I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Insightful Big Brother Article (Not Inciteful!)
This HuffPo article is really, really long. I mean REALLY long. And, since Sheila is one of the ones speaking, I brought up an old Zoetawny GIF of her. It still stands today.
But First, an Oral History of Big Brother
But, any Big Brother fan who's invested all these seasons watching the show should give it a read. It features various hamsters from season one on asked questions regarding aspects of the game. From the day to day action (or lack thereof) to whether production takes part in the game and how it's evolved over the years. They even talk about sequester and the jury house, places we hear or see little of ... well, we see what that want us to see from the latter.
I'm not going to chime in with my thoughts at this time because you're going to have enough reading ahead of you.
But I will be in comments after you've absorbed it! See you there!
Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - September 27, 2015
Good morning! Yes, I slept in today. It was very relaxing not to have to stay up late watching the Big Brother live feeds, then get up early and flashback on the feeds, then post a report!
This is my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. For any folks new to the blog, I do this every Sunday. After all, we can't be couch potatoes watching television all day every day! Can we?
It was the first full week of actual normal temperatures here as we welcomed autumn mid-week. I love it. I'm so not a summer heat and humidity kind of person! Give me the high 60s and low 70s and I'm a happy camper.
No, I did not go camping, mind you. I returned to work after my staycation the week before. Sigh. If not for pesky things like keeping a roof over my head and the bills paid, I'd just pursue things I enjoy doing. Alas, I can't earn enough money at those things. So, work I must.
Some random stuff of the week gone by and what's ahead:
This young deer at the Bridgewater Train Station was just as interested in watching me as I was in watching her ... or him. I swear the deer must have wanted me to take her home with me or something! So curious! This was Friday on my way home from work. The whole saga in photos is after the jump.
This past week marked the two day Muslim holiday of Eid Al-Adha, otherwise known as the Festival of Sacrifice. Traditionally, the faithful would slaughter animals to feed the poor. However, I doubt that was happening at the Plainfield Islamic Center. I believe it was just the feast part! More photos of this after the jump, too.
This is my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. For any folks new to the blog, I do this every Sunday. After all, we can't be couch potatoes watching television all day every day! Can we?
It was the first full week of actual normal temperatures here as we welcomed autumn mid-week. I love it. I'm so not a summer heat and humidity kind of person! Give me the high 60s and low 70s and I'm a happy camper.
No, I did not go camping, mind you. I returned to work after my staycation the week before. Sigh. If not for pesky things like keeping a roof over my head and the bills paid, I'd just pursue things I enjoy doing. Alas, I can't earn enough money at those things. So, work I must.
Some random stuff of the week gone by and what's ahead:
- I'll be posting links and videos of the BB hamster interviews tonight and during the week.
- If you want in on our blog pool for The Amazing Race, the cut-off is tomorrow and you'll need to sign up for it on this post right here.
- If you watch The Amazing Race or Survivor, I live blog those shows and throw blog parties as they air East Coast time -- Survivor on Wednesday 8pm ET and The Amazing Race Fridays at 8pm ET. New folks are always welcome to join in on the fun!
- Today I plan on heading to nearby Westfield for their FestiFall Festival. Yes, I'll bring my camera.
- This past week wasn't too exciting. I've overloaded this week's post with photos of a deer who was extremely curious about me.
- I worked, ate, slept and paid attention to Vincent (the cat).
- I dropped off my photos for this year's photo contest at the Plainfield Public Library. This year's theme isn't really the best for me, so I'm not all that optimistic about winning any prizes. A few of the photos I would have been able to use for the theme were already submitted in previous contests and they used them on the entry forms and announcements for this year's competition.
- I noted, between the amount of riff-raff who have been constantly hanging out at the Plainfield Train Station, on the streets and apparently at the site of some sort of encampment I saw downtown ... it appears the homeless problem in town continues to grow. The folks who were hanging out on the bench on the corner of Richmond and East Front (causing the city or someone to remove the bench and put up No Loitering signs) have moved to sitting in front of the Monarch Building on the benches there.
- Yet, Omar remains gone from the train station. He must be in jail, er ... "away" again.
- That's what drugs and excessive drinking will do people.
- And, it's a reason to keep working. That's no kind of life to live.
I'm watching you ... |
This young deer at the Bridgewater Train Station was just as interested in watching me as I was in watching her ... or him. I swear the deer must have wanted me to take her home with me or something! So curious! This was Friday on my way home from work. The whole saga in photos is after the jump.
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Eid Al-Adha |
This past week marked the two day Muslim holiday of Eid Al-Adha, otherwise known as the Festival of Sacrifice. Traditionally, the faithful would slaughter animals to feed the poor. However, I doubt that was happening at the Plainfield Islamic Center. I believe it was just the feast part! More photos of this after the jump, too.
