Thursday, August 13, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 13

Goblins meeting

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Why Don't They Go To Bed Already:
  • Various and sundry groups studied, quizzing each other on the videos they saw on the Memory Wall last night.
  • Jace was represented in the videos although the show has replaced his photo with Julia's on the wall.
  • He does exist.
  • Apparently.
  • Vanessa advised Julia that one of the twins need to win HoH so it won't look like Austin is carrying them.
  • Huh. Now, Austin could probably physically carry them, but he's having trouble carrying himself in the game. If not for Vanessa's rescue efforts, he might not even be in the house right now!
  • Vanessa pleaded not to be blindsided on national television. Hmm. It's not a blindslide if you have a clue it's coming.
  • Besides that, it still looks like they're going to keep her and boot Shelli.
  • It's not for the lack of trying on Shelli's part, though. She keeps making her rounds trying to convince them they need to oust Vanessa. 
  • She promises that, if she gets HoH, her targets will be Austin and the twins.
  • Becky, of course, is still pushing for Shelli to stay.
  • After all, it's Vanessa she wanted out all along.
  • Becky claims that if Vanessa stays, she'll put Meg on the block.
  • Um. I have a feeling if Vanessa stays, it's Becky who'd feel the heat.
  • Meg thinks Austin and the twins need to stay in because they're easy to beat.
  • Says the woman who just might be easier to beat.
  • Steve tried to get information from Jackie as to what's going on, but he's not really getting much. Not that he's shunned; it's more like he's a ship lost at sea.
  • Jackie does think they should study with Steve. After all, they think he has a photographic memory and they obviously have a memory test coming up.
  • Yeah, just use and abuse Steve.
  • The Goblins (Jackie, James and Meg) think that the only person who will benefit from keeping Shelli over Vanessa is Becky.
  • So, after so much more talk (talk, talk, talk) ... it still looks like it will be Shelli walking out the door tonight.
  • For the first eviction, that is.
  • The second one could be anybody's guess.
  • But I wouldn't be surprised if it was Becky.

Chess diversion

Shelli (again) pleading her case

Juggling - an apt metaphor for BB

Listening or acting like she's listening

Working her mojo

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Wednesday into the Evening - August 12

This isn't going quite how I planned

Argh. I didn't file an update this morning because it was same-old, same-old. Both Vanessa and Becky nattering on and on for their own causes. Ack. But now I feel guilty. So here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Never-ending Loops of Talk:
  • So, the original plan flipped and everyone knew about it except Shelli, Johnny Mac and Becky.
  • Now they all know.
  • Commence more scrambling.
  • Shelli even talked to her nemesis James. 
  • There were no fisticuffs.
  • No changed minds (yet) either.
  • Shelli denied she'd go after them.
  • No changed minds (yet).
  • Becky is looking worse and worse. Kind of like a train hit her.
  • Johnny Mac is getting caught in the crossfire. Now he's acting all kinds of sad and told both other sides of the house that he was a man without a team.
  • Vanessa cannot understand why Jackie "hates" her, though.
  • To be honest, I don't think the majority of them "love" her. I think it switched more because they fear Shelli more in comps.
  • Steve remains conflicted. He can't tell both of them that they have the vote.
  • "Oh, live feeders, what do I do?"
  • I dunno, Steve. It might be best for you to win HoH and temporary safety.
  • It's looking like just about everybody but Shelli has turned on Becky.
  • The feeds went Jeffish for a while and it sounds like they saw videos of themselves on the Memory Wall. Study groups are breaking out. Hmm.
  • And the beat goes on ...

These twins are too LOUD

Big talk, little gameplay

We're screwed

One of us is out with a double eviction

What changed things?

Now I'm staying!

Big Brother 17: Power of Veto Show Blog Party

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo photo BB-09-smJackieMA28497852-0002.gif

Good evening! Ready for a blog party?

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

A side note before we get going: If you live in the NYC Metro viewing area (as I do), tomorrow night's live double eviction show will be airing on WLNY 10/55 instead of WCBS2 due to NFL football. 

Let's get this party started! 

Recap, promise of the BB comics veto ahead. And Steve vows he'll win the veto and make Becky his target next week. Vanessa is upset because Becky won't talk to her. 

Jackie gets to take off her armor. Yikes, that seems to have happened so long ago when you watch the live feeds! 

Vanessa gets Shelli to agree to choose her if she gets HG choice for the veto player pick, then gets Steve to agree to it, too. Johnny Mac is in the oust Vanessa camp due to his lack of allies in the game.

Johnny Mac talks to Steve, tells him they will send Vanessa home. He told Steve that he has to pick him (JM) for veto if he gets HG choice. Then he tells Steve that he would save Shelli. Steve bemoans the fact that his two closest allies hate each other ... to the camera, not to Johnny Mac, of course.

Gah. Liz tells us in the DR that Austin is growing on her. Ick. 

Veto Player pick time! Becky draws Austin, Shelli gets HG Choice and goes for Vanessa, Steve draws Meg. Johnny Mac hosts.

Veto comp time! Comic book covers featuring the hamsters. 17 new superheroes, sneak into the studio via zipline, memorize the comics order, put them in correct order. The one in the shortest amount of time wins.

The times:
Meg 15:37
Becky 17:02
Shelli 25:31
Austin 21:20
Steve 13:57
Vanessa 21:44

Steve wins the Power of Veto! 

Vanessa is very worried ... par for the course for her. She tried to corner James but he escaped. She corners Becky with fast talk. Vanessa thinks Becky owes her for getting Jason out instead of her. Becky tells us she owes Vanessa nothing. 

