Thursday, August 08, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Wednesday into Thursday - August 7-8

Practicing for a comp

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whacked Wannabees:
  • Helen doesn't think Amanda will backdoor her because she needs her.
  • I say, for now.
  • Jessie knows that she's a lone wolf at this point and is studying hard for any memory comps.
  • Aaryn told Andy that he's in the best position in the house.
  • He just might be.
  • Jessie's attachment to Judd is wearying him. 
  • Aaryn is tiring of GinaMarie and says she needs to go.
  • Amanda thinks Aaryn makes up a lot of stuff to stir things up.
  • Amanda is sure Judd was the MVP putting her on the block this past two weeks.
  • Helen trashtalked Jessie to Amanda and Andy.
  • Oh my. It looks like everyone needs to go!
  • Although they're finally thinking it might be a double eviction (credit: Amanda), they don't know that we've heard Jury will start and that Julie Chen hinted the MVP twist may be over.
  • After an indoor lockdown, they got a practice comp in the yard.
  • They have to roll a ball down a plank and into one of two receptacles on either side at the end.
  • I'm sure the real comp will look a lot fancier than the practice one.
  • Uh-oh. Aaryn's doing well at it.
  • Amanda caught on to the double eviction as they were told everyone needs to practice, even the current HoH. Then Judd picked up on the same idea.
  • Oh my. Now Spencer's getting good at it!
  • GinaMarie in her role of the Oh So Important HoH, held meetings with everyone to "make sure the vote will go the right way."
  • Jessie balked. She said she knows what her vote will be and didn't want to discuss it.
  • The feeds were down an extended time for the hamsters to have a pizza and booze party ... it must be the halfway point.
  • Why does it feel like a lifetime already?
  • Amanda is worried there will be a tie vote.
  • As much as I think they should get her out for the betterment of everybody's game, I don't think so. 
  • I think it will be an overwhelming Candice vote out.
  • GinaMarie gave McCrae and Amanda the HoH room for the night to make up for the night originally intended. Amanda had to keep tanning that night.
  • GinaMarie wants everyone to come to her at 5:30 before the show to confirm that Candice is being voted out.
  • @@
  • Gosh, give someone a bit of power and ...!
  • Jessie really really wants to win HoH. Do you think she can?
  • She pretty much needs to win it.
  • McCrae once again had to try to get Amanda to cool it when she started giving Aaryn a rough time, telling her that if there's a tie it had to be Aaryn voting against her as Helen never would.
  • @@
  • We all know that Aaryn really really clashes with Candice. Now, if Amanda keeps it up and she votes Amanda to go ... well, that would mean Amanda's actions did herself in.
  • Amanda thinks McCrae treats her like a child.
  • Well, if the shoe fits ...
  • Jessie told Helen she will be voting with the house since no one wants to take her up on her plan to keep Candice.
  • Hmm.
  • At this point, she's created enough grief for herself that she might as well vote for Amanda to go. The damage is done.
  • GinaMarie dreams of marrying Nick.
  • @@
  • Andy told fellow Goof Troop members (Judd, McCrae and Amanda) that he was told they couldn't use that name as there's a copyright infringement with it.
  • They tried to come up with a new name, but they were interrupted.
  • Of course, it seems like Judd really isn't a part of it anymore anyway. Amanda is sure he's the one putting her up. McCrae thinks he's "shady."
  • Amanda thinks that if she and McCrae were on the block, she would stay.
  • McCrae thinks he would stay.
  • I agree with McCrae.

Reading the Bible

J-U-Double D

Practice, practice

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Big Brother 15: MVP nom, PoV Show Blog Party

Well, well, well. There seems to be some scuttlebutt on the Internet that (a) the remaining hamsters will go to jury -- including the two from tomorrow night (b) the MVP twist might be ending.

As tonight's show airs, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to see the latest! The real party will be down in the comments ... come join us!

After Jessie drama and McCrae/Amanda drama, we get to the MVP reveal -- Amanda. McCrae isn't surprised. The two additional PoV players are Spencer and Judd. GinaMarie chooses Aaryn to host the comp.

PoV Comp - The yard is done up like a frog pond. It's a comp where everyone wins something, but those staying in longer can trade prizes.

GM out first, got the veto.
Amanda out, got doggy cone of shame. She traded for the veto.
After a cat fight with Amanda, Candice is out. She got a Bahamas vacation, traded for the veto. Spencer out, got 50 Shades of Orange (tanning), he traded for the vacation. Judd wins over Jessie. Jessie got $5,000, traded for the veto. Judd got a clown-itard.He traded it for the 5,000.

So ...
Amanda gets an orange tan.
Spencer goes to the Bahamas.
Judd got five grand.
Candice got a clown-itard.
GinaMarie got a cone of shame (Elizabethan collar).
Jessie has the PoV.

Veto Meeting -- Jessie saves herself. GM puts Spencer on the block.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Tuesday into Wednesday - August 6-7

Yeah, there is something wrong ...

