Saturday, August 23, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Bulletin - PoV (Power of Veto) Comp - August 23

She needs to stop caressing his back!

Sigh. Cody won the Power of Veto. Not looking too good for Nicole (or Donny but Derrick and Frankie want another week) on Thursday. More eventually!

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Saturday - August 23

Pretending to listen to music

No, I haven't been really ignoring you. Really. I guess it's a mix of boredom and predictability affecting my posting. But here's my take on the latest inside that Big Brother House of Stick People:
  • You know Cody won HoH.
  • You know Cody surprised us all by putting Donny and Nicole on the block.
  • Oh, they also made Donny a Have Not and Nicole volunteered to be one.
  • Did you know Frankie has a "famous" sister?
  • I listened to a wise and pithy conversation regarding the pros and cons of Lowes vs. Home Depot vs. Amazon.
  • Caleb is still sure Donny is something big military -- perhaps a Silver or Bronze Star recipient.
  • Derrick, who has said before that he believes Donny is indeed a groundskeeper, played along with Caleb's visions.
  • Cody and Derrick have noticed they can't be alone without either Frankie or Christine bursting in.
  • They discussed if Donny or Nicole come off the block putting Frankie up.
  • But they don't think they'd have the votes to send him packing, Caleb would be mad, but Christine would just crumble and float their way. Plus it would leave the Donny/Nicole duo intact and Christine might just float that way.
  • They built stick houses.
  • Nicole tried her best to convince them that she should stay.
  • However, that just served to work against her even more.
  • They're still going on about all the "lies" Nicole tells.
  • Which, as we know, are mostly truths.
  • Frankie continues to be too much over the top with his squealing. You'd think he was the wild boar Caleb killed with his teeth (whatever, literary license going on here) pre-season.
  • Frankie makes all the gay men I've known for decades look macho. He needs to turn it down. The more he acts, the more it comes across as acting.
  • Bad acting, too.
  • Derrick continues to push for the Nicole out rather than Donny this week. He says Nicole is a more dangerous competitor -- she wins comps, has a good social game while Donny wins comps, but his social game is lacking.
  • The boys wrestled. So Frankie had to jump in.
  • Cody and Christine talked about how much Donny disgusts them.
  • Hey, I could really go off on a tangent about how much Christine disgusts me!
  • But I refuse to demean myself by being so profane.
  • Victoria's wisdom teeth issues are making her face swell up.
  • Cody knows Derrick wants to send Nicole out this week, but he really wants Donny to go. He thinks Donny picks on him.
  • He's also tired of Donny winning comps.
  • Derrick thinks a lot of people are rooting for Donny because he's the underdog. (Yes, there are, but maybe not totally for that reason.) 
  • He also says, as a fan of the show, if an alliance were ruling the game such as they are, he'd be mad because it's so predictable.
  • Yes, he's right.
  • Christine's angry that Julie Chen called her out on the live show for throwing the comp.
  • Too bad, so sad.
  • That's about it for here. They're sleeping.

Going for the Yoko Ono look?

I'm Caleb, Beast Mode Cowboy

Frankie has to get in on the wrestling

Ohh ... they got a smidgen of alcohol

Dude, you have to wear the robe!

Is this BB or Hoarders?

Building stick houses

Friday, August 22, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations in - August 22

Have Nots and Nominees

As totally expected, Cody put Nicole and Donny on the block. More later.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Thursday evening into Friday - HoH Winner - August 22

Who wants to see my HoH room?

