Could it be a dunce cap? |
Well, well, well ... the more things change, the more they remain the same. Here's what happened today in that Big Brother House of Dollar Store Toys for All the Girls and Boys:
- An extended feeds block went down shortly after the hamsters got up.
- Yep, it was the PoV comp.
- And, Amanda finally won something.
- Wah. Woe is me.
- All of them have
dunceparty hats and gift bags of dollar store toys like finger Rock 'em Sock 'em robots, whoopie cushions, noisemakers, and such. - Those precious little hamsters are so easy (and cheap) to amuse!
- Spencer checked with McCrae to make sure he'd be safe on the block against Aaryn. Both guys agreed that Aaryn is shady.
- Only after Amanda won the veto did Aaryn tell her that Elissa had planned to backdoor her (Amanda).
- Amanda told Aaryn that she (Aaryn) will be safe because she (Amanda) will make sure GinaMarie is the replacement nominee.
- Now, how is she going to do that?
- Elissa outright promised Judd, GinaMarie and Spencer safety.
- That would leave Andy (who isn't trusted by Elissa) to go up replacing McCrae.
- Amanda told Aaryn she would keep her over anyone, including Andy.
- Hmm.
- Truth or lie?
- Aaryn thinks Elissa will try to work with Amanda now and told her as much.
- Amanda said she'd murder her eat her in her sleep.
- Oh my.
- Oh, I don't think seriously murder her. No need to involve the authorities.
- Elissa told Judd she doesn't trust Aaryn.
- Well, duh. We knew that.
- She also told him that she would put Andy on the block as the replacement nominee.
- Well, I had that one right!
- Elissa isn't laughing now like she did yesterday. She's very worried that she'll be going home next week. She really didn't think Amanda had it in her to win a comp.
- Judd told her that if he wins HoH next week, he'll keep her safe.
- Aaryn tried to convince Elissa she's on her side.
- Oh, yeah, right. Elissa ain't buyin' those goods.
- Amanda thinks the only person next week who might put her (Amanda) on the block is GinaMarie.
- Thus and therefore, GM must go!
- Amanda gave Aaryn a week to either get GinaMarie on the back or back under her (Aaryn's) control.
- Oh my.
- Andy fussed because the Zingbot called him a floater. Apparently the Zingbot made an appearance in the house today before the comp.
- I say Andy's not a floater. He thought he was some kind of double agent, but he's just a spying lying tattletale who can't be trusted unless he's with the almighty Queen Amanda.
- McCrae and Andy think if Spencer goes up, they'd rather keep him than Aaryn.
- Meanwhile, Elissa and GinaMarie confirmed they had each other's backs. GM has lost all trust in Aaryn.
- Amanda told Spencer and Judd that it's best to keep Aaryn as they can use her to go after targets as Amanda dictates.
- @@
- Elissa told GinaMarie that Andy must go on the block.
- Judd, Andy and Spencer all tried to convince McCrae that they wouldn't be able to get Elissa to put GM on the block.
- They're right.
- But that's what AMANDA wants! And, if Amanda wants it, she should get it! [stamping feet]
- McCrae thinks that Aaryn is lying and that Elissa isn't getting close to GM. He thinks Aaryn is just saying that because she doesn't want to be on the block with GinaMarie.
- Ha. Right. No.
- Amanda's new plan -- convince Elissa they have the numbers for Aaryn to stay no matter who is put up.
- Aaryn tried to convince Elissa that GinaMarie won't still be working with Elissa next week.
- GM told Aaryn that if she (GM) wasn't on the block, she'd vote for her (Aaryn) to stay.
- Elissa confirmed with Spencer that he and Judd are safe this week.
- Amanda's new plan -- a fake fight so they're all safe this week.
- @@
- It dawned on Andy that he's likely to be the replacement nominee.
- Andy cried.
- Andy vowed if he wins HoH next week, his targets would be Judd, Elissa or GinaMarie.
- Then he cried again.
- Spencer told Andy that McCrae told him that his (McCrae's) only chance of winning the game is for him (McCrae) to take out Amanda around the final four time.
- Andy told Spencer about the 3AM alliance.
- Aaryn told GinaMarie she realizes that Amanda isn't trying to keep her. If she were trying to keep her (Aaryn) in the house, she wouldn't want GM to be on the block as that would be a vote for her to stay.
- Meantime, Andy's working himself into a frenzy about being put on the block.
- Poor guy.
- He cried to Amanda. He cried to McCrae. He cried to Spencer. He cried to himself.
- Amanda started yelling at Elissa to go ahead and put Andy up! They will vote for Aaryn to stay no matter what and they'll all come after her.
- Well, except Andy because he'd be home.
- Hmm.
- Amanda declared war. (She said that, not me. I'm just the messenger.)
- McCrae told Amanda it doesn't matter that Andy goes -- it would be a vote for them in the jury house not done in by them. Same if Aaryn goes.
- Andy cried to Elissa.
- Spencer told McCrae that he thinks Elissa and Judd have a final two deal.
- What's Spencer? The new Andy?
- Spencer pledged loyalty to McCrae, Amanda and Andy.
- Hmm.
- All Elissa wants now is a nap.
- Andy, too.
- Me, too.
- Laters!
Maybe the noisemaker will keep him from biting his nails |
Oh geez ... look who won PoV |
Exhausted |