Friday, September 25, 2015
The Amazing Race 27: Season Premiere Blog Party
Are you ready for a whirlwind race around the world with all brand new teams? I am! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll post the major happenings. It's not easy for me to get all the names right in the beginning, so please bear with me. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!
If you want in on the blog pool for the season (run by the Magnificent Margo), please enter on this post linked here. Please don't ask on this season premiere post because your request might be missed. The team Philiminated tonight (if there is one) will not be included in the blog pool. The cut-off for joining the pool is Monday!
Let's GO, teams!
They're starting off on Venice Beach in California. The first destination is Rio! The team who wins a bike race (after a cab) wins the only ticket to the first flight. The others are all on the second one, a half-hour later. The team who wins this leg also wins an Express Pass. Once again, FitBit monitors have worked their way onto a show.
The bikes turn out to be water bikes. That's an interesting twist on it. Justin and Diana won the first flight ticket. The alpha male team came in last -- they broke their bike. Some of the female teams are getting a bit catty. Hmm.
Justin and Diana go for the Fast Forward which seems like it's hang-gliding.
The other teams go for the helicopter trip which will end in them having to answer a question.
Uh-oh. Due to wind conditions, the Fast Forward can't be done. Justin and Diana have to head back to the helicopters. They're going from hero to zero here. They'll be in last place. Aw, he's in tears. They're the team who has done their own replica of the race down to proposal under the Northern Lights.
Detour -- Beach soccer-volleyball or Sidewalk. Score against pro soccer players in a volleyball game or do a slide-puzzle which matches the mosaic walk.
No Roadblock this week. It's onto the Pit Stop from the beach.
Pit Stop -
1. Josh and Tanner (the alpha males) won. They get the Express Pass and, once they use it, they must give it to another team.
2. Jazmine and Danielle (best friend atheletes)
3. Cindy and Rick -- the doctor and dentist married couple
4. James Earl and his mother. (Eep ... warned you about the names!) DENISE!
5. Logan and Chris (dating)
6. Alex and Adam (the little dudes)
7. Ernest and Jin (the dancer dudes)
8. Kelsey and Joey (the dating news couple)
9. Justin and Diana. He cries again.
10. Tiffany and Krista (Cheerleaders)
Uh-oh. Phil comes to visit the last team just as they finish the puzzle. It's the TMZ gals -- Kelly and Shevonne -- PHILIMINATED!
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Big Brother 17: The Aftermath and Steve on 'The Talk'
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The Austin/Vanessa "talk" |
I want to thank all of the people who hung out here on the blog through BB17 and a special thank you to those who hit that Donate button! Unlike other sites, I don't get a percentage of the cut from live feeds and such. So, the Donate button helps make up a bit for the amount of lost sleep and such through the live feeds. It also makes me very happy to know that people are enjoying themselves here enough to make donations. I really appreciate it!
That said ... let's get to business.
I stayed up way too late last night watching all of the Jeff Schroeder backyard interviews. (Especially when I had to get up early this morning for work, then stop at the library after work and not get back home until nearly 7pm. Eek.)
I'd say almost all of them handled themselves fairly well. Some don't know their language should be G-rated in these things -- Audrey, Vanessa and Austin come to mind. Johnny Mac seemed honestly touched that Jeff had seen his guitar videos and that many fans like them. Jason was realistic and said it's back to work and living in his mother's basement. Steve was the excitable lad we all know him to be. Austin said kind words about Steve and didn't act like a jerk. He must know how to turn off the Jerk button, I guess.
Then there was Vanessa. Oh my gosh ... while I think she played the best game all season until she didn't win that final HOH, she reminded me of headache times on the live feeds. Mind you, I didn't really say I like her -- I said she played the best game through the season. Vanessa actually drove me a bit bonkers on the live feeds! She talked a mile a minute in the interview, tried to rationalize everything she did, repeated herself (over and over again) and I thought Jeff was going to go cross-eyed in a trance or something.
For a moment I thought there was going to be a brouhaha ... or a kerfuffle ... or maybe fisticuffs! Austin came and gave Vanessa a whack just as she was starting her interview with Jeff. He was a bit heated, but she begged and rationalized and he realized that Jeff had turned and they were filming this. They hugged and made up, at least for the cameras.
Over the next few days I'll be posting or linking interviews with the hamsters.
Once again, thank you all for another fun season on the blog!
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Big Brother 17: Season Finale Blog Party
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The Final Three bid adieu to us |
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Liz spelled it out, Sneaky Steve nudged it |
Before we get on with the show, we have a few bits o' bizness to attend to:
- Both the Survivor and The Amazing Race blog pools are open for signing up. Please do not sign up on this BB17 season finale post! The sign up posts are at: Survivor Blog Pool and The Amazing Race Blog Pool.
