Thursday, July 11, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Wednesday July 10 Into the Evening

My, Amanda has large feet!

Of course, that's in relation to McCrae's feet. My own feet are probably the same size as hers. Sigh. Here are the happenings from today inside that Big Brother House of _______ ________ (fill in the blanks; I'm pulling a blank):
  • Argh! I can't really get a handle on this group. Usually it's clear-cut who will be evicted. This time not so much.
  • I'm thinking it will indeed be Elissa.
  • One moment people are saying they're going to vote for Nick, the next they're saying they will vote for Elissa.
  • The real key is, for example, with Howard. He's been having all these really sweet heart-to-heart talks with Helen, Elissa, Candice ... they're lies!
  • He goes right back and reports to Spencer!
  • He certainly doesn't tell the girls of his talks with Spencer.
  • So, that's the key right there.
  • Jessie is wishy-washy and could go either way.
  • I think Judd does have a soft spot for Elissa and just might vote to keep her.
  • McCrae will probably vote with the MC, Amanda (not privy to the MC) might not. At one point, Amanda told McCrae he needs to vote Helen!
  • Amanda tried to talk Jeremy into a Helen vote, as well.
  • But then she tried to talk Howard into voting out Nick.
  • Of course, Spencer and Howard have been on a Get Rid of Amanda kick the last few days. Her days in the house may be numbered right along with all the other women in the house.
  • Hey, at least we don't have that pesky problem of unanimous votes so far this season!
  • McCrae told Spencer that Andy and Judd are onto the MC.
  • Not IN it, mind you. Onto it.
  • Amanda told Nick she's voting for him to stay.
  • He played her like a fiddle.
  • Gah. There's so much possible waffling and lying going on that it's making my head hurt.
  • Right now.
  • I want them to each take a turn privately talking to the live feeds so my head can stop hurting.
  • Snap to it, hamsters!


Pizza Boy Toy

Dig them shades!

Bandana covers the dark roots?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Big Brother 15: July 10 PoV, MVP Show Blog Party

I hope you didn't go looking for the show last night! Remember, tomorrow's live eviction show is scheduled to begin at 9pm ET/PT. Well, PT isn't quite as live, I guess.

As the show airs here tonight, I'll update this post with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. However, as always, the real party is in the comments area ... come join the fun! (But I do ask that things be kept on a PG-ish type level, thank you very much!)

Yup, Elissa got MVP again! It won't save her from the block, but she can put someone else up.

MVP nomination ... Jeremy!

Veto players: Elissa, Helen, Jeremy, Aaryn, Amanda, Nick, The host is GinaMarie.

Elissa told Nick she'd put him up in Jeremy's place if he doesn't throw the comp.

Time for the veto comp. Britney has a special message ... she's having a baby! They have to help her get her nursery together. They're wearing onesies. They have to each put together a giant mobile.

Jeremy wins. Sigh.

Time for the veto meeting. Jeremy takes himself off. MVP choice to replace him: Nick.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Tuesday Into the Night - 7/09-7/10

