Helen leads study class |
It's been an active night for the hamsters in the habitrail. Well, for most of them anyway. Here's the overnight happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Frazzled Frenzy:
- Judd tried to talk Jessie into voting out Nick, telling her there's a guy alliance and they need to get them out before jury.
- Spencer told Howard that Helen isn't used to people lying to her. Howard agreed that she's naive.
- I have to agree with both of them. If Helen was a bit more leery of liars, she's smart and I think she could be a physical powerhouse in comps. Her daily workout almost gives me a heart attack to watch!
- Alas, now that Howard has been flirting with Candice, both Helen and Candice trust him.
- And he's loyal to Spencer (of all people!), MC or not. Those two are like a mini-alliance within MC.
- McCrae is thinking of jumping ship and moving to an Amanda, Judd, Elissa, Andy, Candice and Helen alliance.
- With such, they could run the house!
- The real shame is that two of the people on that alliance are on the block.
- They seriously think they can get Jessie to vote with them.
- So -- to vote out Elissa: Jeremy, Kaitlin, Spencer, GinaMarie and Howard. To vote out Nick -- McCrae, Amanda, Judd, Andy, Candice and possibly Jessie.
- The gap is closing.
- Howard told Nick that the last minute, he'll tell Andy that McCrae and Amanda flipped so that Andy and Judd will vote Elissa out "with the house."
- Howard's sure that it's going to be a landslide to keep Nick.
- Howard is wrong.
- If Elissa goes, it's going to be very close.
- Both Aaryn and Kaitlin talked about previously wanting to be homemakers and now they want some kind of careers.
- Jeremy told them he'd love to be a stay at home husband.
- Why doesn't that surprise me?
- Then all heck broke loose as an air raid kind of alarm went off!
- A shot rang out!
- The maid screamed!
- (Sorry, I got caught up in the drama of it all.)
- The BB voice came over the loudspeaker telling them the lockdown was over.
- Now, that wasn't expected until the live show later tonight.
- Whassup?
- We got trivia on the feeds as we would intermittently throughout the night.
- BB sent them back in the house for another lockdown.
- It turns out there's some sort of airport luggage carousel thing in the yard.
- They're all studying the items passing through.
- Sometimes we have audio with trivia for it, sometimes we just have trivia and music, sometimes we have audio and visual -- but we can't see what the items passing through are.
- This kept up until past 8am my time here here on the East Coast!
- Hence, this late report. I kept thinking something more might happen.
- After a handful of times overnight, Jeremy apparently gave up and headed in while the rest of the house kept studying the items.
- They kept rehashing the items in little study groups.
- Except Jeremy.
- He either thinks that he knows it all or, more likely, is crushed because the comp will be memory and not something physical that he can win. Apparently if he has to work his mind, it just might go BOOM.
- Howard told Judd and Jessie that he has a photographic memory.
- We'll see about that!
- Jeremy does actually remember a lot of what he saw ... before he called it a night. Nick isn't good at it at all. Nor is Aaryn (but she can't compete anyway as outgoing HoH).
- Spencer tried to get information about Elissa from Judd.
- Judd said, "Mumble, mumble."
- Nick is worried about the vote.
- He should be.
- Candice told Amanda that Howard is voting out Nick, for sure.
- I wouldn't be so sure about that, Candice. You've been taken in by a hunky SEEMINGLY honest dude.
- While Spencer agreed with Andy that Elissa should stay, I don't believe him.
- I call this vote still up in the air.
- We won't know until the fat lady sings.
- And I don't know if I can sing until it actually goes down.
- So there!
McCrae and Amanda memorize |
Jeremy walks away, the rest stay |
Candice says she's camera shy |
Howard-a-Day |
Studying, counting, memorizing |