Friday, August 26, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds - Nominations - August 26

This is just a quickie post tonight --
  • Corey won the care package giving him the ability to bribe another hamster.
  • Nominations are finally in ... Michelle and Paul are on the block.
That's all for now!

BB18: Live Feeds into Friday - August 26

Maybe safe. Maybe not.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Stupid Moves:
  • For those who didn't read my live posting of the HoH Endurance Comp -- it was down to Nicole and James. Nicole fussed about a letter from home. James GAVE her the win. Nicole is HoH. Victor outlasted the other jurors, so he's back in the house ... yet again.
  • Silly boy.
  • Had Nicole not taken James's lead by squatting on the ledge, he probably would have won. But he doesn't have a copyright on it, y'know.
  • Paul immediately went to work on Corey, pledging allegiance, claiming he and Victor will work with them, have never been sketchy, on and on.
  • Now, who could have predicted that would happen?
  • Oh. All of us.
  • And, Corey's buying what Paul's selling.
  • Who could have predicted that?
  • Oh. All of us once again.
  • Nicole is just as taken. She tells Corey that, no matter who she does put up, it will NOT be Paul.
  • We all know the one person she wants out of the house the most ... Michelle.
  • Not long after the comp completed, she was saying Michelle or Victor.
  • Later, she changed her tune to solely Michelle out.
  • But Paul and his parrot Victor are trying to sell James as the sketchy big threat. 
  • Mind you, Natalie (of Natalie and James) bought Victor's story pre-eviction that he's not with Paul anymore.
  • If these hamsters are gullible enough to be taken by Paul (and Victor), they will deserve to lose to Paul (and Victor), I say.
  • Nicole is trying to figure a way to get Michelle out, make Natalie/James and Victor/Paul happy.
  • She wants James to stay in the game to go after Paul. Or even, Victor. But, definitely Paul.
  • Even though she promised Natalie safety in her deal with James on the wall, her thoughts are to put up Natalie and Michelle, with Michelle being the target.
  • She wants to say if she puts up either Victor or Paul with Michelle, she knows that James and Natalie would vote out whichever guy.
  • By putting Natalie up, it's more of a guarantee that Michelle will go home.
  • Unless, of course, Michelle wins PoV.
  • Gotta think about that.
  • Corey is definitely more into Paul's pleas to get rid of James than is Nicole.
  • He's talked more overnight than he has in the last two months.
  • Meanwhile, Michelle thinks Paul's talking about her, demeaning her and being cruel to her.
  • So, she cries.
  • I'm so over Michelle. If she gets the boot this week, good riddance!
  • If Paul and Victor continue on in the game against James, Natalie, Nicole and Corey ... well, they made their bed.
  • Paul went on a rant about James and Natalie, wanting to split them up.
  • That was to us. With his talks to Nicole and Corey, he was a bit more diplomatic ... but still stressed James and Natalie.
  • Well, James did this to himself by giving Nicole the comp.
  • It looks like Nicole will nominate Natalie and Michelle, with the target being Michelle.
  • It's unsure who would go up if veto is won and one is saved.
  • But it very likely could be Jamesy.
  • He just might have blown his game.
  • Oh, wait. Now Nicole is saying she doesn't want to put Natalie on the block and just needs to convince Paul/Victor that Michelle needs to go instead of James.
  • Oh my.

Oh, James ... why? Silly boy.

She got her stupid letter

And Michelle cried

Snake oil salesman at work

We need to make everyone happy except Michelle

Thursday, August 25, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds HoH Endurance Comp Coverage - August 25

When the live feeds return, this post will be constantly updated with happenings and screencaps from the live HoH endurance competition.

10:05pm ET - Feeds still blocked.
10:06pm ET - Feeds on.

10:12pm ET - All still in.
Wait -- Da'Vonne and Zakiyah aren't there.

10:16pm ET - Corey goes down.

10:25pm ET - All still in except Corey, Zakiyah and Da'Vonne. Scratch that - Bridgette went out just as I posted. And Paulie ALMOST fell. (Wish he had!)

10:30pm ET - Still just Corey, then Bridgette out, apparently Da'Vonne fell off off feeds, then Zakiyah. And, as the following screencap shows, it's not a good day for mascara.

10:36pm ET -- Paulie, Victor, Paul, Nicole and James still in it.


10:41pm ET -- Victor goes down, but he's back in the house! (To cheers from them.)

The final three in the comp

10:55pm ET -- Nicole, Paul and James hanging in.
11:00pm ET -- The three still in. Paul looks a bit shaky and is quiet for a change. Nicole looks uncomfortable. James looks solid.

11:10pm ET -- All three still in. Paul seems in pain and having trouble with his right hand. Nicole is a slight bit shaky. James squats every time the wall leans and looks like he could go for hours. Nicole is trying the squat technique.

11:27pm ET - PAUL IS OUT. It's down to Nicole and James. I'm sure a deal can be made.

Nicole is trying the same thing Natalie did with Victor -- "I just want a letter from home." James wants to do a "fourth wall comp." He wants off slop, too. They've already promised each other (and Natalie and Corey) safety.

11:55pm ET -- James gave into her begging and dropped. Grr.


