Thursday, August 22, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Eviction, HoH Comp Show Blog Party - August 22

First off, I want to thank those who have donated to the blog through the Paypal link. I do spend a lot of time with the updates, more so than the blog parties, and it's appreciated! I also want to thank everyone, for the most part, for actual discussion on the live feeds posts. We have the best BB followers anywhere right here on this blog!

Onto tonight ... as the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this post with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! As we know the jury members are going to be in competition for one to return, plus we expect an HoH comp (unless they do it all in one comp), I think the action may go on after the show ends. If it does, I'll create a new post covering the HoH comp if it doesn't make the air. After all, why should we wait until Sunday?

The real party is in the comments area ... come join in on the fun -- I just ask that it's kept to a PG level and, remember, we're here for the entertainment!

So far, we see a lot of Helen campaigning.

Speech time - Spencer, pretty much the same as before. Helen - Hello to family and friends, thanks to husband, time of my life, would love to stay.

The votes:
McCrae - Helen
Amanda - Helen
Elissa - Spencer
Andy - Helen
GinaMarie - Helen

Helen is evicted. But will she remain gone?

After Helen sees the goodbye messages, Julie tells her that she and the other jury members will have a comp to get back in the game.

Okay, for now all four jurors have been allowed in the house. Everybody's hugging. All have to go to the backyard.

Two epic competitions in one is promised ... after the commercial break.

The comp is "Off the Wall." Same comp for both jurors and regular hamsters. First to catch ten balls without falling, wins. If a juror gets the ten first, they not only return, but are HoH. They're going up and down and in and out on little platforms against a wall. Now the sprinklers are on them.

As I predicted, the comp is running past air time. I will set up a separate post to follow the comp on the live feeds ... the update post is up! (Too bad the feeds aren't back yet.)

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Wednesday into Thursday - August 21-22

I wouldn't let them in MY bed. Ew.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Loose Morals and a Couple of Moms:
  • If Helen even had the slightest thought that Elissa would work with Aaryn, that's blown out of the water now.
  • Aaryn thinks that Elissa is the worst human being on Earth.
  • Aaryn thinks only the manipulative players are left in the house.
  • Well, except for her, Spencer and GinaMarie, yeah.
  • It's Big Brother.
  • Elissa tried to explain that telling people you'll evict them (if given the opportunity) isn't a "threat."
  • Nah, it's more of a "promise."
  • Elissa told the cameras that Andy is a liar.
  • We knew that. We know a lot. Give us some credit.
  • Aaryn is upset because Elissa pointed out that Amanda/McCrae are taking credit for all of her HoH moves while the blood is on her hands.
  • True dat.
  • Meanwhile, Helen keeps trying to rein Elissa in.
  • I don't think that will work. 
  • Once Helen goes, Elissa will either work with Amanda or just explode against Aaryn/GinaMarie.
  • Helen has decided that, since she's going home, she wants things to be cool and friendly for her time left in the house.
  • Amanda thinks Aaryn is arrogant and GinaMarie is dumb.
  • Of course, she didn't tell them that.
  • Amanda compared herself to Dr. Will.
  • Sigh. She just might be right. But I liked him. He put on a good show for the live feeders. She doesn't. She just manipulates and doesn't win comps.
  • Helen said she plans to campaign a bit more just in case there might be a chance.
  • They think the house decorations are from Target.
  • I think a dollar store.
  • To her credit, Elissa tried to get in with Spencer. At least she's trying to ally with someone rather than burning bridges everywhere she goes.
  • Yikes. Aaryn took a sip of nail polish remover claiming she thought it was her water bottle. I don't know why she swallowed the fly, perhaps she'll die.
  • No, she didn't swallow a fly and isn't going to die. But drinking nail polish remover isn't a good idea.
  • Amanda said she had a miscarriage while in the process of getting aboard the show.
  • Um. Okay. McCrae might want to think about her previous boyfriend and how recent that was. Oh, and if the previous boyfriend had a career and earned real money.
  • Amanda thinks that Elissa is jealous of Aaryn.
  • Oh, give me a break.
  • At one point as Amanda ranted on about MVP and Elissa, the BB voice told her, "Amanda, stop using production as your strategy."
  • That was odd.
  • GinaMarie got on a crying jag -- her birthday is Thursday, she's tired of seeing the Amanda/McCrae relationship while Nick was taken away from her, on and on.
  • But, her good friends in the house (@@) put on a party for her, all wearing her clothes and Spencer even in make-up, at midnight.
  • "I love youse guys."
  • They each told her their favorite GinaMarie moment in the house.
  • Woohoo.
  • There ya go ... 

