Sunday, August 04, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Sunday Evening - August 4

McCrae in a cone

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Loopy Losers:
  • Just watching Helen's daily exercise routine wears me out. I'm really shocked that she didn't do better in the HoH comp.
  • Although the PoV ceremony hasn't been held yet and Jessie, Candice and Amanda are on the block, everyone is automatically referring to it as Spencer, Candice and Amanda on the block.
  • All we really know know is that Jessie will surely save herself with the veto. Even though GinaMarie has said Spencer will go up, until it's done, he's not on the block!
  • But you tell them that!
  • Elissa still wants Candice to stay. I personally don't see that happening.
  • Helen told Andy that this isn't the week to get Amanda out and that she told Jessie that.
  • She also told Andy that after the eviction this week, she's going to approach McCrae about making the move on Amanda.
  • Now, of course, Andy is a sieve to Amanda and McCrae. Helen needs to shut up and not confide in him!
  • Judd, Helen and Andy would all like to see Spencer make jury as they think he'd be a favorable vote for any of them in the end.
  • Helen said she really does like Aaryn now.
  • How quickly they forget.
  • To credit Aaryn, she has toned down a bit with the racist comments and is playing a better social game than she was before.
  • But I don't forget. Helen shouldn't, either.
  • Helen says she feels like a Mom to Jessie.
  • She thinks Jessie is really insecure.
  • Y'think?
  • Helen told her BBQ guests that she doesn't want to talk game at the BBQ.
  • Candice got her second better-fitting clown-itard.
  • Amanda got more orange with goggle marks.
  • When it came time for the BBQ, those not invited only got a glimpse of it. Spencer scooted out with the BBQ bunch, but was quickly back inside.
  • They had a giant feast and Jessie wo-manned the grill for most of it.
  • They weren't allowed to keep the grill after the BBQ was done.
  • McCrae asked the Diary Room for a clown-itard for himself. They denied it, but gave him his own cone.
  • McCrae also told Judd that Amanda has had a boob job.
  • Helen was in more buzz about taking out Amanda.
  • So Andy went and reported to Amanda.
  • @@
  • Now, this really could be a good time to take out one of the main two power players. Amanda's on the block with no veto coming up to save her. Helen, the other power player, isn't on the block and gets along better on the whole with people.
  • Aaryn isn't aboard the plan as she wants Candice out more than anything else.
  • These hamsters should stop thinking about their personal dislike for others and think more of the end plan for them in the game.
  • Amanda's starting to worry again.
  • She should.
  • Although there's a very slim chance of her going this week (at least in the first eviction), there is some serious rumbling in the house about getting her out.
  • Of course, it's still early.
  • One thing they're not thinking about is the double eviction coming up. They thought of it a week or two ago but then figured it was too early.
  • Heh.
  • GinaMarie is now considering Andy or Judd as the replacement nominee.
  • Hmm ... they're trying to think of someone who won't vote for Candice to stay.
  • I'm surprised that they're not just throwing Elissa up there.
  • But it does seem than GinaMarie keeps her word.
  • That is, if she can pronounce said word without mangling it!
  • Now she's back full circle and talking to McCrae, saying it will probably be Spencer as the replacement.
  • @@

Coneheads unite

Maybe she should go Pennywise on them!

Goggle lines

The art of drinking in a cone

The big BBQ

Big Brother 15: HoH Winner, Nominations Show Blog Party - August 4

Although most regular readers of this blog know the outcome, tonight's show will air the completion of the HoH comp from Thursday night. Plus, we'll (again) learn the nominations, sans the MVP nom. Of course, we know that, too. But it's all fun to watch anyway! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest!

As always, the real party is in the comments! Come join us! I do ask that folks remember this is just a show. It's entertainment for us, not our own individual lives. While it obviously has an effect on those in the house and their lives, it's not ours. Can we all try not to get so vehement about things? Merci!

When the "log" rolls backwards, several go down led by Spencer. Spencer wins a bullhorn he has to use until after the nominations ceremony. Candice won $5,000. Helen won a backyard barbeque for herself and three guests.

Only Jessie, GinaMarie and McCrae are still in it. Jessie's down. GM is trying to make a deal with McCrae for him to drop. He eventually falls, but not on purpose. GinaMarie is the new HoH!

Jessie is upset that Helen invited Aaryn to her BBQ. Ah, smackdown MEOW fight between Amanda and Jessie coming! McCrae (after the brouhaha) tried to talk sense into Amanda, no go.

