Welp, it's here! The first double eviction of the season! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news.
But, as always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us! I do ask that you PLEASE remember this is show we're watching for entertainment. The cast is not in our own personal lives -- take some deep breaths and don't let them get to you. For us, it's just a show, nothing to get all that angry about ... please!
Julie announced to us that both evicted hamsters will go to jury.
Dang, they're wasting a lot of time on the Amanda eviction possibility.
Julie tells them the jury will be nine and one of the nominees will be the first jury member. Then she tells them double eviction. And "just because you're on the jury doesn't mean you're out of the game."
The speeches -- Candice calls out GinaMarie, CAT FIGHT! Spencer, quick. Amanda, same as last week.
The vote:
McCrae -- Candice
Aaryn -- Candice
Helen -- Candice
Jessie -- Candice
Elissa -- Candice
Andy -- Candice
Judd -- Candice
Unanimous, Candice is out (as I predicted). Julie can't give her any news as she's going to jury.
HoH Comp - Summer School, items and events, answers are "more" or "less."
Elissa out.
Andy and Jessie out.
Aaryn won ... doesn't seem all that thrilled when announced.
Julie said no more worries, MVP twist is over.
Aaryn's nominations: Jessie and Spencer
Veto comp (not similar to last night's practice) -- Andy and Amanda chosen to play with them. They have toolboxes and must complete a puzzle.
Aaryn won PoV!
She decides that JESSIE comes off the block!!! Judd goes on the block. Sigh. She said that she was told she'd go home next if she didn't do that.
Spencer, same plea. Judd, love ya all loyal, vote how you want to.
The vote:
Amanda -- Judd
McCrae -- Judd
GinaMarie -- Judd
Andy -- Judd
Helen -- Judd
Elissa -- Judd
Jessie -- Judd
Sigh. Judd's gone and mostly because Amanda thinks he was MVP.