Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Amazing Race 27: Meet the Cast Video

The good news is that the new season of The Amazing Race premieres next week!

The bad news is that it's once again scheduled for 8pm ET/PT on Friday nights. Unfortunately, I fear that a lot of the audience has gone by the wayside since the show started airing on Friday nights a few seasons back.

That said, it looks like an interesting cast this season and I'm looking forward to watching! Will you be watching the show?

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds, Final HoH Part 2 Winner - September 19

This is Vanessa on pain meds

Not that it's a big difference from Vanessa not on pain meds when she's in a napping mood! She doesn't talk as much. But, with it down to the three, she doesn't need to continually run around in paranoia. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of What Do We Do For Four Days Now?:
  • I didn't give you an update yesterday evening because nothing much happened other than lots of napping and lots of studying for the comp.
  • Oh. And lots of fussing and complaining about pain from Vanessa.
  • The big action, Part Two of the Final HoH comp didn't start until nearly 10pm their time.
  • Make that 1am my time!
  • Ack.
  • Naturally, it was blocked to the live feeds and we got Jeffish instead.
  • Am I the only one who wishes they'd just go back to the theme music in the long feeds blocks? When it was music, I could nap and when their voices took over, that would wake me up.
  • Anyway ... STEVE won Part Two of the HoH Comp.
  • He was giddy beyond belief for a while, but eventually calmed down.
  • Liz, on the other hand, was quasi-calm with occasional extended bouts of tears.
  • From their talking, it seems the comp was BB-related crossword puzzle format with them in harnesses.
  • Liz pointed out that Steve's harness left a big red mark on his lower back.
  • Steve thinks Vanessa will win Part 3.
  • Hmm. If he has the distrust of Vanessa he's voiced to us in the past and he's a true BB fan, he'd better work his butt off to win Part 3 so it's HIS choice who goes to final two.
  • I'm hoping he's not going to trust Vanessa to take him there!
  • Maybe she would, maybe not.
  • The time limit for the comp was 90 minutes. 
  • They finished it in 30.
  • Feeds were blocked for nearly 90 minutes anyway.
  • They're all asleep now.

I did it! I did it!

Sorry, feeders, I'm emotional tonight.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Friday - September 18


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sweet Strategies:
  • When I last saw the bathroom floor, that roll of toilet paper featured in my last update was still there. No one has bothered to pick it up.
  • If that was here, my cat would have taken care of that immediately!
  • The girls slept most of the day. 
  • Steve napped a lot on and off between roaming the house, mumbling and laying out candy and Froot Loops to memorize house happenings.
  • Liz eventually got up and studied, often asking Steve for answers.
  • She eventually went to her own candy plan-o-grams.
  • They're all still hurting from the candy apple comp Wednesday night.
  • Vanessa is fussing the most, then Liz, then Steve. That's the reverse order of how they came down.
  • Steve and Liz have gravitated more to hanging out together. 
  • Maybe it's because Vanessa is so out of it.
  • Maybe it's because they just might both dump Vanessa if they have the choice?
  • Over the past few days, Steve has mumbled different versions of evicting Vanessa if he wins HoH.
  • Hmm.
  • I would think, if they're thinking win, Vanessa isn't one to take with you.
  • Then again, it might behoove either Steve or Vanessa to take Liz over each other.
  • But I could be totally wrong.
  • All three had to get dressed appropriately to answer fan questions for BBAD.
  • The questions were along the line of favorite foods, what they miss from home, etc. 
  • Yawn.
  • That took up a good fifteen minutes!
  • They're sleeping.


Such fun times

Answering questions for BBAD

Maimed for life?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Dead Feeds Thursday, Survivor Cambodia Second Chance

Well, this is new and different

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Inanimate Objects:
  • I really got nuthin' for you.
  • They were awakened early (9am their time) after the exhaustion of last night's first part of the HoH comp.
  • Apparently, I'm guessing here, it was for filming the BB walk down memory lane bit as we had Jeffish for a few hours.
  • They've been conked out ever since.
  • The camera people keep focusing on odd things along with a two-cam view of sleeping hamsters.
  • More exciting is the Jeff Probst Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance cast assessment video posted below the BB still life shots!
How exciting!

Worldly, even!

The new Survivor season leads into the BB17 season finale next Wednesday night. I'll be watching. How about you?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds Final Three HoH Part 1 Endurance Comp Updates - Sept. 16

Playing a waiting game ...

Once they get started, I'll be updating this post -- refresh the page to get the latest.

It's 10:10pm ET. They finally took the time off the banner. That had been reading to stay tuned for it to start at 9:00pm ET. 

11:00pm ET - We have Jeffish interviews/highlights.

11:30pm ET - Still Jeffish 

11:43pm ET - finally ...

They're swinging on giant candy apples and dunking into red liquid. They're periodically being slammed into a wall. 

11:51pm ET - A new thing, a blast of powder. 

11:58pm ET - All three still in, by the way. Liz looks the most uncomfortable.

12:10am ET - All still in.

Steve said that it's exactly the kind of comp he's wanted -- endurance, but not overly physical, a "how bad do you want it" kind of comp.

12:24am ET - Steve slipped, now sitting directly on the apple instead of above it. He uses the dunk to get back in the right position.

12:27am ET - Although Steve had his slip (and fixed it), it really looks like Liz is having the hardest time with this comp.

12:34am ET - Finally the BB voice yelled at Steve for singing (humming). It was driving me bonkers.

12:45am ET - All three still in it.

1:00am ET -- All three still in.

1:15am ET -- All three still in. Am I a bad person for wishing one of them, any of them, will fall soon?

This is REALLY BORING. One better fall soon!

1:38am ET -- Some kind of goopy white gunk sprayed on them. All still in.

If no one is out by 2am ET, I'm going to take a nap or an outright sleep and catch up with this in a few (or four) hours. This must be one of the most boring comps they've ever done.

Steve down 12:18am PT

Vanessa wins HoH Part 1 at 12:31 their time

That's, of course, 3:31am for me! She just wore down Liz, telling her that she needed to win this part because it's the only one she'd be good at, she has a good ten more hours in her and more.