Practicing for a comp |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whacked Wannabees:
- Helen doesn't think Amanda will backdoor her because she needs her.
- I say, for now.
- Jessie knows that she's a lone wolf at this point and is studying hard for any memory comps.
- Aaryn told Andy that he's in the best position in the house.
- He just might be.
- Jessie's attachment to Judd is wearying him.
- Aaryn is tiring of GinaMarie and says she needs to go.
- Amanda thinks Aaryn makes up a lot of stuff to stir things up.
- Amanda is sure Judd was the MVP putting her on the block this past two weeks.
- Helen trashtalked Jessie to Amanda and Andy.
- Oh my. It looks like everyone needs to go!
- Although they're finally thinking it might be a double eviction (credit: Amanda), they don't know that we've heard Jury will start and that Julie Chen hinted the MVP twist may be over.
- After an indoor lockdown, they got a practice comp in the yard.
- They have to roll a ball down a plank and into one of two receptacles on either side at the end.
- I'm sure the real comp will look a lot fancier than the practice one.
- Uh-oh. Aaryn's doing well at it.
- Amanda caught on to the double eviction as they were told everyone needs to practice, even the current HoH. Then Judd picked up on the same idea.
- Oh my. Now Spencer's getting good at it!
- GinaMarie in her role of the Oh So Important HoH, held meetings with everyone to "make sure the vote will go the right way."
- Jessie balked. She said she knows what her vote will be and didn't want to discuss it.
- The feeds were down an extended time for the hamsters to have a pizza and booze party ... it must be the halfway point.
- Why does it feel like a lifetime already?
- Amanda is worried there will be a tie vote.
- As much as I think they should get her out for the betterment of everybody's game, I don't think so.
- I think it will be an overwhelming Candice vote out.
- GinaMarie gave McCrae and Amanda the HoH room for the night to make up for the night originally intended. Amanda had to keep tanning that night.
- GinaMarie wants everyone to come to her at 5:30 before the show to confirm that Candice is being voted out.
- @@
- Gosh, give someone a bit of power and ...!
- Jessie really really wants to win HoH. Do you think she can?
- She pretty much needs to win it.
- McCrae once again had to try to get Amanda to cool it when she started giving Aaryn a rough time, telling her that if there's a tie it had to be Aaryn voting against her as Helen never would.
- @@
- We all know that Aaryn really really clashes with Candice. Now, if Amanda keeps it up and she votes Amanda to go ... well, that would mean Amanda's actions did herself in.
- Amanda thinks McCrae treats her like a child.
- Well, if the shoe fits ...
- Jessie told Helen she will be voting with the house since no one wants to take her up on her plan to keep Candice.
- Hmm.
- At this point, she's created enough grief for herself that she might as well vote for Amanda to go. The damage is done.
- GinaMarie dreams of marrying Nick.
- @@
- Andy told fellow Goof Troop members (Judd, McCrae and Amanda) that he was told they couldn't use that name as there's a copyright infringement with it.
- They tried to come up with a new name, but they were interrupted.
- Of course, it seems like Judd really isn't a part of it anymore anyway. Amanda is sure he's the one putting her up. McCrae thinks he's "shady."
- Amanda thinks that if she and McCrae were on the block, she would stay.
- McCrae thinks he would stay.
- I agree with McCrae.
Reading the Bible |
J-U-Double D |
Practice, practice |