Sunday, September 15, 2013

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - September 15, 2013

Good Sunday morning, folks! It's time for my weekly off television topic post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. While there isn't any television talk on this off topic post, I must stray to it for a minute ...
  • If you're looking for the latest Big Brother live feeds or show news, you can find those posts right here.
  • If you want to sign up for the Survivor: Blood vs. Water blog pool, that post can be found here. The deadline for that is Tuesday. Please sign up only on that post or by contacting Lifeguard Laurie at the email address listed in that post. No other posts or places will be checked.
Okay, back to off topic!

I had a four-day work week this past week as I took yesterday off as a vacation day to kick off my latest staycation. I usually work Saturdays, so that was an added bonus. The weather, after hitting 96 degrees early in the week, was down to a high around 70 both on Friday and Saturday. Yay! That's MY kind of weather -- cool overnights, sunny, dry and not hot! Yay!

Yesterday I walked downtown to the big Central Americano festival. It wasn't as crowded as the last time I went. But, then again it could have been the time I went or the fact that the last time I went there were actually two festivals adjacent to each other. Nonetheless, people were parked as far up my block to attend the festivities and East Front Street was a huge traffic jam.

While nothing much went on last week, today is my birthday. I'm older than I ever thought I would be had you asked me decades ago. I plan a day of relaxation for the most part. Big Brother live feeds have died down and I can actually rest. I could go to the festival which is still running downtown today, but I doubt I will. 

Festival 6 photo IMG_9641a_zps894cdf63.jpg
Will it go 'round in circles?

Will it fly high up in the sky? I took this shot at the Latino festival in Plainfield yesterday.

Bird 2 photo IMG_9562b_zps82d9f303.jpg
Smile for the camera

This young mockingbird was with its siblings, but was the only one to pose for me up on the fence rail. The mockingbird parents have been very territorial, chasing other birds and even warily watching me for weeks now. There are five of the young 'uns. While they can fend for themselves, they still bother their mother for food by fluffing their feathers, shaking and crying out. Like toddlers, they are. Bridgewater Train Station.


Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Bulletin - Final HoH Part 2 Winner

Andy won the physical part two of the final HoH comp. More details tomorrow as there won't be much to report on anyway!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday into Saturday - Sept. 13-14


Here's what we can expect the next five days in the Big Brother House:
  • Naps
  • Trash-talking previous hamsters
  • Naps
  • Rehashing all the comps
  • Naps
  • Bravado about the Exterminators
  • Naps
  • Occasional nice talk of previous hamsters
  • Longer naps
  • GinaMarie trying to do artsy crafty stuff with 2-liter soda bottles
  • Naps
  • GM messing with her make-up and hair
  • Spencer and Andy making deals with each other
  • Naps
  • Three hamsters actually getting along well together
  • Naps
  • Andy eating cereal out of the box
  • Naps
The biggest event yesterday was a live feeds block, probably for their trip down memory lane.

I really don't have anything else for you. Sometime later today Spencer and Andy will face off for Part Two of the HoH comp. I think I'm right on that timing. The winner of that round will face off with GinaMarie in the final round to be played on the live show.

Nap some more

Ready to nap

Friday, September 13, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds - HoH Part 1 -Into Friday - Sept. 12-13

Round and 'round they go ...

Spencer goes BOOM

Oh my. I decided to nap while the feeds were blocked after last night's show. I kept them on with the trivia theme music playing figuring it would wake me up when they started talking. That usually works. It didn't last night. Oops. So I had to catch up for this report. My apologies for not having a live post to cover it. In my defense, I had no clue when they'd start!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hamsters on Skates:
  • The endurance comp for Part One of the final HoH had them holding on to a lead from above as they skated in circles with cone obstacles strategically placed on the course.
  • As per the norm, Spencer was the first one out.
  • With only Andy and GinaMarie in it for the win, out came BB with the soap bubble guns.
  • Despite GM's broken toe and stitches in her knee, Andy went down first.
  • So, GinaMarie won the first round. Spencer and Andy will face off for the second round, but I don't know when that will be. The winner of the second round will vie with GM in the final round.
  • GM was in rough shape at the end of the comp.
  • That is, until a glitter gun swamped her with glitter. Then she was ecstatic.
  • These three remaining Exterminators are very proud -- they've made it to the end and Julie knows the alliance name and everything!
  • Weehaa!
  • As they always do, they talked of the recently departed -- how dirty McCrae was, how he never cooked a meal and how he really was so sure he'd make the final two.
  • Once again, we have mini-deals going on. Spencer wants to go to the final two with GinaMarie ... or so he tells her.
  • Andy and Spencer also want to go together to the final two.
  • GM is the lone wolf kind of in this one. It's pretty obvious that if she has her choice, she would take Spencer because she promised him long ago.
  • Spencer thinks McCrae's biggest mistake was hooking up with Amanda in the game.
  • Well, duh. He actually threw the game away on her. Had he not stayed in her shadow and in bed with her all the time, he would have had a strong chance of winning it all.
  • Andy will be really mad if he goes out third place. At least second wins 50 grand and he could use the money.
  • Heh. I'd like him to go out third.
  • At this point, not just because she's my assigned blog pool pick (she is), I'd like to see a GM win. Of the three, despite her out of line comments, she's really tried the hardest to win. I've never seen a hamster get so banged up and keep at the physical challenges to win. She's also kept her word when making promises, something most don't.

Spencer has a Judd head

GinaMarie loves the helmet

The Final Three

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Show - Veto, Noms, Eviction and Kit and Kaboodle Blog Party - Sept.12

Welp, the end is in sight. Tonight's live eviction show will show Andy's nominations, the taped PoV and subsequent ceremony, the live eviction and the start of the final HoH comp. Phew!

If you want to join the Survivor pool on the blog, the announcement post is located here. Please don't sign up on this BB15 post or it might not be caught by our not-so-eagle eyes!

As long as the passing severe thunderstorms don't knock me out of power, I'll post the major happenings right here on this entry as they air East Coast time. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

Football schedule change alert! I know that in this area, the NYC metro viewing area, WCBS 2 is airing football. Big Brother will be seen at its regular time on sister station WLNY 10/55. It will also air at 2:07am on WCBS 2.

As always, the real party is in the comments area ... come join us!

Nominations -- Only GinaMarie is safe. Spencer and McCrae on the block. This week is all about the veto.

Jury house segment -- Jessie, Helen and Candice were doing well. Then Aaryn showed up. She apologized for things she daid in the house. All take toast to it. Amanda shows up. Jessie is thrilled! Amanda and Aaryn mention the boos they got. Amanda tells the others about The Exterminators (from her goodbye message). They're all impressed that GM made such a big move. Elissa comes in. Amanda gives her back the ring.

Judd goes to jury. Oops, Amanda is turning the others off by saying McCrae isn't a floater. Meow.

Veto comp time -- Spiderwebs fill the yard, Do you want to be a fly on the wall? It's a puzzle matching HG to clues. Andy wins Power of Veto!

Julie tells the audience that the Exterminators came clean with McCrae today. McCrae -- Thanks, shout-outs. Spencer -- Use it on me would be great. Andy decides NOT to use the veto, thus leaving GM as the sole vote. McCrae shouts out to BB sites (not mine), Spencer - wants to keep rolling.

GinaMarie votes out McCrae.

Julie talked to McCrae, then talked to the final three. The show is closing without the HoH starting. That's a first.

On Sunday, along with "unseen footage," Dr. Will will confront the jury. Oh my!

I'll have to see what's happening with the HoH comp part one ... I think all of us have been blindsided with that not starting!