You want a piece of me? You lookin' at ME? |
I last left you before nominations stating that Elissa would nominate Aaryn and McCrae to go on the block. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whichever Way the Wind Blows:
- Elissa put Aaryn and McCrae on the block.
- Amanda told McCrae he'd be fine.
- Of course, he will be fine. It's Amanda's future that may be in jeopardy.
- Aaryn went off to sulk alone in the Have Not room.
- Aw, poor baby.
- Amanda thinks she and McCrae will have to fight hard to win the veto. She just can't believe GinaMarie will last longer in the house than her.
- Hmm. She's already putting herself on the block as a replacement nominee.
- Of course, if McCrae wins the veto, he takes himself down and Amanda goes up.
- If Amanda wins the veto, she could take McCrae down and remain safe herself.
- Andy told Elissa that if he gets chosen to play, he'll try to win and keep the nominations the same.
- I'm sure he will ... unless she tells him to save someone in particular.
- Amanda's newest vitriol target is GinaMarie.
- I'm waiting for fisticuffs. MEOW.
- From what they said, the key order was: Judd, GinaMarie, Spencer, Andy and Amanda.
- Sounds logical to me!
- Aaryn went crying to Amanda. Amanda told her if she (Aaryn) is taken off the block, she (Amanda) will be going home.
- Yep, I think that's just about right!
- Amanda then worked her anti-GinaMarie case to Aaryn.
- Aaryn is really upset that, not only is Judd back in the house, but his key was pulled first and he is SO working with Elissa.
- Yes, I had to chuckle. Didn't you?
- She's also upset that GinaMarie wouldn't commit to using the veto on her if she won it.
- Heehee.
- Amanda told McCrae that she'd do anything except shave her head to win the veto.
- To give her credit, Amanda definitely has many more good hair days than does any other woman in the house.
- Maybe that's because she's not a fake blonde.
- Amanda and Aaryn are also ticked at GM because she was nice to Candice at the comp.
- Well, yeah. Whatever way the wind blows.
- Aaryn, alone with GinaMarie away from Amanda, kept trying to convince GM to stick with Amanda, McCrae and herself.
- Um. GM may be dumb, but even she knows that's a sinking ship ... at least for this week.
- Aaryn does admit that she can't really be mad at Elissa for putting her on the block as she put her (Elissa) on the block twice.
- Amanda said she recognized one of the guys "throwing" the balls in the comp.
- Well, that didn't help her any, did it?
- GinaMarie told Elissa she thinks Amanda and Co. are trying to get her (GM) put on the block.
- They are.
- Elissa already knows it without GinaMarie telling her.
- She told GM not to worry.
- GinaMarie reminded Elissa that she (GM) is always positive and upbeat.
- Oh my. I had her all wrong all along! I thought she was more of a vicious little stray dog!
- As GinaMarie and Elissa were whispering in the kitchen, Amanda kept walking back and forth.
- Every time she passed, they stopped talking.
- Then, as Elissa was taking a sip of her drink, Amanda apparently stopped and stared at her.
- Elissa did a Hollywood-perfect spit take, spitting out her sip all over the counter with a burst of laughter.
- Amanda got defensive and sweet and gentle upbeat and positive GinaMarie lit into her ... pretty much telling her she'd stomp her.
- Later, as Amanda talked to Elissa in the HoH room trying to plead her cause that they work together and GM had always trashed her (Elissa) ... Elissa just kept bursting out in laughter.
- She refused to promise Amanda anything saying that she hadn't even thought of what to do if the veto gets used.
- Amanda wanted a promise she won't go on the block.
- Elissa laughed some more.
- Of course, in a talk with Aaryn, Elissa told Aaryn she's not the target, Amanda is.
- It's hard to figure Elissa out as she is a rather odd duck. But I feel she wants either of them -- Aaryn or Amanda -- out this week.
- Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), Amanda then cried to McCrae that Elissa just kept laughing at her.
- I love it!
- Elissa told GinaMarie she doesn't feel she can trust Andy.
- Good for her. Too bad Helen trusted him.
- Andy seems to be abandoning ship with McCranda. It might be a tad too late. He's now tainted goods.
- They picked veto players.
- That was blocked to the feeds, but Amanda says that Elissa was noticeably upset when she pulled her (Amanda) to play.
- Aaryn picked Judd as HG choice, thus upsetting Spencer.
- The only one sitting out this veto is Spencer. Andy is hosting.
- They couldn't decide whether to stay up expecting veto as the players usually aren't picked at night or to go to bed.
- Sleep gave in.
- All are asleep as I get this posted.
Trying to hold back laughter |
Aaryn and McCrae's keys missing |
J-U-Double D in da house |
Perfect spit take at Amanda's expense |