Saturday, August 24, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Saturday into the Evening, PoV Winner - August 24

Could it be a dunce cap?

Well, well, well ... the more things change, the more they remain the same. Here's what happened today in that Big Brother House of Dollar Store Toys for All the Girls and Boys:
  • An extended feeds block went down shortly after the hamsters got up.
  • Yep, it was the PoV comp.
  • And, Amanda finally won something.
  • Wah. Woe is me.
  • All of them have dunce party hats and gift bags of dollar store toys like finger Rock 'em Sock 'em robots, whoopie cushions, noisemakers, and such.
  • Those precious little hamsters are so easy (and cheap) to amuse!
  • Spencer checked with McCrae to make sure he'd be safe on the block against Aaryn. Both guys agreed that Aaryn is shady.
  • Only after Amanda won the veto did Aaryn tell her that Elissa had planned to backdoor her (Amanda).
  • Amanda told Aaryn that she (Aaryn) will be safe because she (Amanda) will make sure GinaMarie is the replacement nominee.
  • Now, how is she going to do that?
  • Elissa outright promised Judd, GinaMarie and Spencer safety.
  • That would leave Andy (who isn't trusted by Elissa) to go up replacing McCrae.
  • Amanda told Aaryn she would keep her over anyone, including Andy.
  • Hmm.
  • Truth or lie?
  • Aaryn thinks Elissa will try to work with Amanda now and told her as much.
  • Amanda said she'd murder her eat her in her sleep.
  • Oh my.
  • Oh, I don't think seriously murder her. No need to involve the authorities.
  • Elissa told Judd she doesn't trust Aaryn.
  • Well, duh. We knew that.
  • She also told him that she would put Andy on the block as the replacement nominee.
  • Well, I had that one right!
  • Elissa isn't laughing now like she did yesterday. She's very worried that she'll be going home next week. She really didn't think Amanda had it in her to win a comp.
  • Judd told her that if he wins HoH next week, he'll keep her safe.
  • Aaryn tried to convince Elissa she's on her side.
  • Oh, yeah, right. Elissa ain't buyin' those goods.
  • Amanda thinks the only person next week who might put her (Amanda) on the block is GinaMarie.
  • Thus and therefore, GM must go!
  • Amanda gave Aaryn a week to either get GinaMarie on the back or back under her (Aaryn's) control.
  • Oh my.
  • Andy fussed because the Zingbot called him a floater. Apparently the Zingbot made an appearance in the house today before the comp.
  • I say Andy's not a floater. He thought he was some kind of double agent, but he's just a spying lying tattletale who can't be trusted unless he's with the almighty Queen Amanda.
  • McCrae and Andy think if Spencer goes up, they'd rather keep him than Aaryn.
  • Meanwhile, Elissa and GinaMarie confirmed they had each other's backs. GM has lost all trust in Aaryn.
  • Amanda told Spencer and Judd that it's best to keep Aaryn as they can use her to go after targets as Amanda dictates.
  • @@
  • Elissa told GinaMarie that Andy must go on the block.
  • Judd, Andy and Spencer all tried to convince McCrae that they wouldn't be able to get Elissa to put GM on the block.
  • They're right.
  • But that's what AMANDA wants! And, if Amanda wants it, she should get it! [stamping feet]
  • McCrae thinks that Aaryn is lying and that Elissa isn't getting close to GM. He thinks Aaryn is just saying that because she doesn't want to be on the block with GinaMarie.
  • Ha. Right. No.
  • Amanda's new plan -- convince Elissa they have the numbers for Aaryn to stay no matter who is put up.
  • Aaryn tried to convince Elissa that GinaMarie won't still be working with Elissa next week.
  • GM told Aaryn that if she (GM) wasn't on the block, she'd vote for her (Aaryn) to stay.
  • Elissa confirmed with Spencer that he and Judd are safe this week.
  • Amanda's new plan -- a fake fight so they're all safe this week.
  • @@
  • It dawned on Andy that he's likely to be the replacement nominee.
  • Andy cried.
  • Andy vowed if he wins HoH next week, his targets would be Judd, Elissa or GinaMarie.
  • Then he cried again.
  • Spencer told Andy that McCrae told him that his (McCrae's) only chance of winning the game is for him (McCrae) to take out Amanda around the final four time.
  • Andy told Spencer about the 3AM alliance.
  • Aaryn told GinaMarie she realizes that Amanda isn't trying to keep her. If she were trying to keep her (Aaryn) in the house, she wouldn't want GM to be on the block as that would be a vote for her to stay.
  • Meantime, Andy's working himself into a frenzy about being put on the block.
  • Poor guy.
  • He cried to Amanda. He cried to McCrae. He cried to Spencer. He cried to himself.
  • Amanda started yelling at Elissa to go ahead and put Andy up! They will vote for Aaryn to stay no matter what and they'll all come after her.
  • Well, except Andy because he'd be home.
  • Hmm.
  • Amanda declared war. (She said that, not me. I'm just the messenger.)
  • McCrae told Amanda it doesn't matter that Andy goes -- it would be a vote for them in the jury house not done in by them. Same if Aaryn goes.
  • Andy cried to Elissa.
  • Spencer told McCrae that he thinks Elissa and Judd have a final two deal.
  • What's Spencer? The new Andy?
  • Spencer pledged loyalty to McCrae, Amanda and Andy.
  • Hmm.
  • All Elissa wants now is a nap.
  • Andy, too.
  • Me, too.
  • Laters! 

