Friday, September 16, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Friday Evening - September 16

Paul is really bored

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Why Are We Being Tortured With This Boredom:
  • Basically, nothing has happened.
  • Nothing.
  • Lots of small talk.
  • Some Nicole getting her feathers ruffled by both real and imagined slights.
  • Lots of comp talks.
  • Some comp studying.
  • Yet, no comp.
  • The second part of the HoH MIGHT play out tonight, but no guarantees.
  • If it does, the feeds will probably be blocked for it.
  • Paul has said he's bored 745 times today.
  • I might be embellishing that a bit. 

Nicole paints her toenails

James is bored

They're all bored

BB18: HoH Part One, Final Three Reminisce Show Blog Party - September 16

What to we want? Hamsters! When do we want them? Now!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

Don't forget! If you want to sign up for the blog pool for Survivor (premiering the same night BB ends), you need to sign up on this linked post. The cut-off for signing up is approaching!

On with the show ... and the blog party! 

Starting off with a recap, like always! 

Lots of final three positioning and celebration. Nicole finds Corey's dog pillow and is feeling sad. Oh, geez. Poor baby.


James stands at the tall table and talks final two with Paul. Cut to another final two talk with them. Then Paul talks to Nicole about being in the final two with her. Oh, my. What webs we weave ... 

James tells us he plans to honor the final two. Nicole tells us she's not sure it's in her best interest.

Champagne brunch, memories time with the tiny table. 

Clips of crying, freaking out and Paulie reacting to a butterfly. Into a Paulie being obnoxious clips set. James pranking and others pranking him clips ... much better than obnoxious Paulie!

Diary Room clips. Onto showmances and the bromance. Victor coaching James in Spanish so he can use it on Natalie. Onto COReeeee! (And Nicole)

Onto the memories of the other hamsters -- Bridgette and her basil plant, Mr. Jenkins. Onto a Michelle segment. Next up, Victor's laugh (which annoys me to no end). Paul being obnoxious segment. 

Onto a segment reminding me of the death toll on Talking Dead. 

HoH Comp Part One -- They're dressed like cats, the lawn has a giant litter box, bowls and a couch. They chase laser lights and must climb up on ramps. Last cat standing goes to Part Three. We only see the start of it and the show ends. (My feeds report from yesterday has the winner listed.)

Thursday, September 15, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Thursday Evening - September 15

She has Corey's doggie pillowcase!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dragging Days:
  • BB woke them up way early (for them) to have their champagne brunch memory "walk" for the season.
  • That, of course, was blocked to the live feeds.
  • They were still imbibing champagne (mostly Paul) and snacking on food when the feeds returned.
  • Paul made a huge 22 year old boy kind of deal about how drunk he was. 
  • To me, it looked like, unless they had other bottles, they really didn't drink a lot of champagne.
  • But, I guess I should say to his credit that I don't drink champagne -- something about the bubbles seems to make me woozier than actual hard liquor.
  • They pretty much have nothing to do except eat, drink champagne, nap or play cards.
  • Heck, even the kitchen looks cleaner than it ever did when Victor was there! There isn't a ton of food left out among cleaning supplies all over.
  • James and Nicole washed up all the dishes from the caterer and put them in the supply room. That was James's idea and he did most of the dishwashing.
  • Paul sat and drank some more.
  • They rehashed comps, memories of the season, what and whom they expect at the wrap party and yada-yada-yada.
  • They napped.
  • They played cards.
  • Most of their time was spent together or napping, so there wasn't much insight to end games except ...
  • ... in a few moments alone, Paul and Nicole talked about going to the final two together. Nicole told Paul she'd never take James.
  • (We know that Nicole told James that he needs to throw Part 2 of the HoH comp to her and she has a better chance of winning the last part against Paul and she will pick him -- James -- for the final two.)
  • I'm kind of up in the air what she does plan to do. Obviously, she can't take both to the final two.
  • I do think Paul just might take her to the final two.
  • I don't think James will be in any position to take anyone, but has a good chance of one of them taking him.
  • They still have no clue about the schedule changes for the television show from now until the finale.
  • I think that Part Two will probably happen tomorrow. But, with no show on Sunday or Tuesday, it could happen later as it probably won't air until finale night. 

