Friday, August 02, 2013

Big Brother 15: Nominations are in - August 2

Jessie and Candice are on the block. Candice is the target.

GinaMarie told Jessie that she had promises or deals with everyone except Candice, Spencer and her (Jessie). She wants Candice out and thinks that Spencer would be too weak.

Um. Okay.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday Daytime - August 2

Makes Donald Trump's do look natural

Y'know, reporting on this crew of hamsters isn't always easy. While I admit to being the Reporting Queen of BB Brouhahas, these seem more evil than ones in the past. It could be that the cast is just so darned unlikable on the whole. I don't know. Here's what's happened today inside that Big Brother House of They ALL Need Medication:
  • When I last left you, we were getting intermittent fish cam and music as Amanda's yelling at Candice (NOT on camera) could be heard throughout the house.
  • Mind you, they were in the backyard.
  • Even her boytoy McCrae told her Amanda she went overboard.
  • The real kicker is that Aaryn, yes, AARYN, reported to GinaMarie that Candice was doing great in the confrontation and holding her own while Amanda made a fool of herself.
  • McCrae tried to talk sense into Amanda saying that it reflects on his game as well as her own, he can't support her if she goes wild like that, on and on, etc.
  • He also told her that she was playing right into what the others were saying about her -- bully.
  • Well, yeah, dude. About time you noticed!
  • GinaMarie said she was leaning towards putting Spencer and Candice up.
  • Aaryn SO wants a Candice eviction.
  • Although they talked of it last week, they haven't thought yet that this might be a double eviction looming ahead.
  • McCrae and Amanda continued to have a snit about her actions.
  • She was angry he stayed outside when she came in. "Why am I going to follow you if you're having a temper tantrum?" he asked (paraphrased)
  • Eventually they started making out and the temper tantrum was tossed aside.
  • @@
  • In a Candice/Helen talk, they both fussed about Jessie. Helen thinks she instigates.
  • We all know she's very needy and tends to get super-dramatic at the slightest perceived slight.
  • Later, Helen consoled Jessie who was being needy and still upset that Aaryn was invited to Helen's bbq and not her.
  • Helen blubbered. (She's admitted to using tears to guilt her children in the past.)
  • @@
  • Aaryn told Amanda that the big fight she (Amanda) had probably made her a bigger target.
  • Amanda is sure that Judd was the MVP who nominated her last week.
  • Judd thinks that if GinaMarie nominates Jessie, it might "scare her straight."
  • He's given up trying to cope with her after trying to help/rescue her all along.
  • Amanda apologized to Jessie for coming at her last night. 
  • That was the warm-up act for the Amanda/Candice Smackdown if you remember ...
  • Andy and Aaryn talked about how much they like Judd. Andy thinks it's better now that Judd is distancing himself from Jessie. Aaryn said she's probably more loyal to Amanda and crew, but honestly likes Judd more.
  • Jessie apologized to Judd for "breaking his heart" and asked for another chance.
  • @@
  • Yes, that deserved a BOLD eye roll.
  • GinaMarie told Candice she still hasn't decided on nominations.
  • Huh.
  • I find that hard to believe when Candice is the big target. Maybe I'm just too skeptical, eh?
  • As I get this posted, we've had trivia for about a half-hour for the nominations ceremony. I don't think we'll have any surprises -- it should be Candice and Spencer/Jessie on the block.
  • However, I'll post a blurb in a few hours when we get the feeds back. 

Fun with Spencer's horn

Get your minds out of the gutter! Sheesh!

Spencer, bear shirt, scares Elissa with a bug

Andy, bear shirt, tucks it in

Now Judd has bear shirt again!

I tracked the bear (shirt) last night. After the comp, Judd wore it all night until past 5am their time. Come "morning" (early-ish in the day when they finally got up), Andy was wearing it. In the afternoon, Judd had it on again. Then Andy was wearing it again as trivia started for the nominations ceremony. I might have missed it, but I didn't see it go into the laundry.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds way into Thursday Night - August 1-2