Huh. They didn't show the GinaMarie impersonation bit for the third BBQ guest. That was fun.

Nominations - Key order: Aaryn, Helen, McCrae, Judd, Amanda, Elissa, Spencer, Andy. Candice and Jessie are on the block. She says Candice is a tattletale rat, but very apologetically. Jessie because she's a flip-flopper.

Off Topic: That Was the Week it Was - August 4, 2013

Good Sunday morning to all y'all out there! If you're looking for Big Brother live feeds reports, you can find the most recent one right here at this link. This post has no television content as it's my weekly off television topic post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. While Big Brother is seasonal here on the blog, this is all year 'round!

It's been yet another quiet summer week for me on the whole this past week. We had quite a bit of rain here, with a few nice days. The heat hasn't been horrible (yay!). I haven't had my air conditioner on since that long heat wave a few weeks ago. Fans have been plenty to keep it cool in here.

Let's see ... this week ... this week ...
I worked, I slept, I reported on the BB live feeds, I ate, I petted Vincent and catered to him as per his demand. I didn't really go anywhere other than work, then home. I lead such an exciting life!

On the home front, the upstairs neighbor is still the best and quietest ever above me here. (Yay!) One of the downstairs neighbors told me the new landlords increased his rent by $15. I didn't tell him I only got a $5 increase. I actually know why -- he's in a studio apartment and the increase brings him to what new tenants pay for those. One of the past landlords had him under market to fill the building. Mine is already above market.

Huh. I don't really have much more to say. I guess I'll just get to the photos I took this week --

Dragonfly photo IMG_9025a_zps85300563.jpg

I believe, after Googling, that it's likely to be a female common whitetail. (The males are actually whitetailed.) It was kind enough to pause on an old curb at the Bridgewater Train Station.

Sunflowers photo IMG_9040a_zps5bf67ac3.jpg

It's good that I took this shot of these on East Front Street (Plainfield) early in the week as someone chopped them down by Thursday! Argh. There are more closer to the house, but I don't want people to think I'm a total weirdo going on their lawn.


Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Saturday Night into Sunday - August 3-4

Work it!

For a lot of the night, it was more fun than usual albeit you could still cut the tension in the house with a knife at times. Here's what's happened since I last posted the happenings inside that Big Brother House of Funky Foes:
  • Aaryn claims that GinaMarie has kissed the photo of Nick so much that she's wearing it out.
  • I don't doubt that.
  • GinaMarie loves her HoH robe. She said she's never owned a robe.
  • Oh my, a deprived adulthood!
  • Candice actually rocks the Clown-itard! She said they're preparing another one for her because this one is too big.
  • She's wearing a skirt with it instead of the clown collar. She had a choice.
  • She can't wear her nose constantly as it's hard to breathe with it on. 
  • She can take it off to sleep or shower, but must put it back on before going away from bed or shower.
  • She's being a good sport about it. Send in the clowns!
  • They took turns trying to throw balls into GinaMarie's cone.
  • At one point, as the others waited for the clown reveal, the BB voice announced, "Amanda, you are not allowed." Then it stopped. So we all now know that Amanda is not allowed! She can go away!
  • Amanda's orange tanning punishment is all set up in the backyard. When she gets the signal, she needs to go in for her spray tan.
  • Amanda fussed the second time called to the booth. She has to be on spray tan call for 48 hours.
  • Amanda told Andy that they are eventually going to have to focus on Helen. Helen "scares her."
  • Andy, true mole he be, told Amanda that Helen tells him everything.
  • That's Helen's downfall. She's a fantastic puppetmaster and manipulator, but she talks too much and tells too much!
  • McCrae and Amanda think GinaMarie is totally loyal.
  • Meanwhile, GinaMarie has had discussions with Aaryn and others about how Amanda does need to go, just not the right time now.
  • This was the night that GinaMarie had promised Amanda and McCrae they could spend in the HoH room.
  • But that ain't happenin'.
  • Tanning is happening.
  • They had a bachelor party for McCrae, enhanced by a booze delivery.
  • McCrae and Andy got totally drunk and silly.
  • Elissa told Jessie that she wants Spencer out instead of Candice.
  • No surprise there.
  • But it's extremely unlikely.
  • Of course, Spencer isn't on the block yet even!
  • But he should be by tomorrow when Jessie saves herself with the veto.
  • The only person in the house who hasn't worn the bear shirt is Spencer. It's too small for him.
  • However, I think Spencer is losing weight. 
  • Not that the shirt will fit him before the season ends, mind you. But some weight loss looks like it's going on.
  • Andy got so drunk that he smoked two cigarettes. He's not a smoker.
  • Overall, Candice mingled pretty well throughout the evening.
  • Although Amanda apologized to Candice for an earlier argument, she wasn't as good a sport with her orange tan as Candice was with the Clown-itard.
  • They're all sleeping as I post this.

