Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Big Brother 15: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - August 28

Come one, come all ... get ready for the Zingbot. Now, I bet we could have written better material, but it's always fun to see the hamsters fume about the zingers anyway.

A programming note before we start -- tomorrow night it seems like football has taken over much of the CBS primetime block. I'll set up a post prior to tomorrow's live show so people can share any programming information in their areas -- when it's scheduled, if there's an alternate channel. I myself am thankful that here in the Greater NYC Metro area, WCBS bought WLNY out on Long Island and that my cable provider carries it. It's most likely to be found on either channel 10 or 55 if you're in this area. WLNY be airing the CBS primetime shows tomorrow night as WCBS will air football. No more middle of the night not-live shows here! Woohoo!

As the show airs here tonight, I'll post the major happenings in real time. Refresh the page to get the latest! But, as always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Elissa's plan to target Aaryn has morphed into a "Let's backdoor Amanda" plan. She brings in both Judd and Aaryn on it. Of course, Aaryn is for it as it would save her butt. However, veto is still to be played. All just might change.

Time to pick veto players -- Elissa gets Amana (eek), MCrae got GinaMarie, Aaryn got HG choice and chose Judd.

The Zingbot arrives while they're all sleeping.

Time for the PoV comp, a party theme with cake and robots. It's Baby Zingbot's first birthday. They have to roll a ball through a teeter-totter type thing bent in the middle, run to the other side, catch it, roll it again ... to charge "batteries." Judd got really sick from the heat and dropped out. Amanda wins with GinaMarie right on her tail.

Amanda goes onto a path of havoc trying to bully Amanda into putting GM on the block instead of Andy after she saves McCrae with the veto.

Veto meeting time. Amanda saves McCrae. Elissa puts Andy on the block.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Tuesday into Wednesday - August 27-28

Morning meeting

Y'know, it was a lot more interesting to watch when they were all quibbling with each other. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of It's A Long Time Until Thursday Night:
  • They all keep thinking a Pandora's Box is due. Hey, there just might not be one. They seem to forget that there was a time that the seasons had no Pandora's Box.
  • I'm just wondering when they'll get the dollar store arts and crafts or get to tie-dye t-shirts.
  • Now, there's the real excitement every season!
  • In the past week or so, the ants have rediscovered the house. I don't know why they waited so long this year.
  • Maybe they were afraid of the hamsters.
  • Judd and Elissa continue to get along well. A lot of their time talking is spent about Amanda (horrible woman) and McCrae (doesn't take a shower for two weeks), peppered with small talk about television and family.
  • On the other hand, Amanda and McCrae spend a lot of their time talking about Judd (can't be trusted) and Elissa (needs to go!).
  • Today (well, Tuesday), most of them spent the day either napping or lounging around.
  • B-o-r-i-n-g!
  • The HoH camera came out and a good time was had by all.
  • @@
  • Amanda said that it's fun to just laze around and not worry about bills.
  • Spencer said it's like living at home with parents.
  • Hey, McCrae should feel right at home then!
  • Amanda said she feels happier because she took her meds.
  • Hmm.
  • Andy, knowing he's safe, keeps asking people if he's safe and saying how, of course he's mad at Elissa for putting him on the block.
  • Amanda would still like to keep Aaryn for the comp wins and target value, but agrees with McCrae that they never know what she'll do. She's shown that she isn't loyal while Andy has had constant loyalty.
  • Spencer and Andy think Judd is only being nice to Elissa as she's HoH.
  • While I'm sure that has something to do with it, I've also noticed that he gets very quiet and doesn't take part in it when the others are trash-talking Elissa. 
  • I think Judd really doesn't trust anyone and probably thinks that Elissa is the least likely to target him.
  • Oh! I was mistaken! McCrae pays all of $100 a month to live with friends. His parents even canceled his phone and stuff.
  • Hmm.
  • Aaryn keeps trying pretty much anything to convince people that they should keep her.
  • Some truths, some lies.
  • It's just digging a deeper hole for her to crawl into on Thursday.
  • Some of what she's saying sounds like she's saying it to instigate problems between others.
  • They got a paltry amount of alcohol -- everyone can drink this week as there are no Have Nots.
  • They played beer pong.
  • A thrill a minute.
  • Amanda put herself in charge of the beer pong.
  • Spencer called her a control freak.
  • Well, yeah!
  • Aaryn told the others that Elissa said Judd is the best-looking man in the house and that Elissa wants Aaryn out because she's jealous of her relationship with Judd.
  • @@
  • While Judd IS the best-looking guy in the house at this time, it's not like there's much competition going on in that department.
  • And, no. Elissa hasn't any interest in that manner towards Judd.
  • Amanda ran and told Elissa about it.
  • Elissa laughed.
  • They all laughed because it kind of shows Aaryn is grasping at straws.
  • It could very well be a unanimous vote out of Aaryn on Thursday.
  • Nah, not "very well." It will be unanimous.

