Friday, June 28, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Report Thursday Into the Night 6/28 -PoV

She does look too much like her sister!

If she didn't look SO much like Rachel, Elissa might have a chance in the house. She doesn't come across as abrasive and, obviously, there isn't the tension of a Brendon in the house for her. She did light into Jeremy for calling her out about the MVP thing, then accused him of being a woman abuser. I don't know. They BOTH came off as jerks in that one.

Anyway ... here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Happy Shiny Hamsters:
  • McCrae, David, Candice, Jessie, Elissa and Howard were the veto players. GinaMarie was the host.
  • The comp, blocked to the live feeds, seemed to be some sort of spelling bee with honey. McCrae, true to his life's work, spelled out "delivery."
  • Elissa came up with "pot roast" but quickly found out that it's two words, not one.
  • D'oh!
  • McCrae came up the winner of this one.
  • So, we still have David (MVP nominee) and Candice/Jessie on the block ... for now.
  • Kaitlin was all over Jeremy.
  • Jeremy is definitely a player. Amanda warned Jessie (another of Jeremy's playtoys) about it.
  • Jessie says she knows.
  • I feel like I'm back in high school with this bunch.
  • Maybe junior high!
  • Some of the girls took a bubble bath in the HoH tub to coincide with the BBAD show.
  • Although they mention the feeds, it doesn't seem to have sunk in that it's not all about BBAD!
  • Elissa told Helen that McCrae plans to use the veto and she (Elissa) will be put up in the place of a nominee. He didn't say who would come down.
  • McCrae has Elissa believing she's not the target.
  • He's of the mind that it's what the house wants -- if they all vote out Elissa as they wanted, fine. If they want out someone else (David?), also fine. 
  • He thinks whatever the outcome, he comes out clean.
  • We'll see.
With the new season on, I'm not sure when the PoV meeting will be held. But it does seem McCrae will stick to the initial plan of at least setting up for the backdoor exit of Elissa.

I personally wouldn't mind David going home, either. The Aaryn/David coupling is way too much too soon. She actually irks me more than he does. I think she's a pretty girl, but she's a know-it-all who really doesn't know as much as she thinks. One thing she's right about, though -- her coupling with David has put a target on both of them!

For those folks wanting to get into the pool, you need to add your name in comments at the SIGN-UP POST. The cut-off for joining is 6pm ET TODAY (Friday).

Already others don't really trust him

Cowgirl at heart

The pretty people

Even dressed alike!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Brief - Not PoV Yet, MVP Nom instead

Stuck in the middle with you ...

Okay, the feeds returned to a quasi-brouhaha. Apparently they had the PoV players picked (Elissa is playing) and some kind of issues about the seating arrangement for the meeting. @@

Elissa is mad at McCrae because he told her he told Amanda that she was MVP. Elissa is mad at Amanda because she knows she is MVP.
Elissa denies being MVP to all.
All suspect or know she is.

The mysterious MVP (cough::Elissa::cough) nominated Dave.  So, currently on the block -- Jessie, Candice and Dave.

They're still on indoor lockdown with the PoV being built in the backyard.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Quickie Report - MVP

Have Not beds

Sigh, silly America voted for Elissa to be MVP! Gah. She told McCrae, but no one else that I caught. The other girls are freaking out, but they were freaking out well before she actually got word about it. Of course, this might throw a wrench into the plan to backdoor the wench, er ... Elissa. My apologies. It just came out!

They want her out mostly because she's Rachel's sister. I haven't really seen enough of her on the feeds to judge her on her own merits yet.

Right now the feeds are blocked with trivia playing -- either for the PoV or the MVP, don't know which.

Although they haven't made it clear:

  • It seems the MVP can be nominated as it's (supposedly) a secret.
  • The PoV probably works the same for the MVP as anyone else -- they can take themselves off if nominated, another off if they wish.
  • The MVP has no real power to stay in the game. They can be voted out like anyone else other than the HoH and PoV winners.
That said, McCrae is in a sticky spot. He knows she has it and, it would come off as really evil to backdoor her if she doesn't win PoV.

Laters, hamster watchers!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds First Night

Yes, it's Big Brother in all its live feeds glory! Before I get into the happenings, I want to mention a bit about the feeds themselves. In previous years, except for the first season, they've been hosted by Now they're hosted on the CBS website. I see pros. I see cons.

The player itself is better for me. However, there are glitches galore. When starting the feeds up for the first time, it was hard to get anything other than a black screen. Digging around the Internet, I found the fix -- going into the flashback calendar, then going live. Who woulda thunk it? Then there's been an ongoing problem with only one set of mics going for all four screens. Sure, they do the two cams on one room bit. But then I should be able to hear what they're saying in each room! At one point my feeds stopped and a replay button came up. Hitting it would get two seconds of feeds. I had to exit and start again.