Proudly wearing her cone of shame

Tickling drunk Andy

There's a new clown in town

Candice rocks the Clown-itard

Lining up to see Amanda's tan reveal

Orange you glad I didn't say banana, Amanda?

Drunken Andy smoking

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Saturday - MVP Nom./PoV - August 3

J-U-Double D

Yep, yep, yep. It's been a busy day in the habitrail. Here's what's happened so far today inside that Big Brother House of Wayward Boys and Girls:
  • I might as well start at the beginning of the day, huh?
  • Amanda and McCrae noticed Judd wasn't called to the Diary Room yesterday.
  • Just a week ago everyone was suspecting Howard of being MVP because he was called to and stayed in the Diary Room.
  • Now Judd is an MVP suspect because he wasn't called.
  • Go figure.
  • After the feeds were blocked, the MVP reveal and PoV players had been done.
  • Surprise, surprise. We voted Amanda as our nominee once again.
  • Unfortunately, that puts the suspect cap on Judd. A few think America might be the MVP, but they're all paranoid that it's each other.
  • Spencer and Judd were the two picked to play in the veto comp in addition to the nominees and GinaMarie.
  • Amanda is still suspecting Judd while others are suspecting Candice.
  • Paranoia runs rampant.
  • Paranoia, The Destoyer. "Hidden cameras everywhere!"
  • Judd told Jessie that if he wins the veto and saves her, Jessie will owe him big time.
  • Helen told Andy that they'll have to vote out Candice to keep Aaryn and GinaMarie from freaking out.
  • Jessie wants Judd to do what he can to make sure Candice doesn't win it.
  • But, in the end ... it didn't matter.
  • Jessie won the Power of Veto.
  • She has said she most enjoys the comps and she's pretty darn good at them. If only she was a better social player!
  • The paranoia and twice nommed by a mysterious MVP is taking its toll on Amanda.
  • She's already admitted in the past that she's in a bad state when she's not in control.
  • And, this is the epitome of not being in control.
  • She lashes out left and right. She tries to figure out who in the world can be putting her up. She's upset that McCrae seems more worried about the game or Aaryn's feelings than about her. On and on.
  • She told McCrae he has to stop being the dictator in the relationship.
  • She said it in front of others.
  • McCrae's actually trying to be the level head, but Amanda can't see that.
  • He's right. Her reactions are hurting her game, as well as the way she treats people.
  • Amanda told Judd and Spencer that, if it gets down to the three of them, let her win.
  • But, it was all for naught.
  • As I mentioned, Jessie won it.
  • :-)
  • GinaMarie said that she will probably put up Spencer in her place, something they've already discussed.
  • The target is Candice anyway and there really doesn't seem to be any way she'll stay this week.
  • McCrae and Amanda had all but a smackdown as she went a bit berserk. He told her that she's ruining her own game, his game, the alliance, and just about their whole world.
  • Scream, yell, scream again.
  • The PoV was a reward/punishment one.
  • Judd won $5,000.
  • GinaMarie has to wear an Elizabethan collar (the cone pets wear after surgery so they don't lick, bite at, their wounds) until Monday PoV meeting.
  • Candice has to wear a clown suit and will likely be evicted in it.
  • Amanda cried some more.
  • Andy tried to tell Amanda she needs to calm down, that it's affecting her game.
  • She cried some more.
  • Apparently Amanda called Candice "Shaniqua" today, but it must have been while the feeds were blocked. Spencer mentioned it.
  • Candice had the $5,000 at one point, traded for the veto, lost the veto and got the clown suit.
  • Judd said he was glad he didn't win the veto and Aaryn told him the five grand is much better in the long run.
  • It sounds like Amanda has to get spray tanned? Hmm. Not all that sure what's going on with that.
  • While Aaryn is pressuring GinaMarie to put Elissa on the block as that would be a vote for Candice to stay gone, it seems like she'll probably go with her first choice -- Spencer.
  • We won't know that until Monday.

Cone of Uncertainty, storm a'brewing

Pre-cone, post PoV

Amanda cries as minions look on

Candice smiles. Not much else she can do now.