Woe is me

With grace and elegance

Setting up the beer pong

With glowing balls they play

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday Night into Tuesday - August 26-27

I wonder if he has a security blanket at home

After a few days of manic problems, the hamsters have quieted down now. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Stormy Seas:
  • GinaMarie talked about Staten Island.
  • McCrae wondered if Nick lived in Times Square.
  • @@
  • GinaMarie doesn't seem to know much about New York State outside of downstate (which she seems to think is upstate),
  • Aaryn tried to convince GinaMarie that if she stays, she'll go after Amanda and McCrae.
  • Elissa told GinaMarie not to believe Aaryn.
  • Elissa told Aaryn she feels bad for the kind of person she is.
  • Oh my.
  • McCrae made the attempt to mend fences with Elissa.
  • Not because he really feels it deep within (although he's ticked at Amanda's behavior) -- it's all in the game.
  • I'm getting almost as tired of him saying "like" every third or fourth word as I am of him chewing on his fingernails all the time. Oh ... and those plaid pajama pants!
  • McCrae and Elissa's long talk aired out a lot of the issues between them.
  • Of course, now that everyone seems to have accepted Aaryn going home this week, things are a bit easier for all.
  • Even Amanda admits she's given up the fight. She felt she should try because Aaryn's done so much for them, but the time came to stop.
  • Oh, it did take a while more with Amanda, though.
  • She resisted McCrae's coaxing to go talk to Elissa for hours before she buckled.
  • McCrae told Amanda that any more acting out on her part will further alienate GM against them.
  • Amanda decided her social game is over, it's all about comps now.
  • Hmm. She won one so far. 
  • Amanda is dead-set against Judd, Elissa or GinaMarie winning the game. She says that she won't vote at the end if it's any of them.
  • @@
  • Spencer and McCrae trash-talked Aaryn.
  • They claim that Aaryn is saying anything she can to stay.
  • Well, a lot of what she's saying is the truth and they just don't want her saying it!
  • Despite all the anti-Aaryn sentiment, Andy is worried that he might be in for a blindside.
  • No, Andy, you're not that important. Everyone knows what you are. 
  • Spencer told Judd and Elissa that McCranda needs to be split up.
  • D'oh!
  • But then he solidified his bond with McCrae. When Spencer says they need to be split up, he means Amanda must go.
  • Aaryn again apologized to Judd for her part in getting him evicted.
  • Oh, I believe Judd has tucked his grudges away for future reference.
  • Judd told Aaryn he doesn't know how he'll vote yet.
  • Aaryn said she doesn't want to be blindsided.
  • I say -- Hey, Aaryn, when you know it's coming, it's not a blindside!
  • NOW Aaryn claims she wants to play on her own, not be Amanda's puppet.
  • A bit too late for that!
  • Elissa and Amanda had a long, long talk. If you didn't know Amanda like we do from the live feeds, you might feel there was actual remorse and a fresh start between the two.
  • But it's all in the game.
  • Amanda knows that, strategically, she needs to amend somehow for her outrageous behavior and Elissa pretends to accept it.
  • So, it looks like it will be Aaryn out Thursday without a doubt ...