It was a mental comp. Cody won. Who woulda thunk it? Here's what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Really Noisy Hamsters:
  • Why must they always shout so much? I have to keep turning my volume down. Indoor voices please.
  • But don't whisper. It irks me when I have to turn the volume way up for whispers, then Frankie or Christine come along and squeal.
  • When the feeds returned, Nicole spoke of the joys of the jury house -- they could make lists of foods, beverages, candy, etc. and get it delivered to them, BB set them up with Pandora so they could listen to any kind of music they wanted. They could sleep wherever they wanted without BB yelling at them.
  • Donny is elated to have a friend in the house once again. He told Nicole he's been so lonely. "It will be nice to have someone to set with."
  • Donny pointed out to Nicole that going two against six will probably not have good results.
  • "Game on," said Nicole.
  • They're sure that they will be nominated together.
  • Alas, so am I.
  • Derrick is glad it was Nicole coming back and not Hayden.
  • I bet he is!
  • Christine has latched onto the guys.
  • Safety in numbers, after all. Now there are suddenly two bigger targets than her and she can float along for a few more weeks hanging onto coattails.
  • I'm mad at Nicole. Yes, I am. She was foolish enough to tell Frankie that his sister was in the audience at the double eviction. That set him off into over the top ridiculous ear-piercing squealing. Grr.
  • Frankie and Derrick assured Donny that Team America is still a go for missions. Hey, they want him out (and he knows it), but why not go for as much money as they can?
  • Then came the comp. From what they said, Nicole was the first gone. It was questions on what day what happened.
  • Both Derrick and Nicole said they weren't even sure what number day today was!
  • I'm with them there. It seems like eons ago the season started.
  • Nicole told Donny that Hayden should have come back instead of her because he would have "crushed" the comp.
  • Frankie thinks there might be a Pandora's Box this week.
  • They haven't been able to have one all summer as the room has been used weekly for the second HoH.
  • Huh. Christine thinks Donny's fans are going to be pissed. Then Frankie said he doesn't think Donny has any fans!
  • Hey! Donny has more fans and fewer haters than both Christine and Frankie combined!
  • Aww ... Nicole says that Hayden gave her a rose and wrote her love notes in the jury house. Ain't that sweet? She says he's the most kind and thoughtful guy she's ever met.
  • Everybody acted happy at Cody's HoH reveal.
  • We know some weren't all that thrilled, but played along.
  • Cody's mother wrote him a letter addressed to "CodyBear."
  • Donny's starting to get a bit edgy. He told Cody he's thought all along that he was some dumb kid and he's really smart.
  • Cody: "I'm a college graduate."
  • "Huh. Who? What? Where?"
  • While Cody wants to concentrate on getting Donny out, Derrick is thinking it might be best to target Nicole (as he says she's more deceitful than Donny).
  • I think Derrick's thinking of missions for Team America -- since both would have to go, might as well keep Donny the extra week.
  • It's all about the Benjamins.
  • Nicole isn't ready to give her return to the game up. She plans to plead with Cody that she was HoH three times and never put him up, she's out of sync with the game and weak, etc.
  • We'll see.
  • But, if Derrick has his way, which he usually does, his flying monkey Cody will target Nicole while Derrick cackles looking at the crystal ball.

Goody! Now there are two to go before me!

Oh my.

Just passing through ...

A week ahead with a friend! Yay!

Gag me now

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Eviction, Juror Return, HoH Comp blog party - August 21

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Good evening! Do you have tasty cold beverages and snacks ready? It's bound to be an interesting night at the habitrail. Let's see ... live eviction, juror comp, juror comes back, HoH comp. Yep! Chances are that the comp will go beyond the air time. If it does, I'll set up a separate post for live feeds and the results.

Caleb - JimmyB, SueGee on the Left Coast, Sharon S, monty924, Janice from GA
Christine - ReeseB0329, EileenH, Willie J, Ronda, Rbennie
Cody - Delee, Nickelpeed, WolfpackRed, Nell the Southern Belle, Sally in Indiana
Derrick - Ed in Ohio, Jessica UNderwood, Marlo, Stormy, Erinkate
Donny - Buzzmaam, Tami, JonMD1267, Margo, Kelsey
Frankie - Aya, JOKATS, Ninboh, Tammy, Becky
Victoria - Dr_Celine, ORKMommy, Sharon N, Faye
Zach - Brian, NikkiB, Kathy, David
    Joey - Not included in pool 
    PaoPao - Jackie, Lisa Bishop, Chrob61, lynn1
    Devin - Donna in Alabama, Lili, Sparty, Merrilee, SarahT
    Amber - Caela, Sharon, Glenn, PDX Granny, Jennifer
    Brittany - Dierdre, ML, Shannon, Gaylos, Donna E
Jocasta - Brenda, Kelly Davey, Cheryl in NC, Old mom, Maquinn78
Hayden - Donna in FL, Chacha, Sasha, Uncartie, Clover
Nicole - Jo, Witt, Celticskye, Tilda

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! However, you all know where the real party is, right? Yep, see you in the comments area!

The Double HoH is history. Lots of recapping. (Of course.)

Donny tells Zach he'll vote to keep him. So, Zach goes looking for more votes. Frankie guns him down.

The Neighborhood Watch is going well for Team America. Mission accomplished.

Victoria steals her own pink cap back from Zach, cuts it up.

Donny tries to point out the evils of Derrick's number game to Christine. He wants her to keep Zach.

Julie talks to them about the BOB. Christine doesn't 'fess up to throwing it. She announces that was the last BOB and there will be one HoH from now on.

Cody - Family, love, please keep.
Zach - Family love, typical Zach, ends with "Julie, I'll see you shortly."

The votes to evict:
Derrick -- Zach
Christine -- Zach
Donny -- Zach
Caleb -- Zach
Victoria -- Zach

As we feed watchers knew ... Zach is gone.

Zach tosses Froot Loops to/at the others from atop the table before leaving. He told Julie that it's his own mouth that did him in. He does really well in the Julie interview. That is, until Victoria's message in which she shows the cut-up cap.

Next the jurors vie to get back in the house.

Jury house segment.

Julie breaks the news a juror will return to the hamsters. All four jurors burst into the house. All head to the back yard for the jurors comp. The comp is called Comeback Fight. Seven Rounds. Slide disks down lane into a target.

NICOLE gets back in the game!

Head of CBS and Julie's husband, Les Moonves, challenged her to do the ALS ice bucket challenge live on the show.

No announcement when the HoH comp will be held. If nothing else, they need to clear the backyard. When I know more, I'll set up a new post.