
  • You get the drift. A whole lotta nuthin' going on in the house.
  • The BB voice started doing odd announcements such as the tallest building west of the Mississippi has 73 floors.
  • I don't think the announcements have anything to do with a comp.
  • I believe it's for "amusement."
  • Neither of the girls can really figure out who Adam will take if he wins HoH.
  • Nor can I.
  • They got all dressed up thinking they were going to have the big Final Three dinner with the season recap show.
  • Oops. Never mind. BB apparently told them there wouldn't be a show until the finale.
  • Too bad, so sad. All dressed up and nowhere to go.
  • They had a nice dinner anyway and zinged the past hamsters.
  • BB also told them the finale is Wednesday.
  • Round Two of the HoH comp is expected later today, probably evening here on the East Coast.

All dressed up and nowhere to go.

What? No sweat suit or bikini?