James always stands at that table

"I'm SO drunk!" - 11am-ish their time

They got the tiny table

BB18: Live Feeds, HoH Part 1 Results - September 15

Pre-comp jitters

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Tenacious Trio:
  • They didn't start the comp until way late.
  • And, of course, they blocked it to the live feeds.
  • I remember years ago that this, the final HoH Part One, would actually play out on the live feeds.
  • This season, they've played out most HoH comps past the live show and aired them on the live feeds, thus pushing the CBS All Access for the live feeds.
  • But, you get to an important comp at the end?
  • Nah. We're not gonna let you see it!
  • It was physical, as expected. Something about them swinging from a rope. And, James made a comment that men shouldn't be expected to spread their legs that wide.
  • Hmm.
  • Paul had on a form-fitting body suit which first gave me the impression he was naked.
  • But I saw no tattoos. So, I realized he had on clothes of some sort.
  • PAUL was the winner of the first part.
  • So, Nicole and James will go up against each other in the second part (which should be in the next day or so). The winner of the second part will go up against Paul in the third part live on the finale next Wednesday.
  • Paul is playing both of the others to work his way into the final two.
  • It's to the point that I think he'll take Nicole if he wins part three.
  • He comes across a lot more sincere when he talks to her.
  • Of course, he's schmoozing up James, too. He thinks he has a final two deal with him as well.
  • But then there's the deal that James and Nicole have, possibly (probably?) dating back pre-season. They have a final two deal, too.
  • It seems to me that James would be the one to take for either of them. 
  • Both Paul and Nicole have played stronger games with a mix of social and comp wins.
  • James threw comps and now can't seem to win them if he tries. Plus, he spent most of the season cuddling with Natalie and sleeping.  The best he could get against either of them is second place.
  • I think both Paul and Nicole know that.
  • On a side note: During one of the feeds blocks (it's Jeff and Jordan), Jordan pronounces the W in sword. Heh.
  • When Nicole and James were alone, he said he'd be throwing the next comp to her. (Still throwing comps.) She promised him 100% that she would take him to the final two.
  • Now, that's assuming that Paul won't win that final comp.
  • He just might. 

Lost yet another comp

Is working both sides

Pablo's lesser cousin Luis

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

BB18: Nominations, PoV, Eviction Show Blog Party - September 14

Are we ready for this? I know I'm SO ready!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be constantly updating this entry. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

Don't forget! If you want to sign up for the blog pool for Survivor (premiering the same night BB ends), you need to sign up on this linked post. Merci!

Here are the blog pool picks going into tonight's show:

Corey Brooks - Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Barbara B. W., Dierdre, Cheryl in NC
Paul Abrahamian - Jackie, Arf Barf, WolfpackRed, chrob61
Nicole Franzel - Kelsey NY, Grove Wiley, Nickelpeed, Sharon C  
James Huling - Becky, Donna in Alabama, Sharon S, Willie J

Glenn Garcia
Jozea Flores - Sasha, Merrilee, Tammy, Petals, JonMD1267
Bronte D'Acquisto - Jean in Tampa, elee86, Russ, Cheryl, Donna in FL
Tiffany Rousso - meb, SueGee, David, Jessica UNderwood
Frank Eudy - Dr_Celine, Dennis Comfort, Stephanie in Baltimore, PDX Granny

Da'Vonne Rogers - Donna in Alabama, uncartie, MarthaLight, Donna NY
Zakiyah Everette - Tilde, Jo C, Jenng326, Ayana, jennifer
Bridgette Dunning - Brian, Indiana Jane, Caela, Chauncey, Paula Bell
Paulie Calafiore - Joel, Chacha, Sally, Ed In Ohio, Buzzmaam
Michelle Meyer - Rich, Chase, Glenn, Anonymouse, Delee
Natalie Negrotti - Sharon N, Jackie P, QuixoticElf, Orkmommy
Victor Arroyo - Helenann2K, RBennie, Janice, Monty924

Let's get this party started!

Julie reminds us that it's the most important veto of the summer and then we're into the recap.

An emotions run high segment. Well, duh. Paul cries over his HoH win. Poor little Paul also cries to us in the Diary Room. A flashback to James and Paul talking the night before about splitting up Corey and Nicole. Paul cries some more in the Diary Room.

Nominations ceremony - Paul nominates Corey, then Nicole. He tells them that strategically it makes the most sense because they're such a strong couple. 

Julie promises us a segment on "the most explosive jury house ever." Huh. Maybe the cameras should have been in there -- the feeds have been boring for the past few weeks! 

Jury - Apparently Zakiyah was stupid enough to hook back up with Paulie. They're separate from the others. Natalie arrives. She says she would have saved James with the veto. Paulie speaks up saying that the girls in there are passive-aggressive after it was mentioned he didn't save Zakiyah. Da'Vonne lights into him. He goes and brings up her daughter. A handler has to come out to take Da'Vonne away. Then Da'Vonne gets into it with Zakiyah. Eep. 

Then Victor arrives a few days later. They didn't want to see him, but they all kind of like him. 

Veto comp time -- It's baseball-themed. It's a dates/events comp, they have to step on bases to advance the day counts. "Cover Your Bases." Three outs (wrong answers) and they're out. James got an out on the first question. James has his second out. James is out first. Nicole has one out. Corey has one out. Nicole has a second out. Nicole has three outs and she's out of the game. Corey has two outs. Paul has his first out. Paul has his second out. They're tied.

PAUL wins the final veto of the summer! 

Now Corey cries in the Diary Room. 

Live veto meeting and eviction time. No time for speeches. Paul does not use the veto. James will be the only vote. 

Eviction plea:
Corey -- Corey very nice. 
Nicole -- Gushes about Corey.

James votes to evict Corey, loves them both, though.  

The next show is FRIDAY. The first part of the HoH will be shown then.