Megaphone Spencer

Well, well, well. GinaMarie won HoH. Spencer gets to carry around a megaphone until nominations. Candice won $5,000 and Helen won a barbecue with her choice of three guests.
  • I can only hope Amanda will "win" the MVP nomination for eviction!
  • GinaMarie told Amanda and McCrae they can sleep in the HoH room tonight as she prefers to sleep in the bed she shared with Nick.
  • @@
  • Amanda told Spencer she understands why he stayed with his vote to keep Howard.
  • After all, he was the sole vote to keep him.
  • GinaMarie and Aaryn talked about putting Spencer and Candice up with Jessie as the replacement if someone used PoV.
  • Jessie thinks that if they take out Candice this week, she'd be next in their sights.
  • Her behavior hasn't helped her case any -- after her hiding in bed not talking to anyone.
  • GinaMarie doesn't want a backdoor scenario.
  • That might be good news for Judd!
  • Although McCrae is worried that GinaMarie will put them up, Amanda isn't.
  • Just a reminder -- during the comp, GinaMarie promised safety to Jessie, McCrae and Amanda. We know she's loyal to Aaryn (when it does her good, not against Kaitlin).
  • So that narrows her nominee pool to Spencer, Judd, Candice, Jessie, or Andy.
  • OMG!!!! She got a photo of Nick in her HoH room!
  • Ahem.
  • Jessie is upset that Helen invited Aaryn to the bbq.
  • GinaMarie said she doesn't really "do" bbq, so they're going to have a contest to see who can impersonate her best for that invite. (Yes, Helen originally invited her. She knows when and how to suck up to the power.)
  • I believe the third invite went to Elissa.
  • Jessie thinks she's at the bottom of the pecking order and cried.
  • Nah, Candice may be lower, but when Jessie is always so needy, she's going to be low on the totem pole and just a vote for them when they want it. Expendable.
  • Now GinaMarie and Aaryn think they need to put Candice on the block with Jessie as a pawn.
  • Spencer would go up if Candice wins veto.
  • Then they'd vote out Jessie.
  • Expendable, remember that.
  • Amanda, kind of like a dog sensing fear, lit into Jessie about trying to flip the house this past week.
  • "Go ahead and have a hissy fit and cry!"
  • So, Jessie obliged.
  • Then Mad Dog Amanda turned on Candice pretty much with the same issue -- trying to flip the house against her.
  • Candice, not quite a needy Jessie, defended trying to defend Howard.
  • Amanda yelled about the comments she alleged that Howard made to her (that no one else ever heard).
  • Cat fight!
  • MEOW
  • Helen started crying and going on about Candice trying to frame Elissa and herself.
  • MEOW
  • Afterwards, Candice went to Andy with all her problems, telling him they're going to pick them off one by one.
  • Yes, they will.
  • And Andy will remain loyal to them until the day he gets the boot.
  • But he didn't tell her that.
  • No one can back up Amanda on what Howard allegedly said.
  • Candice is sure he wouldn't make sexual threats and wants to ask the Diary Room about it.
  • I saw the actual incident and I can't tell you what was said.
  • Amanda apologized to Candice and told her it wasn't right for her to light into her when she was actually mad at Jessie.
  • Wait for it. Wait for it.
  • MEOW!!!
  • The Jessie/Amanda cat fight starts all over again!!
  • GinaMarie, from the HoH room, heard all the screaming and isn't about to go down there and find out what it's all about.
  • Everyone is just trying to stay out of it.
  • We have feeds cutting to fish more often than not with Amanda's screaming at Jessie in between.
  • Oh my.


Shove that food in

Howard over her shoulder

Will she be safe this week?

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Special - HoH Endurance Comp Updates - August 1

As soon as the live feeds come back on, I'll be updating this post with news, screen caps of the comp and (ultimately) the winner of HoH. Why wait until Sunday?

10:10pm ET all still in

Quad cam 10:13pm ET

The barrel stopped, then started again.

Brief cut to trivia 10:17pm ET. Back, Spencer is huffing and puffing.

10:21pm ET, after blurts of trivia mixed with feeds, it stops again. It had been going fairly fast. Spencer seems to have the most problem with it.

Spencer out, Candice, Helen out in a row when it goes backward. Then Elissa. Andy off. Trivia keeps cutting in and out, hard to tell. Amanda out. Judd out, too.

10:30pm ET

Jessie, McCrae and GinaMarie are the only ones still in the comp and we're having extended trivia on the live feeds.

10:36pm ET - GM, McCrae and Jessie still on

10:41pm ET -- GinaMarie promises safety to McCrae, Jessie and Amanda, as well as the room to the couple ... if she wins.

10:47pm ET - Jessie out. GinaMarie is really trying to convince McCrae to drop. They say they have each other, but both want to win.

10:50pm ET - McCrae yells for Rich (producer) to open the doors and let all the watchers inside. Ready to deal? Rich doesn't do it.

GinaMarie seems more solid on the barrel than McCrae at this point. It's the going backwards that's killing them.

10:57pm ET - Still the two up. GinaMarie says she really needs her hair dye. Yeah, she really does. She has a point.

10:59pm ET - McCrae goes down -- it seemed to be a real fall. GINAMARIE IS THE NEW HOH!!

"Did I win? Did I win?"

I think Candice got the money and, for some odd reason, Spencer got a megaphone(?). Helen had something with writing on it. Slop pass maybe? I'm not sure. The feeds cut in and out through that and I've only picked up bits and pieces here and there.

BB won't let the smokers smoke. It's been two days. But there's too much straw in the backyard.

Spencer has to have the megaphone until nominations. My neighbors aren't going to like that.

Big Brother 15: Live Eviction, HoH Comp Show Blog Party - August 1

Who's ready for the party? As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page for the latest news. In the event that the HoH competition is an endurance one, I'll be making a separate post to update that from the live feeds (once they return).

The real party is always in the comments, though. Come join us there!

So, far we have the recap and various camps campaigning their own agendas for tonight's vote. The editing makes it look like there's a big chance Candice will go home. We'll just see about that.

 A visit to Judd's family and town.

Speech time! Amanda -- says hi, not ready to go, McCrae, scary, engaged. Candice -- says hi, one tough cookie, don't worry about me, not ready to go, Howie. Howard -- Thanks God, says hi, vote with your own mind, don't play it safe.

The votes --

Helen - Howard
Elissa - Howard
Spencer - Candice
McCrae - Howard
Andy - Howard
Judd - Howard
GinaMarie - Howard
Jessie - Howard

No more Howard-a-Day screen caps on the blog!

America is the MVP again this week. We get to pick a nominee again!

HoH comp time -- old time country street setting, Bull in a China Shop, stay up on a rolling barrel and hold onto their bull the longest time.

Oh, geez. Amanda is probably good at holding her bull!

No Have Nots this week.

First three to jump off open boxes. One contains 5 grand.

Double eviction next Thursday!