Wednesday, August 17, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Wednesday - August 17

Long boring Paul/Paulie talk.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Boring Bakers:
  • ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • Most slept.
  • There were long small talk sessions with Paulie and Michelle, Paul and Paulie, Paulie and both Michelle and Paulie.
  • Michelle asked Paulie what he thinks about make-up on girls.
  • Michelle and Paulie talked about towns with the same names in Michigan and New Jersey.
  • Paul and Paulie talked about running businesses -- Paul's "fashion" one and Paulie's gym.
  • You get where this is going, right?
  • Nowhere.
  • Hopefully things will perk up today. 
  • We know tomorrow night will bring me some new fodder!

Michelle screws up cookie baking.

Nicole is worried, but he feels secure this week.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - August 16

Enjoying the pool before lockdown.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Both Bored and Boring:
  • It was so boring in the BB18 house today!
  • How boring was it?
  • I actually watched Victor clipping his fingernails, mesmerized by his preciseness and wishing he had shown the camera a close-up of the finished product.
  • Well, maybe I'm embellishing a bit.
  • But I did watch him clip his fingernails for a couple of minutes.
  • It was either that or James napping.
  • They snacked.
  • They napped.
  • Victor and Paulie talked about how much more fun it could be if they all stayed awake more.
  • Paul did his secret agent rounds in between naps.
  • Paulie baked his pies on order.
  • Lots of small talk.
  • Natalie is worried that she won't be able to do the HoH comp on Thursday because her neck hurts more today than it did yesterday.
  • I still don't quite know how she hurt her neck in the shower.
  • Paulie and Victor worked out.
  • The others did not work out.
  • They need their rest, y'see.
  • They're not allowed to talk about the concert the other day. 
  • James started to try to make a pie with Paulie's supplies and BB yelled at him to stop it. 
  • So he went to nap some more.
  • Paulie made a pie dressed only in his apron.
  • The sight almost gave Michelle a heart attack. She quickly retreated.
  • Paulie's begging has calmed way down.
  • But he did take the time to tell James he could stay if he had his and Natalie's votes.
  • Ha.
  • He'll have their votes, alright.
  • Votes to LEAVE, that is!
  • Victor did a puppet show using Baldwin, Corey's patriot-tard stuffed hand puppet eagle.
  • I don't think my heart can take more of this excitement tonight.
  • In the morning, I'll bring you a new breathtaking live feeds report!

Day napping. The struggle is real.

The smaller table has arrived

What if he has the round trip ticket?

BB18: Live Feeds into Tuesday - August 16

Block bros

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pies and Spies:
  • Well, that was a boring late night.
  • Most went to sleep early, with a small snack crowd of James, Natalie, Paul and Paulie enjoying chips and pie in the wee hours.
  • It seems like Paulie has finished making his rounds of begging.
  • For now.
  • Victor will be really well-rested for the upcoming HoH comp (in which he can't compete) if he keeps sleeping so much in the solitude of the HoH room.
  • Nicole thinks that she and Corey have been unfairly targeted -- they've never done any of the manipulating and have won practically nothing.
  • Paulie can't understand why James went for the $5,000 instead of the veto because five grand is nothing!
  • Um, maybe it's a large sum to James. He doesn't earn a fortune, has a daughter to think about, pays for the roof over his head ...
  • ... and maybe, just maybe Paulie ... he did not want to win the veto! Why would he want to put himself in that situation knowing whatever he did with it, somebody would be mad at him?
  • Paulie also railed James (to Nicole and Corey) about knowing about the blindside in the double eviction and not telling them.
  • So, I guess everything is back to being James's fault in Paulie's twisted way of thinking.
  • Nothing is his fault.
  • He didn't win too many comps, putting a target on his back.
  • He didn't use a showmance as a mockery.
  • He didn't use his friends to put people on the block who threatened his game, not theirs.
  • Paulie once again extolled how great he can be at any comp they throw his way -- mental and physical.
  • After all, Victor's win this time was a crapshoot comp.
  • Paulie's latest mood of the moment is that he realizes he's going home, so he needs to "coach" Nicole and Corey.
  • Hey, if he can't influence the rest of them to do his bidding, maybe he can have success with the two.
  • Nicole told Michelle that she met Paulie once before the season. Apparently he made no real impression on her at the time. We got fish.
  • Michelle told Nicole that Paulie asked her to open her ticket envelope. She refused. They know that the last ticket will play on Thursday. I would guess it's probably safe for anyone not on the block to open theirs ... but not advisable and they're probably not supposed to open them before then. If she has the return trip ticket, Paulie would never leave her alone!
  • It sounds like the backyard concert/whatever had prizes and Paulie won some "cool crap" during it.
  • Maybe that's why he's not moping as much.
  • Michelle and Nicole discovered they only live about an hour apart.
  • Paulie doesn't like Jewish kids from North Jersey.
  • Y'see, you have to understand New Jersey is a bit odd. It's not a huge state, but it is the most densely populated one. Most of that population is in Central and North Jersey. South Jersey is like another world. Paulie is from Monmouth County, kind of shore/southish away from the main population. He's from the land of the shore and thoroughbred horse farms. North and Central Jersey are more metropolitan and more diverse. Yet Paulie's New Jersey is his world rather than the majority of the state.
  • Oh, well.
  • We're one day closer to eviction!