Talking to Amanda, believe it or not

The big apology session

That behavior really wasn't me ... she says.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday Daytime, PoV Meeting - August 26

GM promising Elissa she will vote out Aaryn

Here's what happened today inside that Big Brother House of Loquacious Louts:
  • Y'know ... I don't really miss Helen doing her exercise routine each morning. It tired me out just watching her.
  • As the day started out, Andy asked Elissa what was happening. She admitted she'd probably put him up, but feels he's safe.
  • He mentioned GinaMarie going up (as have so many before him) and she doesn't think that's the right choice.
  • She does have a better chance of Aaryn leaving with Andy on the block rather than GM.
  • Plus, GinaMarie shook hands, promised, made the sign of the cross and more telling Elissa she would vote out Aaryn.
  • As much as GM skeeves me out -- when she has promised something, I don't believe I've seen her not keep her word.
  • Andy begged, fussed, whined to Elissa to no avail.
  • Poor little spy boy.
  • Elissa told Andy that Amanda said Aaryn will stay no matter who they put up, including Andy. Thus he's being used as a puppet by Amanda.
  • "I'm not a puppet!"
  • Watch Amanda pull his strings, I say.
  • His feelings are hurt! She hasn't even been close to GM until this week!
  • Elissa told him that she's still not close to her.
  • Andy is refusing to listen to what she's saying. Elissa is telling him that if GM went up against Aaryn, GM would go home. She wants AARYN to go home. She stands a better chance of that with Andy on the block.
  • WE know Amanda wants to keep Aaryn and McCrae thinks they should keep Andy.
  • Don't faint ... but I think McCrae will win out on this one with Amanda. No sense in them each voting their own way; the votes would simply cancel each other out.
  • GinaMarie told Elissa that Amanda's act yesterday was funny for about five minutes.
  • Yeah, had it been five minutes and not so intense with hatred, it could have been funny ... I say.
  • Meanwhile, Aaryn thinks Elissa deserved it all.
  • Nope. NO ONE deserves to be constantly bullied like that.
  • Andy and Judd were talking, saying they would both put Amanda and McCrae on the block if they win HoH.
  • I reserve judgment until I see it.
  • GM is really, really sucking up to Elissa. She cleaned the hot sauce mess that Amanda made atop of the set of drawers Elissa's been using downstairs.
  • She made sure to tell Elissa about it for the brownie points.
  • Aaryn thinks GM is playing her (Aaryn).
  • I hope she is!
  • The PoV ceremony went down ... as expected, McCrae saved himself and Elissa put Andy on the block with Aaryn.
  • Amanda told Judd that they won't vote out Andy.
  • Judd asked them for a one week safety deal. He's very worried that he's a big target since he was evicted once before already.
  • Andy feels that Judd will hold a grudge against him blaming him for his eviction as McCrae and Amanda haven't taken any responsibility for it while he has.
  • Amanda refuses to talk to Judd about their part in Judd's eviction.
  • Such loyal buddies Andy has!
  • Amanda bullied Elissa some more.
  • Keep smiling, Elissa. It will drive her crazy!
  • Aaryn cried.
  • Amanda cried while comforting the crying Aaryn.
  • Amanda feels so defeated.
  • Boohoo.
  • Amanda again told Aaryn how she (Amanda) has been running the entire game making sure her targets went home.
  • Um ... she's telling that to a person who has the blood on her hands for doing that dirty work for Amanda. Something's a kilter with that gal, methinks.
  • Amanda told Andy to make sure Elissa doesn't get Spencer, Judd or GinaMarie on her side.
  • Heh.
  • Aaryn has already accepted that she'll probably be going home, especially since Amanda told her that while she wanted to keep her, McCrae didn't.
  • Aaryn told GM to vote with the house and not make waves, then win HoH.
  • Amanda came to the realization that she's the only one being outright mean to Elissa (while the others just trash-talk her when she's not with them).
  • Amanda thinks that makes her (Amanda) look bad.
  • Y'think?
  • She's so upset that she's the only one being a bully and the rest aren't.
  • Hmm.
  • Wild rant time from Amanda. It goes on and on.
  • I mean ... what rational person would go off the hook because she's the only one bullying someone and others aren't joining in?
  • What's wrong with this picture?
  • @@