Time for the veto meeting:
Steve saves himself, Becky puts Vanessa on the block saying it's a personal decision for her own game. Doesn't know who she's with, who she's against, drops people like that when they don't benefit her game, etc.

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Tuesday into the Evening - August 11

Seeking Divine Intervention

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of How I Spent My Summer Vacation:
  • Okay, let's blindside Vanessa this week.
  • Plan set.
  • Set-up accomplished; we've got her on the block.
  • No! Wait! Maybe we should get Shelli out instead!
  • Gah.
  • I realize that in BB you can't trust anyone. I know that.
  • But this constant second-guessing is making me dizzy!
  • Meg now thinks that Shelli is the more dangerous player and has been working with Becky.
  • Oh, no! Shelli will target US! Shelli will target James!
  • If Meg thinks anyone wants to target her because she's a dangerous threat, she's got another think coming.
  • But her strategy might get her to a Victoria position at the end if they don't notice she's there and needs to go away.
  • That, of course, would be why Becky is pushing for a Vanessa eviction when last week most figured Clay would go one week, Shelli the next.
  • Yet, Becky has spoken valid reasons for evicting Vanessa.
  • We should probably make note that Vanessa might have had a hand in this sudden epiphany of Meg and James -- she told them about Becky playing both sides. At the time told, they didn't seem to care. Now it seems to be sinking in.
  • Now James's "gut" is telling him to not trust Shelli.
  • But can Vanessa be trusted more?
  • Oh, no! Becky has been working to get STEVE on her side, too!
  • (Of course, this is the same Becky who told Steve that he needs to talk game more with James and Jackie and get to know them better.)
  • A side note: If I were in charge of the BB wake-up music, every morning I'd blast (Paranoia the) Destroyer by the Kinks.
  • James and Meg now think they need to watch everything they say in front of Jackie. After all, she's tight with Becky who always planned to keep Shelli and they're getting Steve in the fold and ... and ...
  • You get it.
  • Austin and James talked about getting everyone on the same page ... going for another "house" vote.
  • Ick.
  • I prefer suspense. It's no skin off my nose who goes home. I want kerfuffles and brouhahas. I want entertainment!
  • Vanessa talked to James. She's a straight-shooter, y'know. It would behoove him to keep her in the house.
  • @@
  • Oh, then some tears.
  • Haven't we seen this before?
  • She tells him that Becky had previously named him as a target.
  • Meanwhile, Jackie and Meg are talking -- they think the twins need to go before Austin and Jackie thinks Shelli needs to be out first.
  • So, they're all thinking they should save Shelli.
  • Then they talk about how, if they don't get Shelli out this week, they might never get her on the block again.
  • My head hurts.
  • Vanessa blames Steve for her being on the block. She thinks he sold her out and gave information to Becky.
  • Gosh, if she could see how distraught Steve is. If she could see that he actually gave some thought (before wisely deciding against it) of not using the veto because he knew she'd go on the block. While he, at the end of the day (heh), did betray her with Becky, it was so hard for him -- probably the most conflicted I've ever seen anyone in the BB house.
  • Shelli tried to work on Steve, but he said he has to vote for Vanessa to stay.
  • We have nearly two more days of this before eviction.

Cut-throat player. Bwahahahaha!

Steve is having a ball

That look ages her

A conflicted Steve talks to Shelli

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Tuesday - August 11

Girls from the block

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whispers Abound:
  • Steve went to talk to Vanessa and Shelli. He apologized for it taking so long.
  • We know that he would probably prefer to put off a talk forever!
  • Vanessa grilled him about what was being said about her.
  • Shelli finally said something about how she (Vanessa) turned on people.
  • Vanessa vehemently, I say VEHEMENTLY, denied she ever turned on anyone.
  • Shelli brought up the Austin thing.
  • "I never turned on Austin, the twins or Steve!"
  • Gah. I guess if you lie to yourself enough you might just believe the lies are the truth.
  • Vanessa continued to defend herself saying that Becky was fine with blindsliding Austin.
  • Steve suggested that, after things calm down, she might want to go talk to Jackie.
  • Vanessa has no desire to get a "verbal smackdown" from Becky again.
  • Heh. That was no smackdown. It was whatever and walk away down.
  • Like a broken record, Vanessa went on about Becky being a flip-flopper, a hypocrite and such.
  • Yawn.
  • Again, she pressed Shelli to find out if she (Shelli) knew the blindside was coming. Shelli denied it.
  • But we know she did.
  • Meanwhile in the house, Shelli has been going around taking clothes James supposedly appropriated from Clay and James is going around saying his clothes are going missing.
  • Vanessa told Julia that she has a plan, not to count her out yet.
  • Hmm.
  • A lot of talk about "If I win HoH, I'll put up ..."
  • Of course, most of the talk is coming from people who haven't won anything.
  • Liz thinks James is trying to get close to Steve.
  • Well, unbeknownst to them, Becky advised Steve to get together more with James, Jackie and Meg. She said that they would trust him more if he talked more with them.
  • James and Liz tag-teamed to scare Julia in quick succession.
  • It worked.
  • EEK!
  • EEK!
  • Then James hid in her bed and scared her again.
  • Oh, those rascally hamsters!
  • Uh-oh. Becky may stick to her guns, but what about her people?
  • James, Meg and Jackie think it might be best to get Shelli out instead of Vanessa.
  • Yipes. That throws a monkey wrench into the works.
  • Jackie thinks that if they don't get rid of Shelli now, she stands a good chance of winning HoH in a double eviction.
  • Shelli has done better than Vanessa in comps.
  • They could be right.
  • Maybe.
  • Maybe not.

Steve and Becky compare notes

Two for tea and tea for two

Liz disses Austin's cooking talents

Everybody lies to me!