... and I call the something wrong recruiting these hamsters instead of letting the folks who really want to be in that nuthouse get in there. I don't think they can promise us things will be "back to normal" soon. What's normal? How does "normal" apply in the context of this season? It doesn't! They LIE! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Abnormal:
  • Judd said Elissa asked him if he's ever acted. Oh my. The guy could often use subtitles on the live feeds because he mumbles and doesn't move his lips hardly at all. He couldn't be an actor.
  • He might want to look into being a ventriloquist, though!
  • Elissa is still holding her grudge against Aaryn. While I personally have my own grudge against Aaryn, if I were in the house and not "in with the in crowd," I think I'd be mending fences just in view of the end game.
  • Jessie admitted to Helen that Candice is sure she's going home. Jessie thinks she herself will go home next week.
  • But, I ask ... who will be the second out the door this week?
  • Bwahaha! They're still not thinking so much along the lines of a double eviction this week!
  • Helen told Jessie that Candice will be the first person she'll actually miss who has left the house.
  • I can see that.
  • On a side note: I see in the comments that people think there's a larger goal of jury this season. We've seen that the last few seasons. For folks like Jessie (unemployed), McCrae (pizza guy), Andy (two jobs part-time not earning a lot) ... that extra $750 a week stipend for basically an extended vacation without stress is like a pot of gold. Due to their locale, it's possible Spencer and Judd don't earn that much working per week. Plus, those making jury seem to be a bit more a part of "BB History."
  • Judd told Jessie that he really likes Helen.
  • Both Judd and Jessie are more willing to work with Helen and Elissa than they are with Amanda and McCrae.
  • Some joked that if GinaMarie were to win a special power, she'd have to ask everybody how to use it as she would be so confused.
  • Andy told Helen that he trusts her more than he does Judd.
  • I notice he didn't tell her that he trusts her more than he does Amanda.
  • They all think Candice is a good cook.
  • That doesn't mean they'll keep her in the house, mind you.
  • GinaMarie had an outright panic attack hissy fit over having to write a blog entry. She's either functionally illiterate or perhaps has a learning disability that has never been addressed.
  • That said, GinaMarie has very low self-esteem on the whole. While she talks all bravado and loud, she doesn't seem to think she can do anything well.
  • Jessie has her own self-esteem issues and handles it by desperately seeking approval from others.
  • Psychiatric Help: 5 cents ... as per Lucy VanPelt.
  • I have my own issues, probably enough for a magazine subscription! But, that said, I wouldn't be in that house.
  • Helen, in particular, pep-talked GM. Amanda also tried but she's not as good at it as Helen.
  • They had actual fun with the HoH camera this week, unlike last week.
  • Then we had technical difficulties for a long, long time. It started out with the NO SIGNAL bit I screen-capped last week, then went into the message above with the smaller cameras working.
  • Aaryn feels she can't trust Amanda now.
  • Well, duh.
  • Who can really trust her other than McCrae?
  • Candice thinks that GinaMarie doesn't like her for personal reasons.
  • Well, duh.
  • Jessie tried for another round of "vote Amanda out" only to be met with failure.
  • Helen said Amanda has done her no wrong.
  • I say Amanda has done her no wrong ... YET.
  • She will, though. She will.
  • They held the bachelorette party for Amanda. Everybody except Candice was in attendance at one point or another -- including the guys.
  • Amanda claims that McCrae will be moving to Florida to live with her.
  • Yeah, let's see how long that lasts!
  • Jessie has realized that Judd has been throwing her under the bus.
  • Well, duh.
  • Jessie keeps trying different avenues in her Get Amanda Out efforts.
  • But, at this time, she's probably only harming her own "life" in the house.
  • I personally agree with her -- Amanda out would be beneficial for most remaining in the house.
  • But it ain't gonna happen.
  • At least not in the first eviction this week.
  • We can't predict the second.
  • We can only hope ...

GinaMarie cries about having to write

Clown in the kitchen

Odd couple

Grilling, not interrogating

Amanda's bachelorette party

Foil sashes for all!

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Tuesday Morning - August 5-6