So guilty looking!

Ohhh! A new piece of clothing?

Reading BB Guidelines out loud to Amanda

Make her stop looking at ME! EEK!

Amanda comforting Aaryn (or smothering her)

Big Brother 15: Late Night Sunday into Monday - August 25-26

The bear shirt is BACK

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Psycho Killer (Qu'est Que C'est) fa-fa-fa-fa-fa:
  • Let's see ... I last left off with GinaMarie apologizing to Elissa about Amanda's bullying. She doesn't like bullies.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Aaryn told GM that she shouldn't hang around Elissa because she might find herself on the block next week.
  • Amanda read the rules book making sure that she stayed within the rules.
  • Yes, her harassment of Elissa apparently fell within the guidelines. As long as she doesn't touch her or seriously doesn't threaten physical harm, she's good to go. Er, stay. You know what I mean.
  • Of course, it makes her look like a psycho jerk for the entire world to see, but ...!
  • Judd told Elissa that BB won't let them have alcohol because of Amanda's behavior.
  • Heh.
  • Elissa told Judd she doesn't want to leave her HoH room because she doesn't want to deal with Amanda.
  • The photo booth made a second Sunday appearance, perhaps because no one wanted it the first time around.
  • They all freaked out about the camera spinning in the yard and the one in the kitchen going crazy.
  • Well, everyone but Elissa, that is. She was in the HoH room.
  • Aaryn and McCrae are worried that Ellisa will get Pandora's Box or a power.
  • GinaMarie says she came in the house alone, she'll leave alone. She doesn't think Aaryn is loyal to her and won't have a problem voting her out.
  • Amanda has a headache. Gee, after acting bonkers for hours, that doesn't surprise me.
  • When Elissa wondered why Amanda hates her so much, Judd told her that they're (Amanda and her minions) "too good to go on the block."
  • Amanda says she's sick of how dirty the house is.
  • WELL, CLEAN IT THEN! Amanda and McCrae are the biggest slobs in there!
  • Aaryn told Spencer, Andy and Judd that GM said she was voting Andy out.
  • Well, that's a bit premature.
  • Andy isn't even on the block.
  • Yet.
  • Andy got all upset saying he wasn't the only one to vote Helen out!
  • Aaryn is having second thoughts about getting Helen out of the game.
  • A bit late for that, little missy!
  • Judd and GinaMarie, the only ones Elissa actually occasionally lets into the HoH room, are tired of getting questioned after they talk to Elissa.
  • GinaMarie talked of the show shrink questioning her as if she would commit suicide after Nick left and saying she had an eating disorder.
  • Everyone but McCrae said they're tired of Amanda's antics in tormenting Elissa.
  • But no one is stopping her, mind you.
  • Judd said working with Amanda before hurt his game.
  • Andy said working with Amanda helped his game, but now it might be hurting him.
  • It looks like Spencer, Andy, Judd and GinaMarie are all ready to stand up against the Amanda Queendom.
  • Andy says he's willing to work with Elissa, but if she puts him on the block, she will be on his radar.
  • We'll see about that.
  • I do think Elissa will put Andy on the block as she has made promises to the others that she wouldn't put them up.
  • But, will they keep Aaryn in the house?
  • Only time will tell.
No biting the nails for a moment

Eek! What's going on out there?

The camera's going wild!

Can you say pigsty? I thought you could.