All asleep as I post this |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Let's Wait Until October for a Big Move:
- James practiced his veto speech (in which he saves himself).
- Meg is hoping that the upcoming HoH comp won't be physical so she can wear nice clothes for her eviction.
- Oh, this doesn't mean they've given up trying to grasp straws so that she can stay!
- It just means that they realize that it's probably going to take a miracle that Meg will make it through the week.
- No one is thinking that Thursday is a double eviction. They all think that will come about next week.
- Austin is leery of Johnny Mac.
- As he should be.
- Julia is still not keen on the idea of going up as a pawn against Meg.
- Austin told Meg that he's trying to get Vanessa to put Johnny Mac up on the block as the re-nom. He claims that John would go home over her.
- Well, yeah.
- But he's been trying to get Johnny Mac on the block all along. The Austwins wanted Vanessa to nominate Steve and Johnny Mac.
- But we know why that's not something Vanessa would even consider right now. She wants to work with Steve and Johnny Mac so THEY can break up the Austwins and she remains smelling like a rose.
- Meg and James came up with a convoluted proposal to try to save Meg -- if James wins HoH, he would put Meg up on the block with one of his targets in lieu of Vanessa, no front door or backdoor for Vanessa.
- Of course, James isn't into backdoors anyway.
- Meg went to Vanessa with the proposal and said James wouldn't only be making a promise to Vanessa, he'd be promising her (Meg). So, he would indeed do it.
- It would buy her another week.
- Vanessa listened and told Meg that she wants to talk to James in the morning before the veto meeting.
- Austin really really REALLY sucked up to James, throwing everything on Vanessa.
- Well, it was Vanessa's doing. But only Steve and Johnny Mac know the real scoop on things.
- Of course, Austin ran and reported to Vanessa every bit of everything James said -- but didn't mention he (Austin) threw Vanessa under the bus to James and Meg.
- Despite everything, I still think Julia will go up on the block with Meg and Meg will go home.
- But the double eviction might be interesting!
Everybody except ... |
James teaches Meg pool |
Johnny on the hamMAC |
Meg proposes a deal |
Meg reports to James |
Lots of college, video games and home talk |