Maybe the noisemaker will keep him from biting his nails

Oh geez ... look who won PoV


Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Overnight Friday into Saturday - August 23-24

You want a piece of me? You lookin' at ME?

I last left you before nominations stating that Elissa would nominate Aaryn and McCrae to go on the block. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whichever Way the Wind Blows:
  • Elissa put Aaryn and McCrae on the block.
  • Amanda told McCrae he'd be fine.
  • Of course, he will be fine. It's Amanda's future that may be in jeopardy.
  • Aaryn went off to sulk alone in the Have Not room.
  • Aw, poor baby.
  • Amanda thinks she and McCrae will have to fight hard to win the veto. She just can't believe GinaMarie will last longer in the house than her.
  • Hmm. She's already putting herself on the block as a replacement nominee.
  • Of course, if McCrae wins the veto, he takes himself down and Amanda goes up.
  • If Amanda wins the veto, she could take McCrae down and remain safe herself.
  • Andy told Elissa that if he gets chosen to play, he'll try to win and keep the nominations the same.
  • I'm sure he will ... unless she tells him to save someone in particular.
  • Amanda's newest vitriol target is GinaMarie.
  • I'm waiting for fisticuffs. MEOW.
  • From what they said, the key order was: Judd, GinaMarie, Spencer, Andy and Amanda.
  • Sounds logical to me!
  • Aaryn went crying to Amanda. Amanda told her if she (Aaryn) is taken off the block, she (Amanda) will be going home.
  • Yep, I think that's just about right!
  • Amanda then worked her anti-GinaMarie case to Aaryn.
  • Aaryn is really upset that, not only is Judd back in the house, but his key was pulled first and he is SO working with Elissa.
  • Yes, I had to chuckle. Didn't you?
  • She's also upset that GinaMarie wouldn't commit to using the veto on her if she won it.
  • Heehee.
  • Amanda told McCrae that she'd do anything except shave her head to win the veto.
  • To give her credit, Amanda definitely has many more good hair days than does any other woman in the house.
  • Maybe that's because she's not a fake blonde.
  • Amanda and Aaryn are also ticked at GM because she was nice to Candice at the comp.
  • Well, yeah. Whatever way the wind blows.
  • Aaryn, alone with GinaMarie away from Amanda, kept trying to convince GM to stick with Amanda, McCrae and herself.
  • Um. GM may be dumb, but even she knows that's a sinking ship ... at least for this week.
  • Aaryn does admit that she can't really be mad at Elissa for putting her on the block as she put her (Elissa) on the block twice.
  • Amanda said she recognized one of the guys "throwing" the balls in the comp.
  • Well, that didn't help her any, did it?
  • GinaMarie told Elissa she thinks Amanda and Co. are trying to get her (GM) put on the block.
  • They are.
  • Elissa already knows it without GinaMarie telling her.
  • She told GM not to worry.
  • GinaMarie reminded Elissa that she (GM) is always positive and upbeat.
  • Oh my. I had her all wrong all along! I thought she was more of a vicious little stray dog!
  • As GinaMarie and Elissa were whispering in the kitchen, Amanda kept walking back and forth.
  • Every time she passed, they stopped talking.
  • Then, as Elissa was taking a sip of her drink, Amanda apparently stopped and stared at her.
  • Elissa did a Hollywood-perfect spit take, spitting out her sip all over the counter with a burst of laughter.
  • Amanda got defensive and sweet and gentle upbeat and positive GinaMarie lit into her ... pretty much telling her she'd stomp her.
  • Later, as Amanda talked to Elissa in the HoH room trying to plead her cause that they work together and GM had always trashed her (Elissa) ... Elissa just kept bursting out in laughter.
  • She refused to promise Amanda anything saying that she hadn't even thought of what to do if the veto gets used.
  • Amanda wanted a promise she won't go on the block.
  • Elissa laughed some more.
  • Of course, in a talk with Aaryn, Elissa told Aaryn she's not the target, Amanda is.
  • It's hard to figure Elissa out as she is a rather odd duck. But I feel she wants either of them -- Aaryn or Amanda -- out this week.
  • Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), Amanda then cried to McCrae that Elissa just kept laughing at her.
  • I love it!
  • Elissa told GinaMarie she doesn't feel she can trust Andy.
  • Good for her. Too bad Helen trusted him.
  • Andy seems to be abandoning ship with McCranda. It might be a tad too late. He's now tainted goods.
  • They picked veto players.
  • That was blocked to the feeds, but Amanda says that Elissa was noticeably upset when she pulled her (Amanda) to play.
  • Aaryn picked Judd as HG choice, thus upsetting Spencer.
  • The only one sitting out this veto is Spencer. Andy is hosting.
  • They couldn't decide whether to stay up expecting veto as the players usually aren't picked at night or to go to bed.
  • Sleep gave in.
  • All are asleep as I get this posted.