I love youse guys. And Nick. I love Nick more.

GinaMarie's birthday party

Why am I in here with lowlifes and idiots?

I'm going home. I love you all.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Big Brother 15: PoV Competition Show Blog Party - August 21

I'd say we might want to drink anytime we see a hamster! Hiccup! At least I know that the comp they will have tonight should be fun to watch. As tonight's show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest!

As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please remember, we're just watching this for entertainment. There's no need for hate and viciousness. Let's leave that to the hamsters themselves. Come join the party!

Oh, and for those interested, I posted on the cast announcement for Survivor earlier today ...

Lots of filler with Amanda wanting to pit Helen against Elissa and vice versa.

PoV player picks - Aaryn picks GinaMarie, Helen picks Spencer, Elissa got HG choice and goes for Andy. 

Veto comp! It's the OTEV veto comp for the season ... always fun. Otev is the broken-hearted beaver who lost the love letters he wrote.

GinaMarie is out first round. Then Helen went out. Andy out.

Elissa is a machine in this comp once she finds the right letter.

Aaryn out. It's down to Spencer and Elissa.

Elissa wins the Power of Veto!

Amanda tells Elissa that Spencer will go up, Helen will go home. She does this to get Elissa to trust her.

More filler with Aaryn arguing with Amanda.

Veto meeting -- Elissa takes herself off the block, promises to vote to keep Helen. Aaryn nominates Spencer, the safe move again.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds into Wednesday Afternoon - August 21

Stop biting your nails. Just stop it. It's disgusting.

In my last report, I mentioned they're being very boring. They still are. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sleepy Snoozefests:
  • If McCrae was a Have Not, he'd probably get a penalty nomination for constantly eating his fingernails. Horribly disgusting and unsanitary.
  • The live feeds themselves have been funky all day -- only the Quad Cam is live, the rest are stuck on around midnight last night. 
  • Perhaps the cams got bored, too.
  • Spencer and Andy speculated that GinaMarie will end up either in jail or a psychiatric ward.
  • Yeah, I can see that.
  • Andy told McCrae that Helen's really a lobbyist. McCrae is impressed.
  • Of course, it doesn't take a lot to impress a pizza dude careerwise.
  • Elissa said her parents didn't allow the children to watch television when she was young.
  • Oh my. And Rachel came from that household?
  • Helen, though seeming to accept the fact she's leaving tomorrow, is still campaigning.
  • Elissa actually thinks there's a chance Helen might stay.
  • I don't think so.
  • Aaryn told Spencer that she thinks that Amanda/Andy/McCrae will target her next even though they said they wouldn't.
  • Perhaps not NEXT, but surely relatively soon, I say.
  • Andy and Spencer are willing to sit back and watch Amanda and Aaryn try to oust each other. As long as it's not them ...
  • Amanda has been whining and fussing about her meds or the lack thereof.
  • I personally kind of wonder, especially with a young supposedly healthy cast, why so many are on regularly prescribed medications. I certainly wasn't at that age.
  • Helen cried to Aaryn.
  • Aaryn cried about Helen's crying.
  • Gah.
  • Aaryn knows she's been played like a fiddle by McCrae/Amanda and, to a lesser point, Helen.
  • She's in an emotional quandary, but there seems to be little she can do. 
  • That is because Andy would be the deciding vote.
  • And, they fear he's been brainwashed by Amanda.
  • He basically has. I believe if someone else were to put her on the block and the votes were there so he could be one in the crowd, he'd oust her.
  • But, go against her while she's still totally in the game?
  • No way!
  • When confronted, Andy told Elissa that Amanda never threatened him like they are. 
  • I'd say more pressured than threatened.
  • But why would Amanda threaten him? He's been her platonic puppy dog running to her all season with what everyone else is saying. He won't go until she has no one left to target besides him and McCrae.
  • Andy told Amanda that Helen threatened him.
  • @@
  • Even Aaryn went to Amanda and told her that Elissa/Helen were saying bad things about her.
  • All hail Amanda.
  • Well played game so far.
  • But you don't know how much I want to witness the downfall!

