Aaryn is the neatest HoH this season |
Greetings, hamsterfiends! Once again, Sundays tend to be quiet in the house with them sleeping late and no comps. The PoV meeting isn't until tomorrow. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Repugnant Rats:
- Elissa and Helen started the day off deep-cleaning -- with this bunch of slobs, it's desperately needed.
- That said, Aaryn seems to be just about the only hamster to actually make her bed daily whether it's the HoH room or another.
- Helen said that since America is watching, the house should always be clean.
- Um, it's a bit too late for that! It's like they don't even think of the live feeds, yet clean for the live show each week.
- This isn't the first season that that's the case, though. Season after season, they only primp for the live show.
- Elissa told Helen that she heard GinaMarie say that she was going to vote her (Helen) out.
- Elissa also pointed out that Spencer is acting like he feels really safe.
- Doggonit, Elissa, just tell Helen that they're planning on voting her out and get it over with!
- Helen told Aaryn that she doesn't want to be another Jessie and go out like that. She feels Amanda is targeting her.
- Ah, the wheels are finally cranking!
- Helen also told her that she thinks the others are trying to cause issues between her/Elissa and Aaryn/GM.
- She thinks that if she (Helen) goes home, Amanda will use Elissa to go after Aaryn.
- All said, she did give Aaryn plenty of food for thought. We already know that Aaryn personally likes Helen a lot more than she does Amanda, plus she's been pressured to make the noms.
- Helen has noticed that Amanda is treating her differently now that she's on the block. Oh my ... could SHE be the target?
- D'oh!
- Aaryn starts spilling some of the beans to Helen!
- She told her that Andy and Amanda have deals going with everyone in the house.
- While Helen thought Spencer was behind her nomination, Aaryn told her it was McCrae, not Spencer.
- Could the house be ready for a flip against Amanda?
- After all, if Elissa takes herself off, Aaryn puts Amanda in her place, gets Helen, GinaMarie and possibly Andy or Spencer to vote with them to oust Amanda ...
- I think it's probably unlikely, but this is the first rumbling against the machinery in a while that may have credence.
- When Helen talks to Andy, he admits that he's always trusted her more than he does Spencer and that Amanda/McCrae are after her (Helen).
- Sigh. In a private talk, Andy and Aaryn said they need to remain loyal until the final four ... with Amanda and McCrae.
- Andy and Aaryn reported back to McCrae and Amanda.
- Sigh.
- Andy pointed out that they need to realize how loyal he's being to them (3am) as he knows Helen would have taken him to the final two.
- Yeah, right.
- There was a bit of a respite in the form of the photo booth opening.
- I dunno. I'm kind of tired of that. I liked the gypsy fortune teller better.
- Hey, aren't we ready for something to keep them awake all night? We haven't had any of those yet this season. There was the individual things with Amanda and Judd, but not the house.
- Aaryn's Clownie doll was found hanging in the shower yesterday. Today, he's face-down in the bathtub.
- Heh.
- Amanda got all ticked off because she thinks Elissa and Helen are trying to flip the house on her and McCrae.
- Oh, give me a break! They're ON THE BLOCK. What does she expect them to do?
- McCrae tries to talk sense into her and calm her down.
A clean house is a happy house. Yeah, right. |
Oh noes, what should I do?!?! |
Not winning any comps, may win it all |