Howard-a-Day, bonus (?) McCrae

Yesterday, these hamsters bored me. That's not a good thing. It's the same repeated scheming over and over again. But, loyal feeds reporter I am, here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Goofus and Gallant:
  • Judd told Andy and Spencer that he likes Nick better than he likes Elissa. But he thinks Nick is too shady to keep around when they have a chance to get him out.
  • Actually, from what I've seen of Judd and Elissa together, he honestly seems to like her.
  • Not in a lecherous sort of way, mind you.
  • I just wish he'd move his lips when he talks. It would make the "mumble, mumble" better if I could add in lip-reading.
  • Andy said that they'd be dumb not to keep Elissa.
  • Of course, neither Andy nor Judd are a part of the Moving Company, nor do they have suspicions about it.
  • It's Candice who's pretty much figured that out.
  • Jeremy wondered if Helen would be upset if they called her H-bomb, thinking of Hiroshima.
  • Um. Um. Wrong national origin in the first place, dude! I'm sure some exist by immigration, but I've never met a Japanese Korean.
  • But, even more ... Helen is American. To me, one of the great things about America is that our ancestries span the globe. 
  • Howard told Andy that Amanda's a nutcase and he doesn't trust her.
  • That's part of the Spencer/Howard campaign against Amanda.
  • I do think McCrae is letting Amanda bring whatever personal game he has down. That's basically Howard and Spencer's problem with Amanda.
  • That said, as I mentioned before, Amanda has highs and lows for me in the game.
  • Yesterday Amanda actually approached Aaryn warning her to cool it with the racist talk. While she fluffed it off a bit saying she knows Aaryn is just joking, she made her point. 
  • Naturally, Aaryn thinks it's all much ado about nothing.  She ended up thinking that Amanda told her that there is a minorities alliance in the house.
  • @@
  • Kaitlin is now (too late!) worrying about her mother watching BB. "I'm with Jeremy and he has tattoos. She hates tattoos."
  • I don't know. I think my own mother would have been more upset that I was jumping into bed with ANYONE on national television and the Internet after knowing the man two weeks.
  • I'd be upset with myself.
  • Wait. I wouldn't do it. Problem solved!
  • The HoH camera came out. Aaryn posed a lot.
  • Andy said that the MTV reality shows just pick people who do drugs and screw each other.
  • Well, look at this BB cast, Andy!
  • A good long discussion with Jeremy, Spencer and Nick went on and on about smoking pot and drinking with a bit of coke thrown in!
  • Although I had my own personal wild days in my yute (ala Joe Pesci) and now, decades later, I feel okay mentioning them a bit, when I was young and doing stupid stuff ... I never broadcasted it! Sheesh! This declaration here is about as much broadcasting as you'll ever see me doing.
  • It's called common sense.
  • The statute of limitations is well over for me! :-)
  • As for Andy's other part: BB is famous for folks hopping into bed with each other. Not my favorite part of the action, but it's there every season.
  • Interesting -- When Amanda told Nick he gets called into the Diary Room more than anyone else, he told her he gets called because he's the "narrator" for the season. The BB voice told him to stop talking about DR sessions.
  • I think he's right. Let's watch the show tonight and see how much Nick narrates.
  • McCrae told his MC boys he has no problem with Amanda going.
  • The MC think their votes are solid to keep Nick.
  • Amanda, Andy and even Aaryn think there's something going on between Spencer and Jeremy.
  • No, not a bromance.
  • Aaryn went to Howard complaining about Candice being the root of Amanda's racist discussion with her.
  • "I'm not a racist."
  • If the shoe fits, wear it, girl.
  • I said that, not Howard.
  • Howard, more diplomatic than I am, told her they were good and he knows she's not a racist.
  • We all do know that Howard isn't against lying in the house.
  • Helen thinks that Spencer needs to be backdoored. 
  • McCrae lied to Amanda when she questioned him about there being a boys alliance in the house.
  • Somehow, the Have Nots are being allowed to sleep in beds.
  • They just have to decide which beds.
  • Candice went to bed early and went to the Have Not room.
  • Elissa worked on Jessie for the vote. Jessie told her that she's scared.
  • As it stands, Elissa does have a solid group wanting her to stay, but then comes in the Moving Company. While, technically they're only four votes (Nick can't vote as he's nominated), Jeremy has been going around intimidating people.
  • Unfortunately, though I'd rather she stay and I actually have very little against Nick other than the company he keeps ... I think it will probably be Elissa going.
  • I'd rather it be Jeremy, Kaitlin, Aaryn or Jessie on the block. 

May the good times roll

Boy in Blue

They think I'm bigoted because I'm blonde

I'm the Queen of BB!

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday Night - 7/08-7/09

The bearded lady?