Too bad it will fade before Thursday

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Spuyten Duyvil (NOT to be confused with NYC!):
  • When Jessie told Amanda she looked black, Amanda replied, "I look like a migrant worker. I look like a slave."
  • When Aaryn laughed and said that was racist, Amanda replied,"It's not racist if it's true and it's not sexual harassment if you're good-looking."
  • Tsk, tsk.
  • I personally don't recall ever seeing any depictions of slaves with goggle marks on their faces. I have no clue why she brought up the word "slave" at all.
  • GinaMarie was allowed to remove her cone of shame. That was only to be on until Monday after PoV ceremony.
  • Candice must wear the clown-itard until the end of the week (or eviction).
  • Spencer thinks that if Helen talked to her mother in English, she'd be forced to learn it.
  • Helen has no desire to do that.
  • I'd say it's none of Spencer's business. And, as long as Helen is in this house of weirdos, it might be for the best that she doesn't understand English.
  • Now Amanda thinks she looks like a coal miner. Yes, that's better. They might have goggle marks.
  • Elissa claimed that Jessie said girls are always jealous of her because she's so pretty.
  • @@
  • Not that she's unattractive, mind you. I just think the combination of being so needy and insecure added in with "I'm so pretty, all are jealous" takes her down a dangerous road in life.
  • Elissa helped GinaMarie with her hair dye.
  • Amanda is sure that Judd's the MVP putting her on the block. She told McCrae they need to get rid of him.
  • Aaryn told Jessie that she doesn't want her family embarrassed by anything she's said or done in the house. She said she's dreading talking to her agent.
  • Um. Well.
  • Too late now, girl!
  • Aaryn is tiring of GinaMarie always being "on."
  • She did have one of the best lines of the night when she told Judd that "GinaMarie is not an escape. She's like a trip to the insane asylum." -- when they were discussing how there is no privacy or escape in the house.
  • I actually agree with her on that one.
  • They pointed out how GinaMarie acts like a kid all the time and she's one of the "older" ones in the house. They're right!
  • Judd and Aaryn talked about Andy running to tell Amanda everything.
  • Helen made dinner for all. McCrae and Amanda slept through it.
  • Aha, someone finally thought of a double eviction coming "soon." It was McCrae and Spencer and they're not realizing how soon it will be!
  • McCrae thinks if it happens one of the following will get the boot: himself, Amanda, Helen or Elissa.
  • Amanda, please.
  • Thank you.
  • Although I'm pretty sure the cause is moot at this point, Candice is campaigning to save herself. She's going for Helen, Elissa, Andy and Jessie.
  • She told Judd she would cook him bacon every day if he keeps her in the house.
  • Now, previous hamster Adam Poch would have jumped all over that deal!
  • Aaryn and GinaMarie are still steadfast on a Candice exit, mostly for personal hate reasons instead of looking at the big picture of the end game.

A clown and friends

Ew. She's touching Spencer!

Blond once again

Monday, August 05, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Monday Afternoon, PoV Meeting - August 5

Are we boring you, McCrae?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dubious Duos:
  • Jessie still thinks there might be hope for her keep Candice, evict Amanda plan.
  • I don't think so. It would be great if they opened their eyes and went for it while it would be a sure thing.
  • But hamsters aren't known for their intelligence.
  • Judd told Spencer that he'd like a final five with him, McCrae, Amanda and Andy.
  • He also told Spencer that they can't go with Helen and Elissa because he thinks they're trying for an all girls final four/five.
  • Judd is going to play up to Jessie to influence her vote (change to Candice out) but he "refuses to go down on her sinking ship."
  • He's referring to the game, of course. But, it also might have another meaning.
  • We won't go there.
  • Judd thinks Helen should go before Elissa because Helen is good at the game while Elissa has nothing.
  • Judd told Amanda it's more important to get Helen or Elissa out before Jessie.
  • He told Amanda that he thinks Elissa got MVP.
  • Later, Spencer told her he thought America was the MVP nominating her.
  • Amanda's reaction when she realized the ramifications?
  • "Gee, thanks a lot, Spencer!"
  • Amanda also had a memorable line later in the day while talking to Jessie.
  • "I'm not an evil person."
  • Bwahahahaha!
  • McCrae and Amanda think that Judd just wants the girls out.
  • GinaMarie did indeed decide to put Spencer on the block when Jessie takes herself off.
  • To give him a bit of a heads up without telling him outright (against BB rules), she made a show of calling in Spencer, Judd and Andy separately to her Queen's Quarters.
  • She told Spencer that she had narrowed it down to a few people and, if he goes up, he will be safe.
  • She told Andy and Judd that she's putting Spencer up but wants it to look like she's warning them they might go up.
  • Um. Okay.
  • A sidenote: If I hear GinaMarie one more time go on about winning the PoV comps are nothing as it's all about HoH, I just might implode. Just because she won a HoH doesn't diminish those who win PoVs.
  • Now Jessie thinks Judd is her "dude."
  • @@
  • Elissa still wants to vote out Amanda, but will go with the house on the Candice ouster.
  • Amanda told Jessie it's too early in the game to shake things up.
  • (I say she said that because that's because the shake up would be getting Amanda out!)
  • Judd reported to Amanda that Jessie will vote for Candice to go because he cuddled with her.
  • @@
  • I lost some respect for him with this move. He knows how needy and fragile she is.
  • :-(
  • Elissa prepared a cake for McCrae and Amanda.
  • That doesn't mean she likes them.
  • I think it means she likes puttering around in the kitchen out of drama.
  • Aaryn told Judd he can stop being nice to Jessie now.
  • @@
  • Aaryn is upset because GinaMarie isn't consulting her about nominations.
  • So, now we have Candice, Amanda and Spencer on the block.
  • It will be Candice leaving ... in a clown-itard.

Going for the gold ... er, orange

Oh, geez

With Casper Andy in the mirror