Trying to hold back laughter

Aaryn and McCrae's keys missing

J-U-Double D in da house

Perfect spit take at Amanda's expense

Friday, August 23, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday into the Evening - August 23

Cheap sunglasses, cheap dude

Ah, it's nice to not have an HoH sticking to the Amanda Wants script. Yay! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Turning Tides:
  • Even though Elissa tends to speak in non sequiturs, her mind is definitely in the game.
  • She has told most everyone that she's probably going to put Aaryn and McCrae on the block.
  • It's win-win for her -- She doesn't like Aaryn on a personal level and Aaryn has been winning comps, doing the bidding of Amanda/McCrae.
  • If Aaryn wins veto and takes herself off, Amanda goes up and out.
  • Against Aaryn or Amanda, McCrae would be safe. He's liked. Amanda is feared. There is a difference.
  • Elissa said anyone not really trying to win (like Andy throwing OTEV), they'll go up on the block.
  • Elissa has had a busy day. She now has two week safety deals with Spencer and Andy.
  • Andy might finally be getting out of under the spell cast by Amanda.
  • She made nice with GinaMarie, telling her all the things Aaryn has done at Amanda's bidding and that Aaryn isn't loyal to her (GM).
  • GinaMarie knew Aaryn was close to Amanda, but didn't realize she was outright working with her.
  • D'oh!
  • GinaMarie and Elissa promised to have each other's backs.
  • In trying to save his butt from the block, McCrae threw everybody under the bus ... including his beloved Amanda.
  • Elissa's talk with GinaMarie had an effect on her. She even snapped at Aaryn that if they had kept Helen like she wanted, they could have worked with her.
  • Aaryn just crumpled into a big pink ball.
  • Well, it was a pink throw. But it was appropriate.
  • Elissa strongly believes that Aaryn says inappropriate and nasty things which indicate a lack of character on her part.
  • GinaMarie once again said (it seems she said this last week, too) that the only problem she had with Candice was because she (GM) was defending Aaryn, who she thought was her ally and friend.
  • Elissa told Aaryn that she had tried to work with her before and Aaryn turned on them.
  • Elissa thinks she can beat Amanda in any comp.
  • Probably.
  • That said, I was surprised Amanda lasted as long as she did last night and did as well as she did. GM could probably stay up all night, but couldn't catch a ball for nuthin'.
  • Spencer and Aaryn have decided they can't trust or work with Amanda anymore. 
  • A bit late for that, don't you think?
  • Judd is in solid with Elissa -- he says he wants Amanda out first, then Aaryn and McCrae, doesn't matter who goes first of those two to him.
  • But we know that Elissa would love Aaryn out, then Amanda.
  • However, if it's vice versa, she won't be too upset at all.
  • It's like the sleeping giant has come to life.
  • If Elissa turns the house around and defeats Amanda, she will deserve to win it all.
  • And I'm no Rachel fan, either.
  • The nominations will be later tonight -- it's bound to be McCrae and Aaryn as she's said it so much.
  • P.S. - Gah, I forgot to mention that BB put a canopy over the yard. We have no clue why. The hamsters are complaining that it's hot and blocks the sky. Hmm ... maybe they're Under the Dome. If they start having seizures and claim pink stars are falling, we'll know it's a tie-in!

Judd is ready to play

Are we boring you, McCrae?

Meeting of the mind and the mindless

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds After HoH into Friday pre-dawn - August 22-23