BB18: Live Eviction, HoH Start Show Blog Party - August 25

Are we ready for this? I know I'm SO ready!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

Here are the blog pool picks going into tonight's show:

Natalie Negrotti - Sharon N, Jackie P, QuixoticElf, Orkmommy
Corey Brooks - Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Barbara B. W., Dierdre, Cheryl in NC
Paul Abrahamian - Jackie, Arf Barf, WolfpackRed, chrob61
Michelle Meyer - Rich, Chase, Glenn, Anonymouse, Delee
Nicole Franzel - Kelsey NY, Grove Wiley, Nickelpeed, Sharon C  
James Huling - Becky, Donna in Alabama, Sharon S, Willie J
Victor Arroyo - Helenann2K, RBennie, Janice, Monty924

Glenn Garcia
Jozea Flores - Sasha, Merrilee, Tammy, Petals, JonMD1267
Bronte D'Acquisto - Jean in Tampa, elee86, Russ, Cheryl, Donna in FL
Tiffany Rousso - meb, SueGee, David, Jessica UNderwood
Frank Eudy - Dr_Celine, Dennis Comfort, Stephanie in Baltimore, PDX Granny

Da'Vonne Rogers - Donna in Alabama, uncartie, MarthaLight, Donna NY
Zakiyah Everette - Tilde, Jo C, Jenng326, Ayana, jennifer
Bridgette Dunning - Brian, Indiana Jane, Caela, Chauncey, Paula Bell
Paulie Calafiore - Joel, Chacha, Sally, Ed In Ohio, Buzzmaam

Let's get this party started!

The excitement should start after the recap. Oh, good ... they're going to show Paulie entering the jury house. (Now he just needs to stay there!) Julie tells us that the jurors will compete in an epic battle of endurance and the winner will return to the house.

James's vote will determine which side of the house he and Natalie are really on. Paul is more paranoid than is Victor. Victor thinks he and Paul need to figure out a way to keep him in the house over Corey. Paul tells Victor to "betray" him in talks with Nicole and Corey. Paul wants to act like Nicole and Corey are his new best friends and wants James to see that. While Paul does his best buddies act, Victor tries to convince James, Michelle and Natalie that he's over Paul and will work with them. He claims if he wins HoH, he'd put Paul on the block.

Paulie goes to jury! They scream with delight to see he got evicted, not that they want to live with him. He calls them catty and petty. They are ganging up on him. It sucks to be him, right? BWAHAHAHA! Zakiyah stands up to him, they all walk out on him. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

To the living room --
Victor - Love parents, great summer, I'm loyal, hope you vote to keep me.
Corey - Loyal, honest game, etc.

The votes to evict:
Nicole - Victor
Paul - Corey
James - Victor

Victor is evictored once again. Everybody left him nice goodbye messages, telling him Paul was the target this week, not him.

Now he gets the chance to compete with the other jury members to return to the house ... after commercial messages!

The jury gets word that they will battle against each other, last standing will reenter the house. Zakiyah is avoiding Paulie.

Julie gathers the hamsters in the living room. Tells them they will ALL be competing in an epic battle with the five jurors alongside them. If the winning juror is the last one, they could be HoH.

BTW - I'll be creating a separate post to cover the HoH Endurance Comp on the live feeds after this live show ends.

Welcome to Loch Ness -- they're on a wall platforms. The yard is done up with a moat and a huge fake Loch Ness monster. Typical wall action, leaning. There's some kind of mist. Supposedly the monster is upset and shooting them with water and wiggling them.

BB18: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 25

Likes to prank her Jamesy

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dastardly Deceit:
  • The more things change, the more they remain the same.
  • Paul is still telling lies that he'll work with Nicole and Corey if/when Victor is evicted.
  • The truth there is as James sees it ... Paul will work with whomever holds the power as he'll be a lone wolf in the game.
  • Meanwhile, Victor is trying to convince Michelle and Natalie that he'll work with them, he's not cool with Paul anymore, yada-yada-yada.
  • He claims, if he stays and wins HoH, he'll nominate Nicole and Paul.
  • Now, both Natalie and Michelle would be happy with the Paul nom (that in reality won't happen if he stays) and Michelle would be overjoyed with a Nicole nomination.
  • But, of course, Paul and Victor are still cool and these are their attempts to keep Victor in the house.
  • James sees right through them and had separate talks with Natalie/Michelle and Corey/Nicole.
  • So, they're all onto them.
  • They're not holding the efforts against Victor. He's been approaching them respectfully, pleasantly and generally being a good guy in the house.
  • On the other hand, there's Paul.
  • Remember ... Paul is Victor's "social game."
  • Poor Victor if he had had to depend on that!
  • Paul's lies to all are evident to all.
  • They're nodding to him, but they all know what he's doing.
  • In a talk with Corey/Nicole, James once again said that, after Paul goes, it needs to be Michelle.
  • Nicole wants Michelle out mainly because she knows Michelle is trying to get her out.
  • "If I get evicted, I want it to be strategic, not personal emotion," says she.
  • There is a lot of speculation about the upcoming care package. They're all guessing wrong.
  • Paul and Corey have been making separate begs for the package.
  • At this point, it looks like most agree with James that the numbers and dateline don't support a returning juror.
  • They're wrong there, too.
  • I can't see James's vote changing. It will be Victor going out tonight. 
  • But who will be coming back in?

They're playing us. Victor needs to go.

I like you, Victor.

I'd target Paul and Nicole. (Yeah, right.)