- As for this season's BB blog pool, the remaining contenders are:
Liz - Skyriverblue, jo Chapman, monty924
Steve - KelseyNY, Carrie, K
Vanessa - Chacha, Heather Reyes, T-Town Chick
As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating this post with the major events (and perhaps a few minor thoughts thrown in). Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments section! Come join in on the fun!
We have to get through the season recap first. Oy. Finally, we should be getting to the first part of the final HOH ... please! Please? Finally! We're to the swinging and dunking apple hamsters. The winner of this round skips round two and vies in part three with the winner of two. Got that?
All three are still up when a taunting voice tells them to slide down from the disks and sit right atop the apples. Please note this voice was never on the comp in the live feeds! Steve is out first. Vanessa sats that she can hang on for longer to psych out Liz ... claims she has another ten hours in her. She mouths final two at her while Steve's back is turned. Liz drops. Vanessa wins Part One!
Liz thinks she HAS to beat Steve in the next part, so she isn't trusting any deal with Vanessa.
It's onto Part Two. It's crossword puzzle format. Steve is thrilled because he likes puzzles. It's BB-related and they have to climb up to put their answers in. It's timed and Steve went first.
The time:
Steve - 28:22
Liz - 31:11
Steve wins Part Two and will go against Vanessa in Part Three!
Dr. Will's Roundtable with the jury! Yes! Johnny Mac joins them. Heh. Austin is shocked that Liz is working with Vanessa against Johnny Mac. Will brings up that he's being hypocritical. Heh. Jackie and Shelli talk about how much Vanessa is playing the game. James thinks she's been playing very well. Austin and Becky seem bitter.
Shelli thinks Steve did brilliantly social. Johnny Mac calls him a rat. Julia thinks he's cowardly. Jackie thinks highly of Liz's game. James thinks Liz should win because she's in the house and they're all out there. Johnny Mac thinks other people (Vanessa) ran Liz's game.
Final Part of the Final HoH Comp! Vaness and Steve are on Scales of Just Us, have to prove how well they know the jury. A statement with two possible endings. Eight questions.
1. Steve 1, Vanessa 0
2. Both wrong
3. Both right
4. Both right
5. Both wrong
6. Both right
7. Vanessa right. A tie.
To the living room. Steve EVICTS VANESSA! He went on about her being such a strong player and the move he had to make. Liz is in shock.
Vanessa admits to Julie that she wasn't going to take Steve to the final two had she won HoH.
Julie introduces the jury for the interrogation. They're happy to see Vanessa join them. They've agreed to three questions.
Johnny Mac - You relied on me or Vanessa for all you decisions. Tell me why I'm wrong. They can't hear him in the studio. We can. He defends making the friendships, split the twin twist, work with Jackie, etc.
Becky - Liz, Austin created and influenced your strategy. What was your strategy? Liz says she aligned with Austin and Vanessa, target on back, did own campaigning.
James - Steve, sitting next to a player while you floated. Steve denies floating. Steve is defending himself quite well.
Liz - Biggest game move as individual? Aligning with strong competitors. (Um, individual?)
Jackie - Biggest function was a vote. Dang, he's being so well-spoken. The kid is prepared.
Austin - Why do you deserve to win the money over Steve? The twin disadvantage, want the money.
Well, Steve certainly after his initial nervousness, answered very well. Liz, not so much.
Final Plea time.
Liz - Not a big gamer, grew to love the game, Julia, incredible summer, three wins.
Steve - Prepared speech, played the game while Liz was in hotel, four HoH reigns, made moves making his own decisions, Liz followed others.
Voting time.
Shelli, loves both. Voting with heart.
Jackie - Congrats, proud of both, one who dreamed of it their entire life.
Becky - One person I'm proud to vote for.
Meg - Heart is torn, give credit to big moves.
James - Both amazing, let Jesus take the wheel.
Julia - My vote is obvious, but I love you both
Austin - Liz, love you. Steve, proud of you, Heart wants what it wants.
Johnny Mac - Choose between worst alliance ever member, can't think of insult for Liz.
Vanessa - No offense Steve, my vote goes for the person who I think best represents what this season stood for.
Non-jury hamsters time on stage. Da'Vonne disses Austin. Heh. Vanessa admits to being a millionaire poker player. Yawn. Jason gives Vanessa kudos for maneuvering through the game but disses her for not owning her game. Audrey is having time of her life, warm responses, gets teary.
The vote reveal --
Vanessa - Liz
Johnny Mac - Steve
Austin - Liz
Julia - Liz
James - Steve
Meg - Steve
Becky - Steve
Jackie - Steve
STEVE WINS BB17! Shelli also voted Steve.
Favorite Houseguest -- Johnny Mac, James and Jason.
JAMES wins favorite houreguest.
Steve says he'll spend the money wisely and didn't expect to win.
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