Faking interest in Elissa's letter from home

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Elissa Comes to Life:
  • For those who missed the news, Judd is the returning hamster and Elissa won Head of Household.
  • Woot.
  • Apparently the balls in the comp with their speed might have been a bit more dangerous than BB had planned. Almost all are complaining about being hit with them and, most of the time, when they complain BB goes to fishes.
  • After the comp, Amanda was upset because, not only did Judd return, but it's likely he won't be going right back out the door with Elissa being HoH.
  • Amanda can't understand Jessie's anger at her as she left the comp after falling -- Jessie shouted an expletive directly at Amanda.
  • Oh, I think we can understand it.
  • Judd apologized to Elissa for not hugging her when he left the house. She told him Aaryn, Amanda and Helen were the ones who planned his demise.
  • His demise in the house, I mean.
  • Of course.
  • The only real demises have been with Clownie, Aaryn's clown doll.
  • Judd told Elissa he has no alliances right now and agreed to vote with whatever she says.
  • Aaryn told Judd that Helen told her that she would be next if she didn't put him up.
  • Elissa told Amanda she plans to put Aaryn and McCrae on the block.
  • Oh my.
  • I can see these noms -- Elissa has a personal grudge against Aaryn, plus she wins comps. And McCrae is one half of the power duo in the house.
  • Elissa says they'll have to go for the veto. Her plan is that Aaryn goes home, but if someone is saved by the veto, it's Amanda on the block.
  • Amanda cried.
  • Spencer tried to get in good graces with Elissa.
  • He's not her target.
  • GinaMarie tried to get in good graces with Elissa.
  • She's not her target either.
  • Elissa definitely has her sights on Aaryn. If she can't get Aaryn, it needs to be either McCrae or Amanda.
  • I can live with that.
  • She refuses to put Judd on the block because she knows they'd all vote him right back out.
  • McCrae thinks that Elissa cheated at the comp (holding onto the sign), but he admits Amanda did the same thing. He thinks they should both be disqualified and GM should be HoH.
  • Heh.
  • Ain't gonna happen. And, BB had Aaryn calling out rules during the comp and that was allowed.
  • Amanda cried some more. She says she's terrified of going to the jury house with those mean girls who will terrorize her.
  • Aw, too bad, so sad.
  • Amanda feels she has no control over Elissa.
  • Aw, that sucks, right?
  • Heh.
  • Judd said they could only talk game in the jury house when they watched tapes of the comp and they had been separated for the most part.
  • He said Jessie was really angry in the jury house.
  • Andy should be very happy that his name isn't being brought up.
  • Elissa told him her plans and he ran to Amanda with them.
  • So, nothing has changed with him.
  • Elissa told McCrae she really wants Aaryn out -- if she put GM up with her, GM might go. If she puts him (McCrae) up, Amanda will make sure the votes are there to save him.
  • Elissa made a two-week safety deal with Spencer.
  • GinaMarie is upset that she didn't get a shout-out on the live show for her birthday.
  • BB gave them all of four beers and a birthday cake for GM ... which she can't eat until after midnight.
  • Andy and Spencer speculated that Elissa's real target might be to backdoor Amanda with her plan to put McCrae/Aaryn on the block.
  • Hmm ... could be.
  • Amanda, judging on her track record, is unlikely to win veto and Aaryn just might be able to do it.
  • Amanda thinks Elissa is "stupid" because she doesn't want to put Aaryn/GM on the block.
  • Oh, I don't know. It sounds to me like Elissa has a pretty good plan.
  • All "enjoyed" Elissa's HoH room and her letter from Rachel.
  • Finally, we might have a fairly unpredictable week in the house.
  • Good.

Spencer thinks Elissa has bigger fish to fry

Oh noes! My game plan is gone!

Aw, look at Rachel ...

What the hell we gonna do now?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Endurance Comp w/Jurors and Hamsters - August 22

Why wait until Sunday to see the outcome? Once the feeds are live again, I'll be updating this entry with screen caps and the latest news; refresh this page to get the latest updates! Which juror will return? Who will win HoH? No way will we wait until it airs on TV!

10:10pm ET - Live feeds still blocked.
10:15pm ET - Still trivia on the live feeds.
10:25pm ET - Still no live feeds.
Super grr.
I think I need an ice cream sandwich.
10:25pm ET - Feeds ON. I spoke too soon!

Spencer and McCrae out.

10:31pm ET - Andy out. And it's back to trivia and blocked feeds.

10:37pm ET - Jessie fell. She's out.

10:43pm ET - Some weird "ball fan" in a red wig looking like a clown screamed and tried to distract them.

10:48pm ET Update : Elissa 5, Judd 4, Amanda 4, Helen 3 - I believe GinaMarie and Candice each have 2.

11:01pm ET - Helen just got whapped hard with a ball directly to the face, did not fall. Back to blocked feeds now. Elissa leading with six. Judd and Amanda four, Helen and GinaMarie three.

BULLETIN -- JUDD WILL RETURN TO THE HOUSE! Helen fell, followed by Candice. 

11:13pm ET - Elissa 7, Judd 5, Amanda 4, GinaMarie 3 ... and the crazy guy ran through again.

11:17pm ET - Judd fell. He won't be HoH, but he's back in the game.

Elissa now has EIGHT balls, Amanda four, GM three.

11:25pm ET -- Amanda is up to five now after a feeds block. It's hitting them with water again.

11:31pm ET - Elissa is up to nine, Amanda six... ELISSA GETS TEN!