I also checked out Big Brother After Dark for the first time as I have TVGN, but never had Showtime. I ended up turning it off because it was on a slight delay and conflicted with my feeds. Yes, the language seems censored on it. However, the feeds themselves are in line with previous seasons. Well, except for the glitches.

They've been in the house for six days already (blocked to us), so they've already had nominations and the Have/Have Not comp. Here's what's been going on:
  • The house is already a pig sty.
  • Jessie and Candice are on the block.
  • Supposedly as pawns because McCrae told them he plans on backdooring Elissa.
  • The Have Nots sleep in airplane chairs in the Airplane Room. They think the words on the wall might have to do with how to recline the chairs.
  • Have Nots are: Andy, Helen, Howard, Elissa and Judd.
  • They decided to put on a "fashion show" or pageant thing for the first night of BBAD and the feeds.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Helen won it. Woo.
  • That pageant is what most of the wacky screencaps on here are from.
  • The girls are all catty already!
  • Jealousy abounds. That's what you get with all the kids in the house.
  • Aaryn is unduly worried about being nominated and evicted when the MVP comes into action.
  • If she keeps it up, she should be worried. She's very annoying about it.
  • I'm actually liking GinaMarie a bit more than I thought I would.
  • Maybe because so many of the other girls are acting like high school kids.
  • Aaryn also made a big fuss because so many in the house don't understand how PoV works.
  • While she has a point, it's definitely not a good move to keep harping about it.
  • Aaryn is also sure that Elissa will be MVP due to Rachel's fan base.
  • I think she's wrong.
  • Candice and Jessie (nominees) had a slight misunderstanding, but made up and are still friends. BFFs, even.
  • Apparently, before the feeds went live, Elissa got into two fights with people.
  • I can't really say as I haven't seen a lot of her on the feeds tonight and what I've seen has actually been better than the catty jealous little girls.
  • Mind you, I do NOT want to like Elissa.
  • McCrae isn't all that much in favor with his nominees. They think he's weak and couldn't even look them in the eyes during the nominations.
  • Aaryn also complained that one of the women had a fishy smell and needed something for it. You can take that one from there. I'd rather not go there.
  • Andy and McCrae are tight, but not in a gay kind of way.
  • Jessie and Candice think Amanda is super stuck-up.
  • They're on an indoor lockdown, apparently for the second night in a row.
  • The PoV is supposed to be tomorrow, er ... today. Thursday.
  • They took the airplane out of McCrae's HoH room, supposedly because he played with it.
  • The plan seems pretty solid to backdoor Elissa.
  • Of course, they should know that you can never depend on plans in the house!
  • Several are still up as I get this posted. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Big Brother 15: Season Premiere Blog Party

Everybody ready for the summer? The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this post with the major happenings. If you want to join the pool, the cut-off for jumping in is FRIDAY, 6pm ET. The post to join in is located at this link -- please sign up there as your request might get lost in the excitement here. The random pool match-ups will be announced on Sunday before the show starts.

Well, there just better be excitement, I say!  We're counting on these hamsters to keep us entertained for a very long time. They need to WORK IT!

If you haven't followed the blog before, you might want to check out what it's all about during the Big Brother season right here in this post. The Big Brother After Dark show is on TVGN tonight (and every night) for two hours starting at midnight, ET. The live feeds themselves kick in after the West Coast airing, again midnight ET. My first live feeds report of the season probably won't be until extremely early morning here on the East Coast.

Now, let's settle in with our tasty snacks and cold beverages and watch some silly hamster hijinks! Remember, these hamsters have already been in the house probably since Friday or so. So, we've already missed a lot!

As always, the real party is in the comments ... come join us!

Howard, Spencer and Jeremy already formed a secret alliance. A bunch of the girls want a pretty girl alliance -- that was Elissa's idea. Now, Jeremy, Jessie and David are in an alliance. Silly hamsters.

Julie tells them there will be three nominees every week. HoH will still nominate two. She won't tell them yet where the third comes from.

The first HoH comp is Popsicle Factory. They each climb on a huge popsicle and hang on, last one remaining up wins. Down: Judd, Howard, Candice. Then stuff is squirted on them by a giant tongue. Candace figured out Elissa is Rachel's sister and mentioned it to Judd. Down: Amanda, Spencer. Now flavoring is being squirted on them. David is upset about his hair. Another girl went down, then Jessie down, then Elissa, GinaMarie. Andy out. Caitlin down. Last girl up Aaryn is down.

Julie offers a Never Have Not Pass (good all season) in one of two pails to the first two to drop. David drops first and will have choice of pail. He did NOT get the pass. Jeremy goes for the pass. Nick deals with McCrae and drops.

McCrae is the first HoH!

Julie gathers all in the living room. The third nomination will be made by someone in this room -- she tells them America will vote MVP and that person makes the third nomination. The MVP is all secret stuff, the others won't know.

Sunday is the Have Not and noms. Tuesday is PoV. Wednesday is live eviction.