So, it's the wee hours of the night. Of course some of the hamsters are still running in their wheels. Usually that will get them nowhere quickly. What's been happening in that Big Brother of Going to Hell in a Handbasket? Read on ...
  • Jeremy told Kaitlin and Aaryn that, once Elissa's gone, they should be winning MVP ... or Howard might.
  • Now, I think Howard might have a chance. Aaryn or Kaitlin? BWahahaha!
  • Jeremy also told Aaryn he'll be winning all the comps and MVP because "America loves a showmance powerhouse."
  • Possibly, but not when it's Jeremy, I don't think!
  • Nick pinky-sweared with GinaMarie again, telling her he's not playing her.
  • Ha! He's playing everyone! I honestly don't think Nick is loyal to anyone unless they can be used for his gain. If he were a bit better at it, he could be a real player in the house.
  • But his lies have caught up with him a bit.
  • Not that he'll go home this week, mind you.
  • Candice and Helen are working on Jessie to bring her around to their side.
  • It might not work -- they're not male.
  • But Jessie so desperately needs friends that it's possible she'll make the jump.
  • Aaryn is still bothered with the thought that her alliance, Jeremy and Kaitlin, can't be trusted.
  • Andy told Amanda that Nick is targeting Candice.
  • Amanda told McCrae she'll go along with his decision in the vote.
  • Gah. I thought she was an independent thinker!
  • Andy is worried about Spencer and Howard.
  • He probably should be. Spencer and Howard are always scheming.
  • Amanda confirmed with Aaryn that she will vote Elissa out because she's in an alliance with McCrae and that's what he wants.
  • Kaitlin told Elissa that she's not really dating Jeremy because he's too immature.
  • Really, now. Why is she having sex with him in front of the world?
  • Howard thinks Amanda is onto an alliance of the guys.
  • He apparently doesn't know that Candice and Elissa suspected it long ago.
  • The guys are on board for an Elissa ouster as of now. 
  • Spencer continued his anti-Amanda talking. You can bet he'd go for her eviction if he ever were to win anything.
  • Nick and Spencer talked about how faithful they are to the Moving Company, yet McCrae lets Amanda influence him.
  • Candice is upset because when she asked Aaryn her middle name, she said, "Shaniqua." 
  • Howard tried to soothe her ruffled feathers.
  • Meanwhile, Amanda was saying she gets upset when someone (I'd say JEREMY) use the expression "Jew'd" to imply cheated.
  • Howard talked about Aaryn's previous conversation about the fish being segregated by black and white.
  • Candice, Amanda and Howard are right. I say it's called hate speech for a reason. But, in this case within the house, a lot of it is hurt speech. It hurts the others around the person saying it. It hurts deeper than Aaryn or Jeremy will ever know. In the long run, it will hurt them themselves.
  • Nick told Aaryn he can't really get a handle on Spencer.
  • Nick lies.
  • Aaryn told him that Jeremy has a deal with Spencer.
  • Well, duh. So does Nick!
  • Alas, it still looks like Elissa will go.

Rub-a-dub-dub, extensions in the tub

Likes the white fish best

Play, Helen, play!


Monday, July 08, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday daytime, PoV Meeting - 7/08

On the block

Today's big news from inside the house is that the Power of Veto meeting was held. Jeremy, of course, used the veto to save himself. Elissa went through with putting Nick up in his place. I personally think she just might have sealed her own fate with that choice. Now, I'm privy to alliances she's not, but I can't see him getting voted out by house majority. I also think people will tend to keep Helen over Elissa -- she's better liked.

Here's the skinny on what else happened today inside that Big Brother House of Grade School Bullies:
  • McCrae told Amanda she's the only one he trusts.
  • Yet he hasn't told her about the Moving Company.
  • Last night the MC dudes were going on about their alliance being better than the Brigade.
  • @@
  • Amanda really wants Elissa to stay. McCrae won't commit.
  • Amanda told Nick she refuses to be bullied by Jeremy.
  • Amanda runs hot and cold for me as a feeds watcher. There are times I really like her, other times she makes me cringe.
  • But Aaryn, Kaitlin and Jessie make me cringe all the time.
  • She's really, really pushing the keep Elissa bit with: "She's like the queen in chess, we control her moves." and "If Elissa goes, Jeremy will have all the power in the house."
  • Judd says he's good with Elissa staying. He gets along well with her, but they don't talk game that much.
  • Well, maybe he mumbles game with her and I'm just not catching it.
  • Amanda told Judd that Jeremy is lying when he tells Judd his name is being tossed around for nomination.
  • Jeremy is lying. It's part of his entire bullying bit.
  • Judd said Howard is shady; McCrae agrees. Amanda thinks Howard is on the level.
  • I love me my Howard eye-candy and, while he's not a mean person or a bad person, he is indeed a bit shady. He's playing the game. That I totally understand.
  • But Howard does pray before every meal!
  • Amanda and McCrae made out under the blankets. Sigh.
  • Helen did her morning workout with yard laps and hand weights.
  • Howard watched her. He can bench press her, but can't keep up with her routine.
  • Then the PoV meeting went down.
  • Spencer warned McCrae that Amanda is becoming a target and he (McCrae), by extension will be one too if they don't cool it a bit.
  • McCrae pretty much admitted to Jeremy that he can't control Amanda.
  • Good for Amanda.
  • But bad for Amanda because it makes her a bigger target.
  • Andy hasn't been called to the Diary Room for two days. He wonders if he has to start a fight or something to get called in.
  • Meanwhile, Jeremy used a derogatory slur for homosexuals and got called in the Diary Room almost immediately.
  • It's going to be a long three days before the eviction.

Crunching Jeremy
Back at ya
Helen at the Memory Wall