Paulie giving advice

Every pie gets better!

Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man ...

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday Evening, PoV Meeting - August 15

Can you bake an apple pie, Charming Paulie?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pitiful Paulie:
  • Despite his initial refusal threats with the pie baking punishment, Paulie's has been reluctantly baking pies.
  • I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't thought of spitting in them.
  • He is so not a happy camper.
  • Before the veto meeting, Paulie went on to Paul how, if saved, he would play his game to help him, lay down on the grenade if need be, sick aunt, and blah-blah-blah.
  • Pretty much the same talk he kept going for with Victor, except he wanted Victor to remove Corey from the block and put up Natalie.
  • Paul got his swimming Secret Agent Man costume -- it looks like they just cut the sleeves and the legs off the suit.
  • The Veto Meeting was held early.
  • Guess what?
  • Victor didn't use the veto and Paulie and Corey remain on the block!
  • How's that for a surprise?
  • Paulie thinks by approaching everyone begging for one more week and telling them it will be good for their games will work.
  • Um.
  • No.
  • Nicole went and told Paulie that she thinks Victor should have taken his deal.
  • Please don't encourage him!
  • Victor doesn't want to hear it anymore. His patience is wearing thin.
  • Paulie is still saying he won't stay in the jury house.
  • Paulie approached James and Natalie, making the same offers of working for them, will lay on the grenade when they tell him to, sick aunt, etc.
  • Victor got a notice from the Diary Room, gathered everyone together for an announcement.
  • The feeds were blocked for it, but we find these things out from later conversations anyway.
  • There's going to be a Ziggy Marley backyard concert for them!
  • (There's your Friday night show fodder.)
  • Uh-oh. Natalie hurt her neck or back in the shower somehow.
  • The feeds were blocked for the concert.
  • When they came back, Paulie's still begging.
  • Corey is ticked that Paulie is playing the sick aunt card.
  • And on it goes ...

Waving his flag while the pie bakes

The tailor must have made alterations

The Candy Corn Safety Witch

If he asks me one more time ...!

It's a game, Paulie, a GAME.

Monday, August 15, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds Overnight into Monday - August 15

He leads a life of danger

Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Imminent Idiocy:
  • While Pathetic Paulie made his first BB pie on demand, he balked on the second.
  • After all, "Can't a man work out?"
  • Well, obviously, just judging on his behavior lately, he's yet to reach the "man" threshold. Yeah, boy, go make that pie!
  • He made a show of ignoring the BB voice and requests.
  • This SHOULD result in penalty votes.
  • Not that penalty votes will matter when there's no chance for him to stay this week and he keeps alienating people more and more.
  • Even Corey seems to be growing weary of trying to talk him into behaving like an adult instead of a spoiled little child who didn't get his way.
  • Corey, like James before him, reminded Paulie it's a GAME. He said he knows that unless he wins HoH, he's the next target. Corey told him the show fans don't want to see him acting this way.
  • (Actually, evil mean person that I am, I'm kind of enjoying seeing the meltdown.) 
  • I think Corey talked more to pep Paulie up than I've seen him talk all season.
  • Paulie eventually made the second pie, waving his little flag for the entire time it took to bake and fussing that no one ate the first one.
  • Of course, Paulie's disobedience of the BB production got them all talking about it. 
  • "You are NOT allowed to talk about production!"
  • Okay, I won't.
  • Paulie thinks he can convince Victor that he wants to put James up if he (Paulie) wins HoH.
  • What part of YOU WON'T WIN HOH BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING EVICTED THIS WEEK does he not understand?
  • Paulie's latest thing, other than he wanted the win money to pay off his parents' house, is that his aunt has cancer.
  • @@
  • No one believes him.
  • As a matter of fact, it's giving them even more ammo against him.
  • Michelle gave Corey kudos for convincing Paulie to do the second pie.
  • We'll see how the future pies go.
  • Paul is having a ball with his secret agent punishment.
  • But, to give Paulie a wee bit of credit, the secret agent gig is more fun than making pies.
  • That's all the credit he gets from me. Bake those pies!
  • Natalie, Victor and Paul talked about Paulie being a sore loser.
  • Y'THINK?!?!?!
  • Paulie revolves from saying he's "checked out" of the game, won't stay in jury to he's playing the game for his sick aunt.
  • We have another three days of this ahead.
  • The veto meeting is today.
  • It's just about 100% that the nominations will remain the same. 
  • For those who don't know the Secret Agent Man lines I've been quoting, check the song out. Paul would get a kick out of the song, too!

The crying jags have stopped

Baldwin's beak comes in handy

Paulie Pie Boy also has a flag to wave

I gave him more of a chance than he gave me