Riff and Raff

All the comforts of home

Most memorize others for comps

Survivor: Blood vs. Water Cast Announced

Hmm ... lots of familiar faces. You can check them out at the CBS website for yourselves, but here's who's on and my thoughts about them:

Tyson Apostol / Rachel Foulger, dating
Ages: 34 / 33
Provo, UT
Former pro cyclist / cocktail waitress/graphic designer
Survivor: Tocantins, 2nd jury member
Heroes vs. Villains, 6th voted out
My thoughts: Tyson was a strong competitor. I believe we might have a contender here. The girlfriend seems smart, but that doesn't always win the show.

Aras Baskauskas / Vytas Baskauskas, brothers
Ages 31 / 33
Santa Monica, CA
Musician / yoga instructor/math professor
Survivor: Panama - Exile Island, winner
My thoughts: I liked Aras. I thought he was a very deserving winner in his season. With the brother along, this might be a likable alpha male team.

Rupert Boneham / Laura Boneham, married
Ages: 49 / 44
Indianapolis, IN
Mentor for teens / merchandiser
Survivor: Pearl Island, 2nd jury member
All Stars, 6th jury member, winner fan-favorite
Heroes vs. Villains, 7th jury member
My thoughts: Really? Rupert again? I have to hear him bellow more? I'm so over that. His horse has done been ridden too much. I know he has fans, but I'm not in the bunch.

Candice Cody / John Cody, married
Ages: 30
Washington D.C. 
Survivor: Cook Islands, 5th jury Member                  
Heroes vs. Villains, 5th jury Member
My thoughts: I wasn't all that keen on Candice returning the first time she returned. But this could be interesting with the husband along for the ride.
Monica Culpepper / Brad Culpepper, married
Ages: 42 / 44
Tampa, FL
Former NFL wife; attorney, retired NFL player
Survivor: One World, 5th voted out
My thoughts: Well, this might be revenge on Colton! Cool. He deserves it.

Colton Cumbie / Caleb Bankston, engaged
Ages: 22 / 26
Collinsville, AL
Student teacher / post officer manager
Survivor: One World, 6th out, medically evacuated
My thoughts: I don't like Colton. While I really enjoyed the evil ways of Richard Hatch in the first season, Colton is nasty and seems to feel very privileged. While I don't want him to be medically evacuated again, I hope he doesn't last long. Sorry, Caleb.

Kat Edorsson / Hayden Moss, dating

Ages: 23 / 26
Orland, FL / Springtown, TX
Student / real estate
Survivor: One World, 6th jury member / Big Brother 12 winner for Hayden
My thoughts: I didn't know they were dating! I hope Hayden has more manageable hair on this show than he did on BB. He could very well do quite well, but it's a lot different than being stuck in a house for three months.

Laura Morett / Ciera Eastin, mother/daughter
Ages: 43 / 24
Salem, OR
Construction business owner / cosmetology student
Survivor: Samoa, 3rd jury member
My thoughts: I don't find Laura all that particularly memorable. Hmm. The daughter seems to have spunk. My jury is out on this one.

Gervase Peterson / Marissa Peterson, uncle/niece
Ages: 43 / 21
Philadelphia, PA / Chapel Hill, NC
Cigar lounge owner / student
Survivor: Borneo, 3rd jury member
My thoughts: Gervase? Gervase?!? My memories of him had him as very likable, often wearing a hat ... and lounging about camp! I hope he'll put more into the effort this time!

Tina Wesson / Katie Collins, mother/daughter
Ages: 52 / 25
Robbinsville, NC and New York, NY
Motivational speaker / hedge fund support
Survivor: Australia, Winner
All Stars, 1st Voted Out
My thoughts: Tina played a good game, but if memory serves, she virtually "stole" the win from Colby Donaldson. This could be interesting. She's no spring chicken these days.


While I'm never keen on reality shows having returning players, at least this concept for the season is relatively fresh. Your thoughts?

The season premiere is September 18th. Be here or be square.